December 10, 2008, - 3:26 pm

Please, No. No-no-no-no-no. Don’t Even Think About It

By Debbie Schlussel
Out of business school (which I went to after graduating from law school), my first job was as an assistant counsel at a large insurance company in north central Wisconsin. It was a nightmare. A complete culture clash for them and for me. My secretary made it a point to tell me right away that I wasn’t the first Jew she ever met, that she had had exposure to “those people” on “The Nanny” and “Seinfeld.”
“Those people whine a lot,” she told me. It didn’t matter that this town and my secretary’s family were literally the poster children for inbreeding. It’s the whining by comedians on TV that’s the prob. Well, the actress who played the Nanny actually is a problem.
Yes, Fran Drescher. Unfortunately, the unelected ambassador of my people to remote Wisconsin was this walking vessel of the worst stereotypes of Jews all put together in one bad paper mache and plastic surgery project.


Fran Drescher: Please, No Nanny State Senators!

I find the woman to be an embarrassment, not to mention an uber-annoyance.
And now she thinks she should be a U.S. Senator, replacing Hillary Clinton:

It’s no laaaaugh, reaaaaaly!
Comedic actress Fran Drescher wants to go from playing nasally New Yawkers in films like Saturday Night Fever and sitcoms like The Nanny to representing New York in the U.S. Senate.
Publicist Jordan Brown delivered the straight line that Drescher is really, really serious about the seat held by Secretary of State-designate Hillary Rodham Clinton. Brown cited Drescher’s experience as an actress, advocate for women’s health and public diplomacy envoy for the U.S. State Department.
The 51-year-old This is Spinal Tap actress joins a field headed by Caroline Kennedy.

No, really.
I’m not sure who would be worse–her or Caroline Kennedy. Either way Drescher would be great material, as I’m sure she’d insert her stiletto into her mouth on a daily basis. First projects: Free nationalized rhinoplasty for everyone! A silicone boob in every pot.
Just call her, Senator Yenta.
Not Exactly Senate Material . . .

8 Responses

One thing Debbie, Drescher would make a great poster girl for “the Nanny state.”

BB on December 10, 2008 at 3:42 pm

YYYIIIIII — when I got to the middle of this post I thought, well, if Al Franken can get elected, or near-elected, fraud or otherwise, why can’t Fran Dreschler? But then, I got to the part where her advocacy is considered to be a qualification for the Senate.
This opens the way for even more degeneration of American politics, if such a thing is possible. If advocacy by celebrities is qualification for high office, think of all the loudmouths in Hollywood & New York. Are their ravings preparing them for Congress or Governorships? Will we see Sean Penn, Barbara Streisand, etc. running for high office or getting appointed to high positions? Not just meaningless ravings anymore, but preparation for high office.

c f on December 10, 2008 at 4:00 pm

Yeah, but she beats the hell out of Hillary in a dress!!

Dogma on December 10, 2008 at 10:16 pm

She was nice looking in her time.

perdogg on December 11, 2008 at 12:34 am

I don’t vote for “eye candy” for Senate. Perhaps Drescher was denigrating what Congress has become by offering herself as a candidate.
As far as culture clash goes – my wife’s family is from LI and Queens and they all sound like Drescher. They just do not act like her. They did have problems with my accent, which is something between Al Gore and Shelby Foote.

chsw on December 11, 2008 at 12:44 pm

Debbie, you are so predictable. I would like to see FD in the Senate. She would be no less fit for office than any of the clowns in her party. She likes Israel, and probably has lots of jewish friends. I’m not aware she has implants, but that could only help. The modern Kennedys have done enough damage to the republic.

Anonymous1 on December 11, 2008 at 8:54 pm

no thanks

Kez on December 13, 2008 at 1:39 am

no thanks

Kez on December 13, 2008 at 1:40 am

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