February 25, 2007, - 3:45 pm

OUTRAGE: Gitmo “Documentary” Filmmakers THANK Lackawanna 6 Terrorists @ Awards Show

No surprise that Oscar day is the day for incessant crazy news about extremist Hollywood.
The makers of the fake “documentary,” “The Road to Guantanamo” (in which Islamic terrorist inmates’ version of events is re-enacted and portrayed as the truth–but they gloss over what they were doing fighting in Afghanistan on behalf of Qaeda) just won an Independent Spirit Award for Best Documentary. Writes reader Debra:

Acceptance speech dedicated the award to the Lackawanna 6. Must be seen to be beloved.

Actually, if you saw it, you’d see why they love the Lackawanna 6, who pled guilty to training at an Al-Qaeda terrorist training camp and who were U.S.-born Muslim citizens plotting against America.

The movie is pure propaganda and fake. That it won for a documentary tells me that Leni Reifenstahl is up for a posthumous award, next year, for best film on the joys of residency in a Nazi Death camp.
Thanking convicted Islamic terrorists–well, hey, at least they’re honest about it, which is more than I can say for many Hollywood filmmakers who secretly find kinship with Islamic terrorists, but won’t admit it.

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