December 8, 2008, - 8:10 am

The Predictable Hajj: Hundreds Get Trampled, But Muslims Attack U.S. & Israel

By Debbie Schlussel
Over the weekend, the hajj–the annual Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca, began. Muslims are obligated to make this trek to circle a black stone at least once in their lifetime.
Every year, hundreds of Muslims are trampled to death by other Muslims at this event. It’s an interesting form of natural selection not nearly selective enough. This year is expected to be no different.
Interestingly, while the pinnacle of the hajj is supposed to involve a ritual of forgiveness, Muslims didn’t use it to tell each other, “Hey, maybe we shouldn’t trample each other to death here and kill each other everywhere else.” Nope.


Get Out the Violin: Hajj is Anti-U.S./Israel Whine-Fest

Instead, Muslims used the hajj to hold a rally denouncing the cause of all problems big and small: America and Israel, er . . . the “evil Zionist entity.” While the rally was sponsored by Iran, thousands of Muslims–Sunni and Shi’ite–showed a nice little unity in their unanimous denouncement of America and Israel.
In what is, ironically, a “Disavowal of Pagans” ceremony, thousands of Muslims prepared to “throw stones at the Devil.” In this case, “the Devil” is us Westerners and Jews. Here’s a nice little recounting from the Tehran Times, house organ of the sponsor of this event on Saudi soil:

The pilgrims condemned the U.S. hegemonic and war-mongering policies as the manifestation of state terrorism, the axis of evil, and the root cause of waging wars, creating insecurity and economic crises throughout the globe.
They denounced occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan by the U.S. forces as well as massacre of defenseless people and torture of innocent prisoners.
Expressing their hatred towards International Zionism, the ralliers condemned the rule of the Zionist regime over . . . conspiracies and interference of that regime in other countries’ affairs and its practices of genocide against Palestinians. . . .
[T]he Hajj pilgrims announced their solidarity with the Palestinian and Lebanese nations and expressed support with resistance movement of Hezbollah of Lebanon.

Cry me a frickin’ river.
Oh, and then, there are our “Allies in the War on Terror” (who are really our friendly Sponsors of Terrorism), the Saudis. Saudi Arabia said it wouldn’t tolerate the hajj being used to hold anti-U.S. demonstrations. But, as the hypocrites and liars they typically are, they allowed it anyway because the protestors stayed inside tents.
Ah, that makes it so much better.
So, to sum up: Poverty and repression all over the Islamic world because of their backward religious tenets and greedy, despotic leaders. Muslims trampling each other to death at their annual “holy” rite. Muslims murdering each other all over the world.
Solution: Blame America and Israel.


Bodies From Hajj Trampling

27 Responses

This remind me of Menachem begin’s reaction to the world’s condemnation of Israel after Sabra and Chatilla:
“Goyim kill goyim and they come to blame the Jews”

i_am_me on December 8, 2008 at 9:22 am

Only in Islam. I have not heard of people whom are Christian or Jewish trampling each other to death in a ritual of forgiveness. I do not recall such evil as comes worldwide from Islam coming out of any other religion.
Bob A.

Bob A. on December 8, 2008 at 9:29 am

The height of hypocrisy. It has been apparent for a long time (to me) that Islam must be made illegal and must be outlawed in Western countries. Muslims cannot live with non-Muslims, so they must be forced to live in Muslim countries if they want to continue being being a part of that cult.
Convert or leave.

cankelz on December 8, 2008 at 9:33 am

When I first saw this story on Muslims trampling Muslins, I assumed they were talking about the Mecca Walmart location.
Jimmy Lewis
SCS, Michigan

Jimmy on December 8, 2008 at 10:56 am

As I look at the picture of the 2 million screaming for the death of Israel and the USA all I could think of was, look what a nice target they make, one well placed small nuke while they are all gathered at one spot would be what you’d call a nice start.

YaVonVon on December 8, 2008 at 11:05 am

Dear Brother’s and Sisters
my assumptions to your assumptions are that you m-f$$$$$’$ are jealous of Islam and it’s people!
you all know that Islam is the final and true religion of the world! you all know that stupid Judaism and Christianity is all bullshit and you all are trying to take your bullshit and rub it on Islam and its people! may God destroy your holy site’s! I swear to the one and only GOD of the Whole Universe that no ONE no ONE will be-able to destroy the Kab’ah and it’s people! No one!
and jimmy may I take shit and rub it on your mouth- how dare you! would you like people to kill your mother? father? brother? sister? son? daughter? wife? huh? you are full of shit and I hope that on the day of judgment God Almighty will put you in hell first!
You people are just sick! you all know that in the whole entire world you wouldnít be able to find a place like Mecca because your stupid religions donít have a place! you all pray to statues and read stupid bibles and telmoods saying that they have come from God while you all have changed the Holy words in making Jesus the son of God and Mary the mother- why?
and making false accusations on Islam because you all know that Islam is the final religion of God!
and to you Debbie Schlussel we know that your a Jew- a high nosed Jew- who will do anything to hurt the name of Islam- bastard have you ever been in Mecca? huh to see the beauty that God has bestowed upon it? huh- no you havenít!!! you just read what the media says about it and cause all this shit and drama- may God Almighty help you on the day of Judgment!
God Bless Islam And It’s Messenger Mohammad!
May God correct the wrong doer’s!
Amin Ya Rabil Alamine!

aminah on December 8, 2008 at 1:08 pm

Dear Brother’s and Sisters
my assumptions to your assumptions are that you m-f$$$$$’$ are jealous of Islam and it’s people!
you all know that Islam is the final and true religion of the world! you all know that stupid Judaism and Christianity is all bullshit and you all are trying to take your bullshit and rub it on Islam and its people! may God destroy your holy site’s! I swear to the one and only GOD of the Whole Universe that no ONE no ONE will be-able to destroy the Kab’ah and it’s people! No one!
and jimmy may I take shit and rub it on your mouth- how dare you! would you like people to kill your mother? father? brother? sister? son? daughter? wife? huh? you are full of shit and I hope that on the day of judgment God Almighty will put you in hell first!
You people are just sick! you all know that in the whole entire world you wouldnít be able to find a place like Mecca because your stupid religions donít have a place! you all pray to statues and read stupid bibles and telmoods saying that they have come from God while you all have changed the Holy words in making Jesus the son of God and Mary the mother- why?
and making false accusations on Islam because you all know that Islam is the final religion of God!
and to you Debbie Schlussel we know that your a Jew- a high nosed Jew- who will do anything to hurt the name of Islam- bastard have you ever been in Mecca? huh to see the beauty that God has bestowed upon it? huh- no you havenít!!! you just read what the media says about it and cause all this shit and drama- may God Almighty help you on the day of Judgment!
God Bless Islam And It’s Messenger Mohammad!
May God correct the wrong doer’s!
Amin Ya Rabil Alamine!

aminah on December 8, 2008 at 1:08 pm

    Hi aminah,
    I read your post. It is very reactionary and defensive. You call the other religions of the book essence you are insulting God and the other Prophets in the bible and torah when you do that, so I hope that was your intention. If you want respect, you need to show respect. I agree the “nuke” comment was out of hand, but your comment was also out of hand. You claim Mecca will never be destroyed; however, it was completely sacked in 930 AD and the black stone was stolen and broken into piece now held together. It is entirely possible if there were a war, Mecca could be completely destroyed. It happened by invaders in 930, it can happen today. Also, I would be suspicious of any ritualistic activity that predates Mohammad(pbuh)such as Haj because clearly the pre-Islamic pilgrimage there before was pagan. Why is nearly the same thing continued just given different names? Furthermore, if you research you will find there was more than one Kaaba in arabian history and other stones in different cities. Finally, you should check out the sana’a quran found in yemen, “Some of the parchment pages in the Yemeni hoard seemed to date back to the seventh and eighth centuries A.D., or Islam’s first two centuries—they were fragments, in other words, of perhaps the oldest Korans in existence. What’s more, some of these fragments revealed small but intriguing aberrations from the standard Koranic text. Such aberrations, though not surprising to textual historians, are troublingly at odds with the orthodox Muslim belief that the Koran as it has reached us today is quite simply the perfect, timeless, and unchanging Word of God.”

    Third, you accuse debbie of being a jew like it is something terrible. Maybe in your mind and those who have been educated in that way, but in reality jews are responsible for many scientific and other inventions and discoveries. Some are related to arabs/Muslims by blood historically, and their languages have the same root language. So its like hating part of yourself. You should be ashamed at the lack of progress and contributions jews have made over the Muslims to the world compared to their relative populations. In fact, I suggest you immediately stop using any modern technological device or medical break-through that any jew has been a part of developing. But, in serious I hope that you try to get to know some jewish people and then you will know that they are human like you, and you may realize how unkind and hateful your thinking has been.

    Last, I am sure you will reject my comments and try to find an answer or distraction to everything to fool yourself into thinking your belief is the only and correct one. But, I am only trying to point out some other information and facts to show you there is more than one answer. In fact, humans really don’t have all the answers, and anyone like you who claims to know, and who rejects all reason and facts that do not conform to your beliefs clearly is narrow minded and has no real understanding of anything. If you feel “safer” living in your deluded world that is your right. So, do you really believe God will provide virgins in heaven ?

    greg on October 23, 2009 at 10:29 pm

Moron Terrorist supporter Amin Ya Rabil Alamine weighs in on the issues and points out to all of us that Muslims are a dangerous radical cult intent on killing all the infidels (Christians, Jews and all non Islamic jihad terrorists).
Thank you Amin. WE need dudes like you to keep posting and reminding us why Muslims are the most dangerous cult of killers in our midst.

bonzerwolf on December 8, 2008 at 1:25 pm

Amin Ya Rabil Alamine, if I had my way all 2 million would have been killed as they circle the rock or maybe we can build a bigger one that we can have fall over on all you backward turdheads.. Go live in a cave where you belong with the rest of you Muslim turds

ohboyohboy on December 8, 2008 at 1:57 pm

To Amin Ya Rabil Alamine:
Thank you for verifying everything I know to be true about your death cult aka Islam and its insane followers. You speak so well for the entire demented blood thirsty bunch. Any “God” that encourages it’s “followers” to murder everyone is satan. Got that? You worship satan.

Blanco on December 8, 2008 at 2:00 pm

to Amin Ya Rabil Alamine.
By the way, you are aware are you not that your “messenger” was a dirty filthy preverted pediphile. Is that why your death cult names all it’s baby boys after him? Are you all dirty filthy preverted pedophiles who worship satan, is that it?
You do know your “messenger” is burning in hell as we speak don’t you. He was a false prophet that only a really stupid bunch of savage 7th century dumb ass lazy nothings would “follow”.

Blanco on December 8, 2008 at 2:09 pm

Hundreds, not thousands? Darn.

lexi on December 8, 2008 at 2:10 pm

Skippy just asked if we had ever been to Mecca. Well, goodness! maybe I should expand my horizons and tour one of the great religious sites on the planet Earth. Oh, wait a minute! Something is coming to me…don’t kafirs get killed if they dare step foot on the road to Mecca?
No thanks.

cirrus1701 on December 8, 2008 at 2:43 pm

Does being trampled to death during a Hajj guarantee admission to paradise and wedding to the 72 dark-eyed Houris with all benefits thereto attached? And inversely, if one tramples another to death during a Hajj, does that guarantee the same benefits to the trampler?
Just curious.

INFIDELATLARGE on December 8, 2008 at 2:45 pm

Earlier today on CNN the airhead bimbo Kyra Phillips stated she said she would like to participate in this occasion. That would be cool to see some idiot liberal journalists put in a burqua take part in this “whatever” and trampled on.
All the liberal outlets talked days about one trampling at a Walmart. Trying to state that Christmas had something to do with it, when it just sheer stupidity of greedy customers. Now a true Muslim religious event and there wont be a peep out of the same liberal spokeholes.

californiascreaming on December 8, 2008 at 3:54 pm

The post by Aminah, hateful as it is, is meant to be diversionary and to obfuscate. Although rabidly anti-Semitic in tone, and full of contempt for all religions other than Islam, this garbage post is silent re Debbie’s comments about the pilgrims’ hatred for the US and all it represents, not to mention Israel. Obviously these ‘pilgrims’ hate our civilization and our country, and we can’t let the personal garbage in this post hide this fact.

c f on December 8, 2008 at 5:10 pm

Californiascreaming you said “Earlier today on CNN the airhead bimbo Kyra Phillips stated she said she would like to participate in this occasion.”
Only the sexist, disgusting males are allowed to “do the haj” thingie. Kyra Phillips is more than just another stupid twit flapping her stupid mouth. She should shut up before people know how really really stupid she is. Oh well, too late.

YaVonVon on December 8, 2008 at 6:34 pm

Ignoring most of the intelligent, thoughtful, factual, literate, and benevolent comments from friend “aminah” above, let me just focus on one of her (?) (ahem)..arguments. “You all know that in the whole entire world you wouldn’t be able to find a place like Mecca..” Quite right. Nowhere else is there a city whose epicenter consists of a grotesque mosque of cyclopean proportions encompassing a black cube around which mindless, hate-ridden slaves of Allah circle repeatedly and ultimately kill each other by trampling upon each other to death, the echoes of hate-filled qutbas calling for death to the kafirs resounding within what remains of their brains. Thank god that there is, as you say, aminah, no other place quite like Mecca.
While we are on the subject of the hajj, allow me to share a small news item about this wonderful event, courtesy of Reuters, which appears in today’s New York Post:
“Muslim Pilgrims’ Haj of Courage”
MUZDALIFA, Saudi Arabia – More than two million Muslim pilgrims yesterday headed to a town just outside Mecca to cast stones at the devil in the most harrowing part of the haj pilgrimage.
A sea of pilgrims, on foot and in vehicles, braved the plain of Arafat to a desert boulevard lit by towering floodlights. At Muzdalifa, they hurled pebbles at the Jamarat Bridge’s walls, symbolizing the rejection of temptation.”
Yep. Brave bunch, indeed. How noble of them. Especially the part of the hajj where the two million deeply pious pilgrims had to sit patiently, their outrage and disdain barely able to be suppressed, while listening painfully to sermons delivered by imams who clearly misunderstand Islam, calling for jihad against satanic America and Israel. Imagine the self-restraint exercised by these minions of Allah – the rejection of temptation displayed so manifestly – by the Faithfuls’ utter silence in the face of such exhortations to slaughter Jews and Americans. Certainly, at the end of this holy event, just before the hordes of the Faithful leave Arabia and journey home, there will be a massive outcry by the True Believers, who will raise their voices and speak as one against the hateful, un-Islamic rhetoric spewed by those woefully ignorant imams, whose lack of comprehension of Islam and its peaceful, tolerant nature is so profound, and so in need of correction.

commonsense on December 8, 2008 at 7:01 pm

am i really supposed to feel sorry for them? they need better crowd control. i think a religious ritual is a bad place to preach hatred

mindy1 on December 8, 2008 at 7:07 pm

What a horrible place to die, right in the hub of that pagan ritual… :-/
What a tragedy…. Going from that place all the way to the eternal fire.

Mats on December 8, 2008 at 8:22 pm

Debbie, whoever did this post and chose those pics –the world’s smallest violin for the whine-fest, the giant kabba coffin, and the body bags of the haaj trample-ees must be pretty sharp.
May islam rot in hell where it came from–what a scourge it is on the earth! The little muslim troll on this thread dots the exclamation point on this.

BB on December 8, 2008 at 8:37 pm

Hmmm. Oddly enough, I don’t miss any of those backwards, pedophilic, bomb wearing idiots. More food for the rest of us I always say.

Svend on December 8, 2008 at 8:58 pm

Just wondering…did any of these fools qualify for 72 virgins???

Jackson Pearson on December 9, 2008 at 7:06 pm

aminah Spewed the following garbage:
“You people are just sick! you all know that in the whole entire world you wouldnít be able to find a place like Mecca because your stupid religions donít have a place!”
Thank God we do not worship a stone in the middle of the desert like a bunch of automatons.Only the Religion of murder and terrorism could possibly think of a 8th century custom to honor their false Moon God.
Where is Dr. Strange Love when you need em?

ScottyDog on December 10, 2008 at 3:52 pm

Many muslims consider it a great honour to die in Mecca or Medina during Hajj.In Islam ,muslims beleive in destiny ,n death has been preordained,time n place,so even though it is a tragedy n should be prevented but it is not a big issue.I personally know of an old aunt who was bedridden n had her son take her to hajj expecting to breath her last there but was really dissappointed when she came back alive.
And the majority ppl who go to hajj are the elderly n old who have fullfilled all their worldly responsiblities n saved enough money.So when some stampede happens,they r the most affected but beleive me all muslims go to hajj as its their last journey not expecting to come back.They ask for everyones forgiveness n prepare themselves mentally n physically for the journey of a lifetime.
Sorry to bore you,but having been on hajj myself its aweaspiring to be in a sea of humanity ,no diff between rich r poor or white or black,n nothing can compare this experience to anything in the world.

muslima on March 20, 2009 at 12:52 am

Plz no one has the time in hajj to chant death to Israel n America,even if a few iranians do,it does not include the millions who r busy fullfilling their obligations to God.Muslims from every continent in the world did’nt come to hajj,spending their hard saved money ,to hold useless demonstrations.

muslima on March 20, 2009 at 12:58 am

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