December 5, 2008, - 12:51 pm
Stop Whining, Bob Ritchie a/k/a Kid Rock: Spoiled Pop Hack Harasses Judge Over Community Service Sentence
By Debbie Schlussel
I’m sick and tired of the non-stop worship of babydaddy and former drug dealer Robert Ritchie a/k/a Kid Rock. The guy glorifies drug dealers, pimps, and other criminals, and he’s really no different than Black rappers like Ludacris and Snoop Dogg, except that he’s white and some–wrongly–perceive him to be a “conservative” (he said he admired Obama and would probably vote for him). That, and he entertains the troops.
Good for him, but that doesn’t justify his behavior or the worship of the crap he’s peddling. His whole act is based on a convicted drug kingpin and pimp, White Boy Rick a/k/a Richard Wershe, Jr., who was responsible for the murders of a lot of people and helped supply the crack and coke addictions of hundreds of others. Ritchie tried to get Wershe paroled, and thankfully failed.

(By the way, Ritchie’s act is bunk. He never lived in a trailer park as he claims in songs and in interviews. His millionaire father sold his car dealership for millions of dollars.)
And then, there’s Ritchie’s latest outrageous move. On his website, he posted a judge’s name, address, phone number, and e-mail address, knowing that fans would harass the judge. What’s DeKalb County, Georgia Judge Alvin T. Wong’s “crime”?
Well, he actually sentenced Ritchie to community service for getting into a fight at a Waffle House in Atlanta. It’s about time–Ritchie has gotten away with other alleged fights and allegedly attacking a woman at his home.
Ritchie is upset because he doesn’t want to have to perform real community service. He wants to do something he enjoys and is doing anyway–and have that count toward community service, while other criminals actually have to clean up roads or help out with the needy for their community service sentences.
Every year, he performs for the troops overseas at Christmas. It’s something this egomaniac enjoys because thousands of patriotic troops inexplicably love this low-class idiot.
He wants his trip, this year, to count as his community service. Judge Wong said no, that Ritchie planned to do this anyway and does it every year and that, therefore, it’s not real community service. I agree with Judge Wong, and I’m glad he didn’t give in to this scumbag from Michigan. Here’s what Judge Wong wrote in his order:
[G]iving him credit for something he would otherwise love to do in front of a camera completely defeats the purpose of performing community service.
Right on.
So, now, spoiled, immature brat Ritchie has posted the judge’s information on his website, implying that fans should contact him. And they have. The judge’s phone has been ringing off the hook and he can’t do his job. Way to go, Kid Rock. You really proved . . . nothing.
Writes the self-important Ritchie:
Apparently he [Judge Wong] thinks its more important that I do something else rather than sing, shake hands, taking pictures.
And this proud high school drop-out calls the judge, “a taste of ignorance.” Um, Bob, look in the mirror.
Here’s a tip, Bob Ritchie: If you don’t want to do real community service–which doesn’t mean performing and acting like a celebrity diva–stop starting fights with people at pancake restaurants.
You pleaded guilty, dude. You’re supposed to be putting yourself on the mercy of the court, not acting like a prima donna . . . regardless of who you are and how much money you have.
Read my previous column on Bob Ritchie a/k/a Kid Rock, “Kid Rock Family Values?: Desperate GOP Candidate Pimps Drug & Ho Culture for Votes.”
Since he’s getting a lot of hate-mail please e-mail Judge Alvin T. Wong, congratulating him for standing up to this celebrity ingrate who wants special treatment.
Thank you Debbie for sharing this story … I’m all over it … sending the Judge my kudos … for doing something that far too many judges are failing to do … hand out punishment that fits the crime … about time!!!
Jimmy Lewis
SCS, Michigan
Jimmy on December 5, 2008 at 2:17 pm