December 14, 2011, - 4:31 pm
Giving Hell to Talk Show Host Who Gushes Over Islamic Terrorism Fans, Then Attacks Tim Tebow
On Monday Evening, on WJR–Detroit’s Rush Limbaugh station–an afternoon talk show host substitute, whom I know, did a show that should disgust anyone who cares about Western values and opposes Islamic terrorism. I was extremely, violently ill on Monday, as I noted on this site, but I got even more sick, and even though I could barely talk, I had to do something.
I happen to have the hotline number to get through to the control room, and I voiced my disgust, after I heard the guest host gush over PFLP Islamic terrorist, marriage/immigration fraud perpetrator, and FBI award revokee Imad Hamad and Suehaila Amen, the Hezbollah- and HAMAS-supporting star of “All-American Muslim.” There was no “other side” or different viewpoint featured. Then, the same host also went on to attack NFL star and Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow.
I’m getting sick and tired of the attacks on Tim Tebow from the religiously intolerant. Even though I am not a Christian, as a religious Jew I see the attacks on him as attacks on me and all religious Jews and Christians. Later on that night, I received the e-mail below from the radio host, who invoked his barely-there Judaism, as if that has anything to do with the price of tea in China. You should note that there are many Jewish fans of Tim Tebow, including Jared Kleinstein, the man who founded and runs and several rabbis, as detailed in a recent Wall Street Journal article. But the message on the air was very clear: Islamic terrorists and their enablers–good, VERY GOOD! Devout Christian NFL players who are successful on the field–Just plain TERRIBLE!
Read the talk show host’s pathetic e-mail to me and my reponse to him, below it. I’m sure you will agree that I gave him hell. I am not including his name and e-mail because I did not ask permission to make it public. By the way, when the host asked about the Islamic community being anti-dog (which they are), Suehaila Amen, predictably, lied and denied it. But, really, is that the biggest problem with Islamic-terrorism supporters and an actual Islamic terrorist himself–that they are anti-dog? Only if you want to whitewash them.
Hi Debbie:
Heard you called! What do you mean “the other point of view”???? I thought as a nice “Jewish boy” I would extend the “olive branch”. Besides…I did take on the Muslim community as “anti-dog”. Pretty tough stuff! does Lowes make policy by that idiotic group in Florida? Then I took on Tim Tebow’s winning football success as a result that he believed in God and Jesus and they both were behind him.
My response:
You are a very nice guy, but sadly very misguided on this topic. Imad Hamad was a PFLP terrorist whom the government tried to deport for more than two decades because he committed marriage and immigration fraud and raised money for the PFLP terrorist attacks on innocent civilians in Israel. The FBI thanked me when I got them to stop a planned award to him. He openly praises teaching 3-year-olds to become terrorists via PATV Sesame Street, as “patriotic.” Your pandering to and gushing over him was disgusting to say the least. Ditto for your pandering to Suehaila Amen, who openly supports Hezbollah, HAMAS, and the Khomeini Revolution in Iran that held our Americans hostage for 444 days. She said the Khomeini revolution inspired her and her mother to wear the hijab, the same Khomeini who founded Hezbollah. She’s led Hezbollah and HAMAS rallies. You were a useful idiot, today, and it was a sad day for Detroit radio. There are far too many “nice Jewish boy” ignoramuses who shill for these frauds. I expected better from you. Maybe I shouldn’t have. I mean, did you ever think of having an opposing view among your circle jerk to Islam, today? Disgusting. I respect Tim Tebow. He’s a mensch, a heckuva lot more of a mensch than these scumbags who support the mass murder of innocent Americans and Jews. Incredible. And by the way, Tim Tebow said G-d doesn’t really care about football or who wins the game. And he’s right. G-d does care about mass murdering of innocent people. I cannot tell you how sickened I was by what I heard you do on the radio, this afternoon. Here’s a tip: try researching and representing other views than your liberal pandering, ass-kissing one. Here is some info you missed:
Needless to say, I got no response to this e-mail message.
Tags: All-American Muslim, Christians, Hezbollah, Imad Hamad, Islam, Jared Kleinstein, Jews, Muslims, radio, Suehaila Amen, talk-show host, Tebowing, Tim Tebow, WJR
OMG Debbie, that line “I mean, did you ever think of having an opposing view among your circle jerk to Islam, today?” is one of your best and why I love you and your work so much!! I think I am going to have to use a variant of that one some day. Thanks for giving that punk hell.
I don’t get why people want to bash Tebow. Given that most NFL players aren’t exactly role models, why go after a guy who is a good influence?
Jarhead on December 14, 2011 at 5:04 pm