December 3, 2008, - 12:31 pm

This Guy Does the Work Some Americans–Whining Public School Teachers–Won’t Do

By Debbie Schlussel
I admire the entrepreneurial spirit of Tom Farber. In a time when public school teachers are constantly whining about how they have to take money out of their own pockets to pay for treats or other unnecessary things for students, Farber isn’t whining.
He’s actually taking initiative and is a great role model for his students on how to solve financial problems in tough economic times. He’s a calculus teacher, but should probably also be teaching business classes:

When administrators at Rancho Bernardo, his suburban San Diego high school, announced the district was cutting spending on supplies by nearly a third, Farber had a problem. At 3 cents a page, his tests would cost more than $500 a year. His copying budget: $316. But he wanted to give students enough practice for the big tests they’ll face in the spring, such as the Advanced Placement exam.


Ad Sponsors Pay for Teacher Tom Farber’s Calculus Tests

“Tough times call for tough actions,” he says. So he started selling ads on his test papers: $10 for a quiz, $20 for a chapter test, $30 for a semester final.
San Diego magazine and The San Diego Union-Tribune featured his plan just before Thanksgiving, and Farber came home from a few days out of town to 75 e-mail requests for ads. So far, he has collected $350. His semester final is sold out.
That worries Robert Weissman, managing director of Commercial Alert, a Washington-based non-profit that fights commercialization in school and elsewhere. If test-papers-as-billboards catches on, he says, schools in the grip of tough economic times could start relying on them to help the bottom line.

And this is bad because . . .?

“The advertisers are paying for something, and it’s access to kids,” he says.

Apparently this guy has never seen Nickoledeon, weekend morning TV ads, etc., etc., etc., ad nauseam. The ads on the tests (see the photo) are tame and unintrusive. It’s far better than the barrage of ads kids were forced to watch at school on “Channel One.”

About two-thirds of Farber’s ads are inspirational messages underwritten by parents. Others are ads for local businesses, such as two from a structural engineering firm and one from a dentist who urges students, “Brace Yourself for a Great Semester!”
Principal Paul Robinson says reaction has been “mixed,” but he notes, “It’s not like, ‘This test is brought to you by McDonald’s or Nike.’ ”
To Farber, 47, it’s a logical solution: “We’re expected to do more with less.”


Tom Farber: Teacher With Entrepreneurial Spirit

Whenever I hear public school teachers whine about how they had to pay a few hundred dollars out of their pocket on supplies for students in a year, I think: Hmmmm . . . a very tiny price to pay for eternal job security through tenure (despite incompetence and ignorant children coming out of public schools), whole summers off and lots of paid federal holiday vacations, and full healthcare benefits.
Now, I’ll think that and of Tom Farber, a teacher who did instead of whined.

8 Responses

Teachers who shake up the status quo and do more than is expected of them should be rewarded. We put them in charge of our kids for most of their lives. Its not good enough to just meet the standards. They must be surpassed and this goes for the teachers as well as their students.

NormanF on December 3, 2008 at 1:14 pm

When I attended high school, even back in the early 1970s, I worked on the Yearbook staff. How in the hell do you think we were able to put those books together (all that went into creating, as well as, distributing)?
Through selling advertisements … and a lot of it!!!
Jimmy Lewis
SCS, Michigan

Jimmy on December 3, 2008 at 1:16 pm

I seriously think they should take this one step further. Have corporations sponsor textbooks. They could arrange with he publishers to have their advertisements placed in them.

i_am_me on December 3, 2008 at 1:24 pm

There is something terribly wrong when a teacher uses CREATIVE THINKING to solve a budgetary problem and somebody finds something nefarious about it.

There is NO Santa Claus on December 3, 2008 at 1:40 pm

They already make significantly less than other professionals with similar levels of education in exchange for those advantages you mention.

stormhit on December 3, 2008 at 2:02 pm

I can see plusses and minuses. A few ads in a test booklet probably wouldn’t hurt anything, and, as you said, could raise some money. Carried further, i.e. having corporations sponsoring textbooks could result in biased material, just like having corporations sponsor school conferences, etc.
On the other hand, school curricula are already so biased, they have nowhere to go but up, so in a concrete sense, it might work. And there are already so many outside PC advocacy groups that influence the schools.
But in an abstract sense, if we could ever get back to that (which I doubt) I would be uneasy about it.

c f on December 3, 2008 at 2:25 pm

*They already make significantly less than other professionals with similar levels of education in exchange for those advantages you mention.
Posted by: stormhit at December 3, 2008 02:02 PM*
Actually, public school teachers are very well paid compared to any other government workers, federal, state, or local, especially when you consider the three months paid vacation and the excellent benefits. The education scholar Frederick Hess of the American Enterprise Institute has done studies comparing salaries, and his conclusion (as well as most others who are honest) is that public school teachers are paid extremely well.
I teach in a Catholic school and we make a lot less, but all the Catholic school teachers I know wouldn’t trade being able to mention God in the classroom and Catholic values for a job in the Godless public schools. Also, the Catholic schools use so much less money and can do a lot more with a lot less funding, and our students perform a lot better than in public schools. We also have a lot of private fund raising to meet costs.

Gabe on December 3, 2008 at 9:28 pm

I think you all are missing the point here. The public schools are being used by the NTA, they are steering the curriculum, their main objective is to promote the GAY/ Lesbian Agenda. They do not care what you or I think. Wasted taxpayer money down the drain.
The answer is easy the level of ignorance in this nation has reached a saturation point that brings a flush of shame to the countenance of knowledgeable thinking Americans. A solid majority of those who voted for this king( Adolf OBAMA by way of the Clinton Secus 2000) of prestidigitation have a cognition level of near zero. Poll after poll has revealed that his most rabid supporters were so intelligence deprived that they had barely the ability to comprehend or communicate at a fourth grade level…….
hese mentally challenged souls, products of a perverted education system, do not view the inauguration as a swearing in of a president, they view it as the coronation of a great and benevolent king. They actually believe that they have in the person of Barak Obama a worshipful savior who will deliver them from the obligations that accrue to their status as citizens. They now expect that they will be able to tell their creditors to go fly a kite, that they will be disengaged from mortgage and rental payment obligations, that food will magically appear on their plates and that medical, educational, and a host of other services will be free, paid for – they hope – by those who voted against their chosen one. I wish that I could state that this was written satirically, but unfortunately I cannot.
Ah! You say, but what about those of academia, the national media and the entertainment community who so fanatically supported Obama as a messiah and potential savior of the nation? Surely these are not ignorant. To this I would say that to be able to comprehend and to understand and profit from experience one must be possessed of two mental attributes, general knowledge and guiding commonsense. Many of the former have knowledge, but are sadly lacking and direfully short of an ability to make sound practical judgments, in short they have not a lick of common sense. They, like those who are deficient of both knowledge and commonsense, are the product of an education system that indoctrinates rather than educates. It was indeed an unholy alliance of the dimwitted and the deceived that put this man into office.
Clinton did his job making way for the total dumbing of America.
Remember the Who? the “Rock Opera Tommy” , Put in your ear plugs and eye shades, to play pinball, that is where our country is today Ipod’s looking at all the spin & glamor taking our focus what is important our country and our freedoms.
I am totally surprised that he has not been reprimanded by the NTA, he has alot of heart I wish him well. I do not mean to be harping on the OBAMA thing but we have got to take our country back from the Communist that have control of our schools, government, and media do not give them a chance to breath, refute, rebuke, cut them off at the knee’s period.
Johnny V

Johnny V on December 4, 2008 at 5:05 pm

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