December 3, 2008, - 10:56 am

What Happened to Dan Kliman?: Another Innocent American Victim of Islam Thrown Down Elevator Shaft

By Debbie Schlussel
In real life, as in the movies, people don’t fall down empty elevator shafts by accident. They’re usually pushed.
On this site, I’ve repeatedly written about Ismael Ahmed, who founded and for decades ran ACCESS–the Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services, which has soaked taxpayers for billions to bring in thousands of Muslim illegal aliens, fund their every social service need, defraud Medicaid, and provide job-training for several Al-Qaeda terrorists. Ahmed now runs the Michigan Department of Human Services.
As I’ve noted, when Ahmed’s first wife, an American non-Muslim, wanted to divorce him, he took her on a trip to New York. Suddenly, she was found dead at the bottom of an elevator shaft under construction. He apparently got rid of her and got away with it.


Dan Kliman, MD:

Gay Pro-Israel Activist Latest Victim of Muslim Elevator Shaft Killing Method

Now, the same thing has happened to Dan Kliman, MD, a gay pro-Israel activist in San Francisco. Like Ahmed’s wife, his body was found at the bottom of an elevator shaft under construction, in the building where he was taking Arabic language instruction.
Coincidence? Sorry, but there are no coincidences. Not ones like this. Gay, a Jew, pro-Israel, and American–hmmm . . . a perfect four-in-one target for a Muslim kill:

Dr. Daniel J. Kliman, an Alameda physician and one of the Bay Area’s foremost pro-Israel activists, stepped into an open elevator shaft by accident last week and died.
His body was found Monday by workers inspecting an elevator in the historic, nine-story Sharon Building at 55 New Montgomery St., where Kliman apparently plunged to his death Nov. 25. . . .
Kliman, 38, . . . was perhaps best known as co-founder of S.F. Voice for Israel, a 4-year-old organization that vociferously demonstrates on behalf of Israeli causes. He also maintained a practice in Alameda as a doctor of internal medicine and was an ardent proponent of vegetarianism and alternative transportation to cars.
He had been taking Arabic language courses in the Sharon Building for three years and was last seen, investigators said, on the night of Nov. 25, when he went there to attend a class on the seventh floor.
Police Inspector Matt Krimsky said Kliman apparently fell through an open elevator door on the seventh floor, although the building’s manager insists the door must have been secured.
The elevator in that shaft was out of order at the time, building manager Brad Bernheim said. By design, doors to a malfunctioning elevator are clamped shut and can be opened only by a mechanic, said Erika Monterroza, spokeswoman for Cal/OSHA.
The details of how Kliman wound up in the shaft are being investigated by police and Cal/OSHA. . . . [T]he Sharon Building’s elevator had been inspected Nov. 4 and was found to be sound. . . .
Some in Kliman’s activist community wondered Tuesday if he had been killed by someone he loudly opposed in street demonstrations over the years. . . . Faith Meltzer, a member of S.F. Voice for Israel, said she will push police to investigate the matter until all chance of homicide is eliminated.
“It’s hard for me to believe this wasn’t deliberate,” Meltzer said. . . . The Arabic class Kliman came to attend on the last night of his life had been canceled. . . . Managers of the program that runs the classes, Pacific Arabic Resources, declined to comment Tuesday.

Hmmm . . . the class was canceled, the elevator was secured, the people who taught the class were probably Arab Muslims. And he fell down the elevator “by accident”? Just like Ismael Ahmed’s first wife?
Uh-huh. Sure they did.

9 Responses

According to online reports:
“the elevator was under repair, and supposedly was securely shut”
. . .investigators should question why a healthy man who bicycled everywhere to lower his carbon footprint would force elevator doors open and step in.
Quote ( ):
“The Arabic class Kliman came to attend on the last night of his life had been canceled, but he apparently didn’t know that, said close friend Marshall Schwartz.
“He wanted to learn more about the language, and liked studying there,” Schwartz said. Kliman thought of himself as pro-Israel but not anti-Arab, he added, and had even dated an instructor at the language program in the past.”
Look closely at the male relatives of this female – they may not express similar appreciation for religious inter-mixing or dating outside of culture. Don’t wait or expect the authorities/investigators to ask these questions. . .locals better get involved and verbalize these concerns.

miira on December 3, 2008 at 11:37 am

Clearly this is a “hate crime” and should be investigated by the FBI.

janice on December 3, 2008 at 12:55 pm

Debbie … what an awful story and beyond obvious what happened there … please keep us updated as to the on-going investigation.
Jimmy Lewis
SCS, Michigan

Jimmy on December 3, 2008 at 1:06 pm

According to sfgate, the SFPD doesn’t know how he fell, but they’ve already ruled out foul-play so that people don’t become upset and blame Muslim hate-crime (which is transparently obvious.) I wonder how SFPD can rule out murder if they admit they don’t know what happened? G-d rest Dr. Kliman’s soul.

ObamaSlammaJamma on December 3, 2008 at 8:52 pm

*”It’s hard for me to believe this wasn’t deliberate,” Meltzer said. . . . The Arabic class Kliman came to attend on the last night of his life had been canceled. . . . Managers of the program that runs the classes, Pacific Arabic Resources, declined to comment Tuesday.*
They should investigate who canceled the class and why everyone was informed EXCEPT Dan Kliman of the cancelation.
What I find so scary is how Muslims have infiltrated every government agency around. For example, I live in Fairfax County, Virginia, and every agency, from the police to the inspectors, have numerous Muslims, far more than the proportion of the population of the County. These Muslims know exactly what they are doing: infiltrating our government to get influence. Once they get in key supervisory positions, they hire more Muslims.
The fact that the police have already ruled out foul play when it is obvious it was a murder shows that Muslims probably are in key position in that police department.

Gabe on December 3, 2008 at 9:44 pm

Hey, don’t forget UN guy Benon Sevan’s aunt, who also was pushed…er, fell down an elevator shaft after Benon revealed that all the money in his account came from her and not dirty dealings with Saddam.

PJ on December 4, 2008 at 1:24 am

OK – he was gay . . .and he was inexplicably in a building where he took “Arabic” classes for years – despite classes having been cancelled. Who was this teacher he dated? Homosexuality in Islam is punishable by death. Is his Arabic teacher a muslim or revert? Are the teacher’s relatives or students advocates of sharia? Sharia advocates death for homosexuals.
Quote: “. . .books such as ‘De weg van de Moslim’ (The Way of the Muslim) contravenes the freedom to express opinions,. . .The Way of the Muslim advises THROWING HOMOSEXUALS HEAD FIRST FROM A TALL BUILDING.”
Head first . . .tall building . . .hmmmmmm.

miira on December 5, 2008 at 10:49 am

OK – he was gay . . .and he was inexplicably in a building where he took “Arabic” classes for years – despite classes having been cancelled. Who was this teacher he dated? Homosexuality in Islam is punishable by death. Is his Arabic teacher a muslim or revert? Are the teacher’s relatives or students advocates of sharia? Sharia advocates death for homosexuals.
Quote: “. . .books such as ‘De weg van de Moslim’ (The Way of the Muslim) contravenes the freedom to express opinions,. . .The Way of the Muslim advises THROWING HOMOSEXUALS HEAD FIRST FROM A TALL BUILDING.”
Head first . . .tall building . . .hmmmmmm.

miira on December 5, 2008 at 10:50 am

Are you sure he is not connected to the Clinton’s somehow? You how people connected to them that know to much and start not seeing eye to eye with them some how end up getting killed in plane trains and automobile or commiting suicide “blink blink”

ohboyohboy on December 5, 2008 at 3:15 pm

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