December 1, 2008, - 11:40 am

Indian Homeland Security Chief Does the Work Some Americans Won’t Do

By Debbie Schlussel
After the 9/11 attacks, not a single FBI or CIA official was fired. Not a single one had the honor and decency to resign. In fact, as I’ve repeatedly noted on this site, FBI officials who repeatedly thwarted FBI Special Agent Harry Samit’s efforts (see also here)to uncover the 9/11 plot through Zaccarias Moussaoui’s hard drive, were promoted and retired with huge pensions. The fact that they and FBI Director Robert Mueller repeatedly failed the most basic counterterrorism knowledge in lawsuit deposition questions, had no effect. And agents who tried to do their jobs–like Samit and Robert Wright–were persecuted.
And with screw-up after screw-up, not a single Department of Homeland Security official has had the decency to resign (except the guy who was caught soliciting underaged sex online). Hurricane Katrina management, Blackface awards at costume parties, continuing TSA security breaches–none of these were cause for Michael Chertoff, Julie Myers, or Kip Hawley to resign their posts.


Classy Ex-Indian Homeland Security Chief Shivraj Patil:

Resigned Over Failure to Stop Mumbai Attacks

Now, we see how real law enforcement officials with class, dignity, and honor behave . . . in India:

On Sunday, with corpses still being pulled from the Taj Mahal Palace & Tower hotel, . . . [Indian] Home Affairs minister Shivraj Patil stepped down from the job to take “moral responsibility” for not stopping the attacks.

And there’s more similar dignified behavior. Failed politicians resign in India, too, after they practiced incompetence by ignoring warnings of Muslims bringing explosives on boats:

Mumbai state head offers to quit
The chief minister of the Indian state of Maharashtra has offered to resign amid criticism of the handling of the Mumbai attacks.
Vilasrao Deshmukh said he was awaiting a Congress party decision. His deputy, RR Patil, has already resigned.
Correspondents say there are calls for more resignations amid questions over the response to the attacks, and whether all the gunmen have been found. . . .
Mr Deshmukh told a press conference on Monday: “I have offered to resign. If the responsibility of the attacks is on the chief minister, then I will go.” . . .
Also, Reuters news agency quoted Damodar Tandel, head of Maharashtra’s main fishermen’s union, as saying he had warned the government about attempts to bring RDX explosives to Mumbai by sea but no-one acted on the information.

Hmmm, that last part sounds just like America.
**** UPDATE: Reader Infidel Pride, who is from India and has always provided great insight into the country, writes that this isn’t actually so classy or dignified:

All the Indian resignations you are describing above were forced by the party chief in private, and offered by the fired officials in public. Reason is simple – India has elections coming up latest 6 months from now, and suddenly, jihad is front and center. Given the number of terror attacks on India over the last year, this resignation or firing was actually long overdue.
The other 2 politicians who are resigning – one of them called last weekend’s carnage a ‘small thing that happens every day’, and that comment provoked outrage, given that the jihadis were/are planning to kill 5000 infidels. The other official took his actor son and producer friend to one of the gutted hotels, thereby displaying crass judgment, and that’s why he’s on his way out.
Nothing noble on their parts.

9 Responses

That is how our great country used to operate … that is until we began thinking and acting like socialists … that is until we let the students run the schools, the inmates run the asylum, and the judges legislate from the bench … that is until the likes of Jerimiah Wright god damned America … that is America today.
And that is precisely why no one took the hit (nor accepted the blame) on September 11th, that is other than those 2,998 hard working citizens that lost their lives that tragic day.
Jimmy Lewis
SCS, Michigan

Jimmy on December 1, 2008 at 1:21 pm

They’ll probably hire the security chief back as a “consultant” next week for twice the pay.
I know! I read DILBERT! :+)

There is NO Santa Claus on December 1, 2008 at 2:06 pm

They’ll probably hire the security chief back as a “consultant” next week for twice the pay.
I know! I read DILBERT! :+)

There is NO Santa Claus on December 1, 2008 at 2:07 pm

I agree that the Indian officials are behaving with more dignity and professionalism than their counterparts in the US. However, as a caution, the attacks in India are very recent. Although there have been some recent attacks in the US too, the major attack, i.e. 9/11 is more than 7 years old. I hope Indian attitudes don’t change as time passes on. Hopefully the current and future administrations won’t pressure India. Seeing their behavior towards India, Israel and Serbia, however, I am not optomistic.

c f on December 1, 2008 at 2:33 pm

I’ve admired the Indians for their honor, courage and bravery. And for their taking responsibility for lapses and shortcomings in the way they handled this attack. Its in contrast to the Israeli government, which not only rewards terrorists and whose ministers NEVER resign when they do something wrong. I was affronted by Israel’s criticism of India’s conduct. I doubt Israel could have performed better under such difficult circumstances. Putting down evil decisively is a very hard job. But its more worthwhile than meekly surrendering to those who want to kill you. This is a lesson for the Jewish people to take to heart.

NormanF on December 1, 2008 at 2:38 pm

“I hope Indian attitudes don’t change as time passes on.”
C.F. India has had more Islamic terror attacks (by far) than even my country (Israel), and guess what? Both countries have suffered more terror attacks than the USA.

Miluimnik on December 1, 2008 at 4:11 pm

All the Indian resignations you are describing above were forced by the party chief in private, and offered by the fired officials in public. Reason is simple – India has elections coming up latest 6 months from now, and suddenly, jihad is front and center. Given the number of terror attacks on India over the last year, this resignation or firing was actually long overdue.
The other 2 politicians who are resigning – one of them called last weekend’s carnage a ‘small thing that happens every day’, and that comment provoked outrage, given that the jihadis were/are planning to kill 5000 infidels. The other official took his actor son and producer friend to one of the gutted hotels, thereby displaying crass judgement, and that’s why he’s on his way out.
Nothing noble on their parts.

Infidel Pride on December 1, 2008 at 5:03 pm

I fully agree with Infidel Pride. Shivraj Patil should have been kicked out long ago along with many others. They just stayed on and on and on like leeches.
The other idiot R.R.Patil said that this incident was minor and things like this keep happening all the time. He didn’t quit right away – he said he was waiting for orders to come from the top honcho.
These guys don’t have any sense of responsibility or brains at all. Its all for the votes in the upcoming elections.
After the seige was over, the politicians came out of their hiding and started publicising the names of the heroes who gave their lives to get rid of the terrorists… and added their names and party names at the bottom of the advertisements! How cheap is that??
In other unrelated news, the communist chief minister of Kerala delayed in visiting the family of a slain commando Sandeep Unnikrishnan; he didn’t attend the funeral and didn’t send anyone to represent him or the Kerala government. When he finally decided to visit the dead commando’s parents, the father who told him to go away. The annoyed CM made this comment:
“If it had not been Sandeep’s house, not even a dog would have glanced that way.”
Very nice way for our Indian politicians to treat the living and dead – don’t care for the living… and then insult the dead.

anonymous twit on December 1, 2008 at 7:02 pm

Forgot to mention, the third politician to quit soon will be Deshmukh, who took along his son (as Infidel Pride said earlier) and a movie director Ram Gopal Varma, who possibly has plans to make a movie based on the events in Bombay last week…
Ram Gopal Varma usually makes action movies based on the Bombay underground. The Bombay carnage would be sufficient inspiration for him. Some think that he needed more plots for his new upcoming movie Raan.
Its not just a blatant abuse of power, its cruel to those who died there and very inhuman!

anonymous twit on December 1, 2008 at 7:26 pm

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