November 19, 2008, - 2:47 pm

ESPN v. Schlussel

By Debbie Schlussel
On Friday, I wrote about ESPN’s racist, bigoted casting call for a commercial. Then, on Monday, I wrote about how, on Saturday, ESPN’s middle-aged pretty boy Chris Fowler told the “College Game Day” audience that they’re racists if they didn’t vote for Barack Obama.
Well, ESPN doesn’t like it when it gets called on a foul. This popped into my e-mail inbox, and I’ve posted the ensuing exchange:


From: Coleman, Tilea
Date: Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 3:46 PM
Subject: ESPN Casting Call Posting
To: “”
Hello Debbie –
I recently read one of your postings entitled: “They Owe Limbaugh an Apology: Liberal ESPN’s Racist, Bigoted Casting Call.” You stated in your blog that “ESPN–in a memo–set forth bigoted stereotypes against Jews, Blacks, Asians, Middle America, Southerners, you name it.” On behalf of ESPN, I wanted to make it clear that we (ESPN) did not author the memo that was distributed, as you suggested in the aforementioned statement. It came from an outside casting agency.
Here is our official statement as it relates to this matter: “Our marketing department just learned of this casting call today (Wednesday, Nov. 12),. The language and approach reflected in that document were not approved by us and in no way represent ESPN or the respect we have for the college community.”
Debbie, thanks for your understanding and please feel free to contact me should you have any questions.
Best, TC

Do you really believe that ESPN hires an ad agency and lets the agency come up with the ad and start spending money on it and casting before ESPN execs approve it? Dream on.

From: Debbie Schlussel
Date: Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 4:00 PM
Subject: Re: ESPN Casting Call Posting
To: “Coleman, Tilea”
So, is it ESPN’s normal practice not to know about what kind of commercial the network is running? You had no idea what the commercial was about and yet it was already in the casting stage? Please respond.
Also, how do you explain Chris Fowler calling all of us who did not vote for Barack Obama “racist”? Why on earth was he allowed to do this on “College Game Day”? Here’s the post about that:
Please respond. Please also tell me if ESPN agrees with Fowler’s claim. If not, what is ESPN doing to discipline Fowler? Will we hear an apology from him to the 55 million plus Americans who did not vote for Obama? If not, why was Rush Limbaugh forced by ESPN to apologize to a single solitary pro football player?


From: Coleman, Tilea
Date: Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 6:17 PM
Subject: RE: ESPN Casting Call Posting
To: Debbie Schlussel
ESPN was aware of the campaign, but was not aware of the casting call document. Again, the language and approach reflected in that document were not approved by us.
I’m looking into the Chris Fowler remarks and will get back to you.
Thanks, TC

Ah, I get it. ESPN knew they were making a bigoted ad, but they simply didn’t approve of it being put down in writing on the casting call sheet. That makes it so much better.
I have yet to hear back from her on Fowler’s comments about us “racists”, and I’m not holding my breath.

9 Responses

Their statements are among the most slimy Clintonesque statements I’ve seen. TC doesn’t even preclude the fact that ESPN endorses the bigoted commercial. All they are saying is that they did not ‘approve’ the language or approach. They may only be saying that the language or approach was not subject to a formal process of ‘approval’. Thus, it is still possible, that even without being subjcted to this formal process, ESPN endorses the content completely.

c f on November 19, 2008 at 3:23 pm

PTI: Pardon The Ignorance …
Question one QB’s inability to deliver and why the Press continually gave him a ‘pass’ … and basically because he’s black … you get fired! (as was the case with Limbaugh).
Call millions of American citizens ‘racists’ … because they simply did not vote for a candidate (who just happens to be “black”) … and, ahhh, well, we’ll get back to you!
Dah Dah Dah, Dah Dah Dah
Jimmy Lewis
SCS, Michigan

Jimmy Lewis on November 19, 2008 at 4:02 pm

“Do you really believe that ESPN hires an ad agency and lets the agency come up with the ad and start spending money on it and casting before ESPN execs approve it?”
Isn’t that kind of how they got Rush Limbaugh?
In both cases, I’m sure ESPN knew what they were getting into. With Rush Limbaugh, they just didn’t have the courage to stick to their guns. Sounds like they chickened out on the commercial too.
Unless ESPN quietly gives Chris Fowler the hook, I think your story on his comment is going to have legs.

There is NO Santa Claus on November 19, 2008 at 5:27 pm

What do you expect from the network that gave rise to that great talent and pillar of broadcasting objectivity – Keith Olberman.

Damn Yankee Infidel on November 19, 2008 at 8:02 pm

Good going Debbie, these people need to be awakened to the fact that there are people who do not buy their drivel. So keep up the good work.

Grumpy Old Man on November 19, 2008 at 8:59 pm

Good going Debbie, these people need to be awakened to the fact that there are people who do not buy their drivel. So keep up the good work.

Grumpy Old Man on November 19, 2008 at 8:59 pm

Great work Debbie. Fowler deserves to be called out for the stupidity of that remark.

Southernops on November 19, 2008 at 9:19 pm

Get an almost Black president and y’all start digging under rocks for racism when all you gotta do is look in the mirror

EminemsRevenge on November 19, 2008 at 11:15 pm

And don’t forget Debbie, THERE WERE BLACKS LIKE ME THAT ALSO DIDN’T VOTE FOR OBAMA. What will Chris Fowler say about that?

Squirrel3D on November 19, 2008 at 11:43 pm

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