November 23, 2011, - 12:56 pm

Do You Support Newt Gingrich’s Immigration Amnesty / Anchor Baby BS?

By Debbie Schlussel

Most of you probably saw or heard about Newt Gingrich’s amnesty approach to illegal aliens in our midst.  He not only endorsed amnesty, but encouraged anchor babyhood, saying we shouldn’t split up families, which is a liberal sympathy the illegal aliens who conceive anchor babies are counting on. I warned you about Newt’s immigration policy, last week. Notice that, while Gingrich openly spoke out against separating families from their children born in the U.S. (children the parents can take with them–no one is separating anyone, it’s a choice), Gingrich didn’t say he supports ending birthright citizenship, which would end this hollow, phony argument.

Two Liberal Dudes Who Support Amnesty for Illegal Aliens & Should Never Be President


It’s no different from Barack Obama’s immigration policy  . . . and worse than George W. Bush’s policy (Bush wisely never whined about breaking up families of illegal aliens).  I’m going to make a prediction:  his embrace of illegal alien amnesty and “path to citizenship” baloney will cause him to drop in the polls.  Sadly, he won’t drop enough.

We are just weeks away from the first primaries and caucuses, and Newt is dangerous.  He’s got many of the same views as Barack Obama.  Both are tight with racist bigot Al Sharpton, both support Obamacare (and Newt opposes Republican efforts to end it, endorsing a bond for those who don’t buy health insurance), both support immigration amnesty for illegal aliens, both believe in global warming BS, both supported using U.S. firepower to overthrow Qaddafi and make Libya an Al-Qaeda state, and both are dangerously tight with anti-Israel Muslims (Gingrich is tight with Jihad Grover Norquist, the architect of Bush’s non-stop pandering to Muslims).  Today’s Newt Gingrich is barely different from John McCain in terms of his positions on the issues.  And he’s not different enough from Barack Obama, which was part of McCain’s problem.


Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said Tuesday that he wouldn’t “expel” those who have come illegally but have made lives in the U.S. He says that the GOP cannot call itself a party for family when it separates parents from their children born in the U.S.

Rep. Michele Bachmann says that allowing illegal immigrants to stay is a form of amnesty. She and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney say benefits for illegal immigrants attract others.

But Romney adds he wants to encourage immigration, especially among those educated at U.S. colleges.

We will NEVER get tough enforcement of immigration laws and securing of our borders until we demand it and make it THE key issue.  In my view, it’s THE national security issue facing America.  Without it, we will never stop Islamic terrorism on our shores.  And we will never stop the increasing crime wave and drain on entitlements that illegal aliens press like an anvil on our country every single second of the day.

Would you vote for Newt Gingrich, knowing that he supports making millions of illegal aliens in our midst into American citizens?  I would really have to hold my nose in the voting booth.  The time to take action is BEFORE he becomes the Republican nominee.  Remember, many of them are not named Juan and Juanita.  There are plenty of ’em named Mohammed and Hamida.  And they need to go, NOT be offered a reward for breaking the law and stealing from us on our own shores.

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47 Responses

Newt was never worth a damn. An extremely arrogant and portly man, with a college professor’s ivory tower view of the world, typifies exactly what the country does not need. In short, he is an educated idiot.

We already have one arrogant man in the White House; sending another arrogant man would compound our problems.

Why isn’t this man friends with David Duke? After all, Al Sharpton is nothing but a black racist, so why not be friends with a white racist? It makes as much sense.

Deb, Happy Thanksgiving, and pray that the Republicans come up with a better candidate than the bunch of losers we have. (The liberals have rewritten school text books so that the Pilgrims were thanking the Indians, but in fact, Thanksgiving is a patriotic religious holiday, where we thank G-d. Don’t tell the ACLU or they will go to court to try to get Thanksgiving celebrations canceled).

Jonathan E. Grant on November 23, 2011 at 1:06 pm

    Good luck with that happening. The party is likely to get stuck with another unelectable RINO, who will lose big to Obama. Right now, I see good odds of that happening. Conservatives are still looking someone like Reagan and haven’t found him.

    NormanF on November 23, 2011 at 8:24 pm

    Newt is a RINO. Newt, don’t forget, sat with Pelosi and promoted a carbon tax because he believes in AG Warming. Newt would take Obama’s 7 war fronts and turn it into dozens of war fronts. We don’t have the money for a Newt presidency. Vote Paul!

    Ago Solvo on November 28, 2011 at 12:04 pm

Newt just lost my vote. We need someone who gets it on immigration and the islamic threat we face.

CJ on November 23, 2011 at 1:12 pm

    My feelings exactly. Its one thing with his baggage with Sharpton, I can hold my nose but immigration amnesty and legalizing anchor babies, that’s a deal-breaker for me. Its just not what we should expect in a Republican President. If that’s the best we can get, we might as well put up with Obama for a second term.

    NormanF on November 23, 2011 at 8:27 pm

Newt’s brain is fried. This is the garbage that killed off Rick Perry. Mr. Gingrich has just reaffirmed my belief that he is fundamentally dishonest, and really cannot be taken seriously as a candidate. It is really time for his current and former supporters to just walk away from the man. He is Janet Napolitano after gender reassignment. I am becoming more and more certain that Barack Obama will win reelection next year if the Republicans keep playing these games. It is a basic part of marketing to differentiate one’s brand from a competitor’s in order to make a sale. Newt Gingrich has done just the opposite. If you believe that Newt Gingrich is correct, why even vote for him over Barack Obama?

worry01 on November 23, 2011 at 1:40 pm

    That’s my view. Is there a difference? No. In my view that combined baggage will kill Gingrich off long before November. Debbie is right, as long as Republicans don’t demand better, they will never get the candidate they deserve and which America needs as President.

    NormanF on November 23, 2011 at 8:30 pm

Jon Grant, your post said it ALL!!! Too good.

The problem I see Conservatives having these days is that for all the “talk” about “true” (“ridgey-didge” in Australian!) Conservativism, there seems to be a paucity of ACTUAL Conservatives willing to run and stand firm on their beliefs. In the three years of Obama, I hope many noticed that the Dems go for broke and circle their wagons around even their most loopy (ObamaCare and Kucinich comes to mind). It seems to me that these days Conservatives are always on the defensive with their beliefs and seem to shake and quiver when it comes to standing up and saying “Hell YEAH, I believe in that!”.

So I see Conservatives getting all excited about Newt because he has come across as smarter and more blunt at the debates BUT many Conservatives also ARE NOT TOO PRIVY to what he stands for now. That’s the part that makes me sick. I see the Conservatives going along like lemmings like Liberals would. I guess that’s what happens when you listen to Bennett and Hannity and *think* you’re really conservative.

So at first we were going full steam for Flip McFloppney, then it was nice to see Conservatives fighting back by supporting Cain…only to be fooled by the nasty, dirty, filthy Lefty machine and the trumped up charges of harassment against Cain (this part annoys and hurts me the MOST). Cain (a long with Bachmann) was a great choice to at least tell the Republican Establishment to eff off BUT the canny Dems decided to stop that deluge and destroyed a man’s reputation. Real effing nice! (It goes without saying that Cain’s lack of FP knowledge did NOT help BUT with the big ZERO in the driver’s seat, he has lowered the standards for ANY IDIOT RUNNING!!)

So now we have a desperate situation and I see many a so-called Conservative stumbling and bumbling over themselves because they think Newt is the great hope! I thought Conservatives were more informed and smarter than Liberals?

Maybe a Bachmann resurgence can save us AND give the Establishment the “bird”. It’s hard to believe that the Conservatives don’t deserve this horrible position because WE kinda put ourselves here. Is there NOT a really good Conservative out there willing to get us out of this horrible mess?

I don’t think Newt OR Romney will win in 2012. That gives us ZERO for 4 more horrible years. The USA will not be able to sustain itself with 4 more years of that dumb bastard. This is quite the mess…

(PS…someone recently posted about Newt and “his creepy wife”…it was a throwaway line but it not only made me LOL but it is true!)

Skunky on November 23, 2011 at 1:41 pm

    Michele is the best of the current lot, along with Santorum, epecially since Allen (Superman) West isn’t running.

    Occam's Tool on November 23, 2011 at 3:13 pm

    Conservatives have slim pickings. Cain did get it about Muslim extremism but he won’t be nominated and neither will Bachmann or Santorum. It appears to be a race now Between Gingrich and Romney. Pick your loser.

    NormanF on November 23, 2011 at 8:33 pm

    Romney is the adult in the room, has the brains, debating skills and honest goal to save our sinking country for our children and grandchildren. If the GOP truly believed in the Constituion and the reason America was formed based on religious freedom … Romney would be supported by religous right. And if the Tea Party honored it’s basic goals of fiscal conservatism, they would back Romney now! Let’s hope the GOP will not destroy itself as it always does.

    Linna on November 27, 2011 at 4:49 pm

If Obama wins, we will face a cultural and political split so wide that it will lead to the secession of states away from the Left Coast and the Northeastern/Midwestern liberals. Our country will not survive for another 20 years. Hopefully, I will be retired and living down in the beloved South.

I am not too worried about a War of Northern Agression this time around. After all, where are the liberals going to get the troops?

Jonathan E. Grant on November 23, 2011 at 1:47 pm

Was Newt ever married to an illegal? I’m trying to figure out why a supposed conservative would even consider letting these illegals stay in our country. Maybe his next wife is an illegal, you never know.

Jarhead on November 23, 2011 at 1:50 pm

    Newt does not require a wife for that. He is well known for his extramarital affairs.

    worry01 on November 23, 2011 at 1:59 pm

    Jarhead, nothing against you but a person who spouts some conservative ideas does not make him a conservative. Just like a broken clock: Sure, it may have the correct time twice a day but that doesn’t mean one should rely upon it for the correct time for the rest of the day. Just saying…

    Jonathan Grant – spot on.

    Debbie – as JD Hayworth would say on his radio program prior to running against Senator Lettuce: “Border security IS national security.”

    Pats on November 23, 2011 at 8:35 pm

Jonathan, I wouldn’t consider the Midwest liberal, the midwestern states is mainly conservative and the folks who lives out there mainly vote “conservative”! I myself am planning on relocating to the midwest (either Kansas, Missouri or Nebraska). As for Gingrich, I always knew the guy was a phony from the get-go, and conservatives need to quit holding this up a hero for conservativism and quit pushing him down our throats. Kinda similar to a few months ago where some conservatives endlessly shoved Ron Paul down our throats.

“A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on November 23, 2011 at 2:03 pm

I wonder if Newt thinks this is cool:

Is this what is meant by “Coming out of the Shadows”?

worry01 on November 23, 2011 at 2:03 pm

I’m afraid that American conservatives, like their liberal, socialist and fascist counterparts, are suffering from a case of self-inflicted stupidity. And it appears that the rot has set in.

Politics and governance have become big businesses where the officials, once elected, would work very hard on winning the next election, and nothing else.

In the end, you’re pretty well stuck with the same piles of shit with different packaging (sorry for the terminology and profanity). You might as well vote for the devil you know than put up with the demon that you don’t.

Sorry if I told you something that you already know.

The Reverend Jacques on November 23, 2011 at 2:04 pm

Im tired of hearing how “brilliant” Newt is,but he has no clue what goes on at the border.Im laughing at the HYPOCRISY of the Conservative pundits and media that completely destroyed Rick Perry,but yet are defending Newt,calling amnesty BRILLIANT.This makes me very sick.But the thing is,Rick Perry is and has always been AGAINST amnesty,the DREAM Act,and was saying before we install any sort of immigration reform,we must control the border FIRST.

Lou on November 23, 2011 at 2:26 pm

    Take it from a conservative Texan Perry is a bad joke and would lose vs. Obama. Obama must be defeated in 12 and that may be too late. When the Arab Winter hits BHO will open the flood gates to legal Middle East immigration as a humanitarian gesture. We will long for the good old days when we had only 20 million illegals to worry about. Hopefully none of the current GOP frontrunners would be that stupid.

    Jimbo on November 24, 2011 at 10:11 am

Newt Gingrich is a growth-at-any-cost Republican. It’s a worldview whose ranks include Karl Rove, Jihad Grover Norquist, Stephen Moore, George Gilder, Lawrence Kudlow, anyone who writes opinion pieces for the Wall Street Journal, and the late Jack Kemp. Immigration reform and even national security, in this mindset, takes a distant back seat to economic growth and “empowerment” (i.e., subsidies and favoritism) of blacks and Hispanics.

I guarantee that if Gingrich becomes president, our immigration problem will become worse than if President Obama were to remain in office; congressional Republicans, after all, will be more squeamish about challenging a GOP White House than a Democratic one. These are grim times indeed when Obama actually looks good.

Seek on November 23, 2011 at 2:36 pm

Good points. I too am tired of the talking heads making newt out to be some super intelligent breed of republican. Too much junk in the trunk with all the reach overs, reach arounds, whatever it is he does so well.

samurai on November 23, 2011 at 2:52 pm

Newt, like McCain, is not the same as what he was in 1994. Same goes for Boehner and a whole bunch of that ‘Class of 94’. Michelle is probably the best, but as others have noted, ain’t likely to get far!

Infidel on November 23, 2011 at 4:01 pm

“(Bush wisely never whined about breaking up families of illegal aliens).”

If you don’t count when Bush expectorated in our faces with his “Family values don’t stop at the Rio Grande” comment.

CornCoLeo on November 23, 2011 at 5:04 pm

Many Middle East invaders come here so they can hate their enemy up close.

Found this thesis on Hizbollah’s terror bombing in Argentina. I suspect that they arranged with Iran to bribe that country’s then Leb President, Memen.

Joe Joe on November 23, 2011 at 5:51 pm

None of these politicians seem to have the courage to build a wall. Sure they may say it, but they will never succeed. And moreover none of these “conservatives” will remian conservative if they make it into the white house. Bachman is a bad choice, Cain looked promising, but I think we all knew he would fall from grace, Mitt will most likely be the last man standing even though he flip flops.

Ronin on November 23, 2011 at 5:58 pm

I would never vote for an Open Borders Republican. Too many in the party put national security in the back seat to pandering to ethnic lobbies and making life easier for Big Business. This in no way strengthens America. Like I said, when we don’t demand better, conservatives get Republicans who hang out with tan-skinned Nazis and push idiotic amnesty schemes in our faces. There was a time Gingrich was a conservative. He changed his principles and core philosophy. What is happening happens with a party devoid of principles and high standards. “A tad better” than Obama shouldn’t be the standard for conservatives to settle for, like they can’t do better. That explains all the GOP flavors of the month.

NormanF on November 23, 2011 at 7:03 pm

Absolutely outstanding post Jonathan E. Grant. You are a gentleman and a scholar. To quote the renowned scholar Dr. Walter E. Williams in a foreword to book The Real Lincoln by Dr. Thomas J. Lorenzo.

“Today’s federal government is considerably at odds with that envisioned by the framers of the Constitution.”

“The true costs were a change in the character of our government into one feared by the likes of Jefferson,Madison, Monroe, Jackson, and Calhoun– one where states lost most of their sovereignty to the central government. Thomas Jefferson saw as the most important safeguard of the liberties of the people “the support of the state government in all their rights, as the most competent administrations for our domestic concerns and the surest bulwarks against anti-republican ttendencies”

“If the federal government makes encroachments on the constitutional rights of the people and the states, what are their options? In a word, their right to secede.”

My favorites for President. Retired Lt. Col. Allen West,Nikki Haley, and Robert Binkley.

Thank you for the topic Debbie.

Confederate South on November 23, 2011 at 7:11 pm

Correction on the last post. Thomas J. DiLorenzo authored the book along with several others.

Immigration has to be dealt with severely and soon.

Confederate South on November 23, 2011 at 7:17 pm


Soft on immigration. We’re full. Can’t take anymore right now. Moderate Republican at best. Feels the need to lecture real conservatives. If he couldn’t be faithful to his first wife then good chance he won’t be faithful to his constituents. Keep writing books Newt you’re the shorter version of McCain.

Hahahaha hehehe hahahaha r-i-g-h-t libertarian boy.

How could anyone go from being one of the most liberal Republican governors in the country to what he claims to be today? Check his record out he’s flip flopped on nearly everything. Don’t trust him.

Good man. Real conservative but hard headed. Once he’s made his mind up on something that’s it. Don’t bother him with the details. A little too rigid.

On foreign policy — deer in headlights. Crickets chirping in background. One minute he says no Muslims in his cabinet the next he’s wearing a nijab passing out halal cookies at a mosque on the lower east side of Toledo. Plus the possible tool (euphamism) problem. Not ready for prime time.

If you strictly look at her positions on most conservative issues she is solid. Understands foreign policy. Knows the Islam issues. Good on immigration. A fiscal conservative. Worked like a trojan to help get the Tea Party going. Good on most cultural conservative issues. A decent woman. I like her.

longshanks on November 23, 2011 at 9:16 pm

As to Deb’s Q? No, NO I don’t.
Sounds just like McCain’t campaign all over again.
Welcome back president Obama.
No room for thinking, working, conservatives in warshington, sorry.
Not to be nit picky but what kind of names do these Republicant’s pick anyway. Newt and Mitt sound like something from a really bad fairy tale. I think the R-party is doing their best…to destroy their Best, so as to keep the same old…same, old.
…yeah, we’re screwed…again.

theShadow on November 23, 2011 at 9:22 pm

He’s George Bush’s less intelligent twin. Has no business anywhere near Pennsylvania Avenue. Poster child for what a career politician is. Most of the job creation he brags about in Texas is from illegal alien employment. How he even holds a Governorship is mind boggling.

longshanks on November 23, 2011 at 9:29 pm

I agree, we shouldn’t break up families, deport them all together. If your parents were here illegally when you were born then you are an illegal too. This dash across the border for a welfare check has to end. At least with the current government crashing the dollar most of the illegals will probably head home as the hyper inflation kicks in.

Ender on November 23, 2011 at 11:24 pm

The real reason they don’t want to abandon Afghanistan is, because of the Exxon Mobile’s pipeline pumping oil from Afghanistan. George Bush Jr. brags he went to Iraq for the oil, to show off to his affluent friends. So instead of half the national deficit, we have it double, they want to build permanent bases in Iraq and Afghanistan, so big oil, and the Republican’s can get rich. So why do they want to make Afghanistan a permanent duty station so they can protect the interest’s of big oil and the pipeline, before they started drilling and pumping oil out of Afghanistan, the country was considered the largest untapped oil resource in the world. They don’t talk much about the pipeline now because the Billionaire’s and corporations have silence everyone. I don’t vote and support neither party, nor will I be a registered voter, ever, because I never register to vote. George Bush Jr and the Republican party wanted to control the oil infrastructure of Iraq, and Afghanistan to enrich themselves, Billions traded for the corporations, while America accumulated Trillions in national debt, not such a good trade off, but it was for 1% of the population. The people of Afghanistan live simple lives as farmers and ranchers, living off of mountain goats, and sheep’s, and simple crops, too stupid to realize what they have an abundant source of natural resources that they do not benefit from, while Hamid Karzai hordes over 100 Billion in secret accounts for himself. The people of Afghanistan use horses and donkeys, and pick up trucks, as their main weapons, while military contractor’s keep building new weapon system’s for themselves and get richer, America goes down hill in debt. China owns 11% of the national debt, and Japan owns 10% and they are over 200% over GDP in national debt. So who owns most of the national debt Private Security Firms profiting off the national debt of the U.S. They want to go to war with Iran that will cost the U.S. 90 Billion a year, instead of executing precision strikes. Like Iraq, they always have known, since they have too much oil, no economic sanction will work, and only by declaring a full scale war can they actually bring about change.The real reason they don’t want to abandon Afghanistan is, because of the Exxon Mobile’s pipeline pumping oil from Afghanistan. George Bush Jr. brags he went to Iraq for the oil, to show off to his affluent friends. So instead of half the national deficit, we have it double, they want to build permanent bases in Iraq and Afghanistan, so big oil, and the Republican’s can get rich. So why do they want to make Afghanistan a permanent duty station so they can protect the interest’s of big oil and the pipeline, before they started drilling and pumping oil out of Afghanistan, the country was considered the largest untapped oil resource in the world. They don’t talk much about the pipeline now because the Billionaire’s and corporations have silence everyone. I don’t vote and support neither party. George Bush Jr and the Republican party wanted to control the oil infrastructure of Iraq, and Afghanistan to enrich themselves, Billions traded for the corporations, while America accumulated Trillions in national debt, not such a good trade off, but it was for 1% of the population. The people of Afghanistan live simple lives as farmers and ranchers, living off of mountain goats, and sheep’s, and simple crops, too stupid to realize what they have an abundant source of natural resources that they do not benefit from, while Hamid Karzai hordes over 100 Billion in secret accounts for himself. The people of Afghanistan use horses and donkeys, and pick up trucks, as their main weapons, while military contractor’s keep building new weapon system’s for themselves and get richer, America goes down hill in debt. China owns 11% of the national debt, and Japan owns 10% and they are over 200% over GDP in national debt. So who owns most of the national debt Private Security Firms profiting off the national debt of the U.S. They want to go to war with Iran that will cost the U.S. 90 Billion a year, instead of executing precision strikes. Like Iraq, they always have known, since they have too much oil, no economic sanction will work, and only by declaring a full scale war can they actually bring about change.

Danny Liu on November 24, 2011 at 12:39 am

    Could you spam elsewhere Danny? We do not wish to view the cut and paste garbage that you have posted here. Long winded and irrelevant posts are about as persuasive as gang graffiti, and just as much of an eyesore. It is an insult to people who come here and voice their own opinions, rather than producing a canned informercial. If your intention was to promote a cause, you failed. I suspect that failure is a big part of your life in the real world my friend.

    worry01 on November 24, 2011 at 3:04 am

A Jewish girl, Oceane Sluijzer, 13, was beaten in Brussels by five Moroccan Muslim girls. Nope – it wasn’t Islamophobia!

After all, we all know there is no such thing as anti-Semitism. I bet that the stats for attacks in Europe don’t differ too widely from the FBI stats that came out awhile back for 2010.

There’s only one politically correct of group of victims and in real life as here, they are the perpetrators.

That is what’s not being discussed – and its a true conspiracy of international silence.

NormanF on November 24, 2011 at 7:10 am

Yes, NormanF I saw that earlier. That kind of crap can only increase directly proportional to the increase in Muslim immigration into the West. Fit right in don’t they?

Debbie, be careful this weekend. There will be lots of drunk drivers out on the road. I’m just sayin’…

frogman on November 24, 2011 at 9:42 am

Who dropped the Facebook share button from your pages, at least on mobile?
Brilliant idea there.

Lance on November 24, 2011 at 10:32 am

Any candidate that does not want to change the birthright issue and address immigration without amnesty does not get my support. Domestic drilling is a must for me also. Any candidate that tap dances around these issues is suspect and does not get my vote.

WilliamMunny on November 24, 2011 at 10:59 am

Ronin, would you please back up your declarations.

sturgis on November 24, 2011 at 2:18 pm

This is a prejudicial piece of garbage, fully as biased as MSM. Complete misstatements of the policy he’s suggesting, pix, not of the stable families he specifically talked about, but of young thug illegals grabbing their crotches and flipping the bird, showing him with Sharpton, lying that he’s talking about citizenship, not a separate legal status for them
that fit a specific set of criteria…no mention of the board that would take those cases and draw the appropriate lines….no discussion of our own culpability for having looked the other way for decades as a matter of culture, while the aromas from the great larder of our bounty wafted down to these poverty-stricken mexicans, and drew them across an almost non-existent border as a matter of survival. You, my dear have painted a completely biased and false picture of the argument the Speaker raised. This is a time to deal accurately with the truth…and you have shown yourself to be just short of a liar, madam.

Duane Langenberg on November 24, 2011 at 10:33 pm

I would not support Newt if he was giving away big screen TV’s.
Illegal immigration is illegal. Maybe he could pardon illegal drug use next.

Tina on November 25, 2011 at 7:51 am

I can’t look at Al (the blowhard) Sharpton. It’s like looking at a donkey taking a #2 in a field, not eye pleasing, not intelligent.

Truth on November 26, 2011 at 7:48 am

Re: Debbie’s Question (Headline)

Hell, No!

Unfortunately, I have some bad news.

“Gingrich wins NH backing as Romney plugs along” (Yahoo News–Associated Press)

JeffE on November 27, 2011 at 10:37 pm

what about all th welfare they consume? Is newt giving us the finger telling us to pay up or shut up? Romney may be a flip flopper, but he has a solid record in Mass for raiding companies who hire illegals and shutting them down. also he didnt let illegals on the health care bill. Romney is more Conservative than Rino Newt. OBAMA WOULD BEAT Newt, I hope were not stuck with either one of them. a vote for NEWT IS A VOTE FOR obama si si puedo.. god bless all these congressmen and woman who have been fighting so hard to stop the illegal invasion, then NEWT COMES ALONG AND SLAPS THEM IN THE FACE

Joanna on November 29, 2011 at 4:38 pm

that photo above showing those illegals and the 2 in front center one giving the finger and the other with his filthy hands on his personal area should be arrested and incarcerated. the rest of them should be also incarcerated.

thomas on December 5, 2011 at 8:39 pm

Sorry Debbie,I agree on over ninety percent of what you say, however, in practicality, if they are willing to do the jobs that too many in our “welfare class” including educated whitefolks, are loathe to take why not?
We baby boomers are retiring en masse, and who is left to pay into the social security safety net that is being siphoned by well heeled seniors who take it because they paid into it and believe its their right to receive it (and it is under present law).
Becasuse of the AARP lobby and mismanaged federal programs such as HUD legal larceny and miriade state sponsored departments of corruption will continue.
What we do need is probationary citizenship, Similar to Canada. Public housing, and other social saftey nets with the exception of limited medication, by agreement would not be forthcoming. Pay into the system like everyone else and after ten years of paying in you can receive full citizenship and spoon the gravy, not before!

Ron Wolf on January 12, 2012 at 2:53 pm

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