November 22, 2011, - 3:49 pm

Arafat Taught Daughter to Shoot Gun @ Age 3; Loved Tom & Jerry Cartoons

By Debbie Schlussel

Ah, so that’s what closeted gay Palestinian terrorists-in-chief with AIDS do for enjoyment:  they watch “Tom & Jerry.”  That’s what late Fatah/P.L.O. leader Yasser Arafat did in his spare time when he wasn’t busy blowin’ up the JOOOOOS.  And who says Palestinians don’t have class and culture!  The cartoon addiction is one of the many hilarious musings of Suha Arafat, beard to Yasser, in an interview she gave to A-Sharq Al-Awsat newspaper.

The interview is an effort at damage control and public relations, now that the Tunisians are going after her to get their slice of American and Israeli moolah she and Al-Frogface stole.  You see, the Tunisians–who for decades welcomed Yasser and the P.L.O. gang to headquarter their terrorist group in Tunis–are now going after Suha, phony bride of Yasser, claiming she ripped them off of millions in funds to feed her extravagant lifestyle.  They’ve issued a warrant for her arrest.  But the people from whom she really stole–the Israelis and Americans who gave millions in aid to the Palestinians, all of which went to line Yasser’s and Suha’s pockets–will never go after her for the money.  They don’t have the cojones.  (I wonder how much of that money went to her close friend and  reported former longtime hairdresser Farouk Shami, owner of CHI and Farouk Systems.  They are from the same hometown and tight.) The Tunisians–who never gave the Arafats a cent–have bigger testicles than ever, seeking a piece of the pie that America and Israel baked for the Palestinians and which was gobbled by not-so-halal Suha.  While she used to live in chic Paris, she now lives in yet another backward nation that is largely Arabic, Malta.

Also, Suha tells us that Yasser tried to teach Zahwa–the daughter he could only have fathered through artificial insemination–to use a gun and train for the life of a terrorist bigot at age three.  How touching.  Cue the Minnie Riperton, “Loving You,” tune. If you can’t read the Arabic, here are the highlights from the Suha interview in English:

Late Palestinian leader was fond of watching the famous TV cartoon programme Tom and Jerry but did not like listening to music, his widow has said.

Arafat, who was better known as Abu Ammar, was also teaching his daughter how to use a gun when she was three years old, Suha Arafat told the London-based Saudi Arabic language daily Sharqalawsat.

While at home, Arafat had always taken off his famous military fatigues and the traditional Palestinian headgear Koffiya and wore sport clothes, she said.

Let me guess – spandex bikeshorts!

“He never tried to cook,” she told the paper at her house in Malta, where she has lived since her husband died seven years ago.

Well, that’s a good thing. You might have had Baked Jerusalem for dessert. Literally.

“When he was at home, he used put sport clothes on, stretch his legs and watch television…he used to watch Egyptian movies and Tom and Jerry…I had not seen him listening to music but he used to read much when he was in bed.”

Suha, who married Arafat in 1989, described the guerrilla leader as an “incredibly patient and good man”, adding that he also liked joking.

Hey, this sounds just like GOP Congressman Jihad Darrell Issa’s mash notes to Arafat when he went to visit him in Ramallah, talked about what a great sense of humor he has, his small hands, and how he’d give you the food off his plate. Suha and Darrell ought to get together.

“But sometimes I used to see him sat with Zahwa (Arafat’s daughter) and teaching her how to use the gun although she was only three years old…I used to get very angry but he was telling me to stay out of it and was saying that teaching her how to use a gun was better than teaching her dancing,” she said. . . .

Suha rebuffed what she described as rumors that she is paid $50,000 a month by the Palestinian Authority, saying she gets only $12,000. “They pay me $12,000, which is Abu Ammar’s pension as the head of the PLO and Fatah movement. . . . I receive this sum at the start of every month and my house rent is also paid by the Palestinian Authority.”

Uh, you, the American taxpayer are actually paying that. Where do you think the Palestinian Authority gets the cash?

Oh, and she doesn’t forget to thank some friends who–with terrorist TV telethons and cold hard cash grants–helped fund the Palestinian homicide bombings, blowing up Passover dinners and pizza shops.

I would like here to mention King Abdullah, late crown prince sultan and late King Fahd and all their wives, daughters and sisters…they are all friends of mine…we never forget Saudi Arabia’s role in helping the Palestinian people as it has always compensated us when we are neglected by other nations.”

Uh, honey, the biggest compensation you and the Palestinians get it from America, then Israel, and finally Europe. The Gulf State sheikhs give a pittance in comparison.

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45 Responses

Funny how Suha looks so much like her dear departed husband of convenience. Except she shaves her beard. I wonder how closely they’re related?

lexi on November 22, 2011 at 4:01 pm

Jews are really the stupidest people on earth. That’s what I thought when they inked the original deal with the devil. But unlike the Tunisians, you’re never going to see them say they were screwed. That would be expecting too much. Its cognitive dissonance to realize the people you made peace with are cannibals. No other nation on earth would continue a bromance with those intent upon their destruction.

Suha Arafat’s tale is a lesson in what Israel should have avoided in the first place.

NormanF on November 22, 2011 at 4:09 pm

Arafat spent as much time feeding his kleptomania as anything else. Also, a pension of $12,000 a month is a nice little dividend on top of what Suha and her hubby managed to grab over the years. I suspect that the $50,000 is closer to the actual figure. Suha could not live a life of the rich and famous on an income of only $144,000 a year. She would not have given some of the loot back for anything less.

worry01 on November 22, 2011 at 4:11 pm

Training young kids to use guns is no big deal. Everyone should do it. He was still was an evil sack of shit, though. As is that whore traitor who carried his seed.

M: It is no big deal for Westerners to teach their kids to use guns, but sadly, we mostly don’t. It is, however, a big deal when Arafat and other Muslims teach their three-year-olds to use guns b/c we know it is part of teaching them jihad against innocent non-Muslims and the West. DS

Marsh626 on November 22, 2011 at 4:17 pm

    DS: It is no big deal for Muslims to teach their kids to use guns, but sadly, they mostly don’t. It is, however, a big deal when Americans teach their three-year-olds to use guns b/c we know it is part of teaching them jihad against innocent Muslims.

    d williams on February 5, 2012 at 9:36 am

I wonder if this pig thinks about all the little boys her dead “husband” did when she looks at that goofy portrait of the PLO Loser?

Next time some fool feminist tells me that women ought to rule the world I hope I can shove the beast known as Suha Arafat down their stupid throats to wake them the eff up?

Support of these monsters HAS to be a mental illness (along with feminism and Liberalism) because reading about these freaks and their supporters makes me absolutely crazed. It just occurred to me that it is opposite what their supporters feel when they are presented with Jews and Israel. They are so mentally ill. That is NOT the proper thought projectary. Jews are to be admired and “Palestinians” are to be thought of like all sorts of excrement are thought of.

Skunky on November 22, 2011 at 4:22 pm

The day will come when no one gets foreign aid from the United States because Obama and the bleeding hearts will lead us into bankruptcy.
Let the Northeast, California, Oregon, Washington, and Illinois can follow the way of the bleeding hearts.
People in the Southeast, Arizona, Montana, Idaho, and Nevada are fed up with all of the money being squandered on Islam and illegals.
States rights may come sooner than we or I may think. By the way, the North can keep Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, and all of the Marxist henchmen.

Confederate South on November 22, 2011 at 5:44 pm

Black Undertow…? You really do live up to your name Confederate South. No doubt you long for the old days of sipping mint julips on the porch and watching black people pick cotten. What a jackass… You should show more respect for other non white Americans. Blacks in this country have put out in a major way. You should crack open a book every once in a while and read about the Tuskegee Airmen. Never lost a bomber. There were a lot of white racists like yourself that had to change their views when they saw the Red Tails on their wing tips. The first illegals were the pilgrims. Doubtful your people came to the states with a visa in hand. Foreign aid was started long before Obama my friend. Lest you forget about your proffit Reagan, Bush and Bush II. Do you rememeber the attempt of your last president to give a contract to UAE to provide security to U.S. sea ports..? The largest foreign aid in recent times has been our two front war. NOT a liberal plan, but I get it, blame it on a liberal and see if it sticks. Guys like you a re so predicatable. I bet at the bar you tout about how Mexicans are taking all the good jobs. See, when you make it about race, you reveal more about yourself than the race. You should read more and write less.

crazytrain on November 22, 2011 at 6:17 pm

    CrAzYbrain, it’s a pity a school of psychology is not here to watch you sadly project all over the place. It would surely help the new students understand PROJECTION as well as Liberalism being a Mental Disorder!

    LOL. You’re a classic Liberal too. Even if someone does not hit one of your deeply loved Liberal TALKING POINTS you make sure to accuse them of such…I guess it’s your way of flexing your flabby Liberal muscles.

    And your stupidity and brainwashing is fun because other post-ers here get to soundly refute your silly beliefs…and it educates not just the regulars but also the lurkers.

    You’re a great example of a very stupid example!

    And it shows the psychology students how stubbornly dumb Liberals like you are. It is indeed a mental disorder because you clearly dig your heels in deeper (or your head in the sand deeper as your tuchis is exposed!) when facts come at you double-speed BUT you still cling to the foolish ideology in lieu of the FACTS!

    Skunky on November 22, 2011 at 6:40 pm

I believe the US will eventually split apart because of people like Nobama.

Jonathan E. Grant on November 22, 2011 at 6:36 pm

Skunky. Once again you reveal how dumb you and those of your ilk are. Nothing more attractive than a former feminist bigot. No doubt you were booted out of their outfit for the same mindless babble that you spew here. your respnse made no point, served no purpose and hardly gave me the atomic wedgey that you were hoping for. It actually gave me a bit of wood, lol. You can wrap yourself up in your warm blanket of bigotry, but like I said to your confederate brother in this string. It reveals much more about you than what you are attemting to communicate about the race you are insulting.

Jonathan Grant. You are a jackass! The U.S. did help broker the republic of Israel in amajor way. If you read any books, you would know that out of WWII emerged the U.S. as a major superppower. We weighed in on it and Brittain actually encouraged us to not promote it. Why? Because Brittain knew what would happen. Why? Because they have been involved in the ME for about 200 years… Read an f-ing book! AND the U.S. continues to hold up a nation that only serves to cause us grief. Moreover, most of the founding citizens of Isreael were NOT from the Arab world but from Western and Eastern Europe as well as already living in Israel. Of course anyone touched by terrorism would have a diferent opinion about how present it is, but here is a news flash for your small monkey brain… Most Americans have not, nor will they ever be touched by terrorism becasue the definition and purpose of it is to make you think it is all around you, and in your own stupid words… be an “immediate threat.” Americans are more likely to be murdered by an insane mall shooter or gang banger than a terrorist, but don’t let that stop you and Skunky from stock piling weapons, ammo and spam. It will actually come in handy when you’re fighting off a see of Chinese. Your are so incredibly foolish that you don’t even see that it has already happened. WE OWE CHINA MONEY!!! Lots of it btw… The immediate threat is already visiting you in the form of your tax dollars paying back a communist country, you moron. So to be clear to you, although you are most likely too retarded to grasp the clarity. We should not be supporting your beloved Israel nor any ME country for that matter. I don’t support aiding any country, Arab or Jew, Muslim, Christian or Atheist. I support Americans looking out for Americans and getting this country out of other countries shit. And you fools should be on board with that notion as well. Spend less time at the Tea Party rallies and look around you. Your country is no longer your own and it aint because of liberals…

crazytrain on November 22, 2011 at 6:46 pm

    Uh Uh.

    The vast majority of Israel’s Jews come from the Middle East and Africa. They are indistinguishable in every way from the Arabs but in their faith. Keep on with the discredited meme Israel is a European colonial implant in the Middle East.

    Its the most successful country on earth and all the Arabs have managed to do is to hate the West and to kill each other when no one is watching them. For the Israel haters, that sticks in their craw.

    Your idealized Arabs aren’t going anywhere fast and not anytime soon in this century.

    NormanF on November 22, 2011 at 7:08 pm

    CrAzYbrain…you have a horrible habit of stealing other people’s words (ilk, fool, silly, warm, wrapped…)when you reply to them. Get your own style you boring pile of crap! And only a piece of rancid latrine slime like YOU could sport “wood” from something YOU deemed as having NO point and serving NO purpose. But you cracked a fat on it. Swwwwwing! Gosh, you are a sad wanker.

    And unlike YOU I did NOT need to get kicked out of the “feminist” movement…I was smart enough to get the hell out after I saw the honking hypocrisy that the early 90s brought and how those toads dealt with your hero Billy-Jeff Clinton.

    You’re just mad because you have not the brains or the bravado to leave a (bowel)movement(Liberalism) that feeds you chicken sh** everyday. You’re still choking on the chicken sh** sandwich telling yourself that it’s chicken salad! Bon appetite you bogan!

    Skunky on November 22, 2011 at 7:51 pm

You are in dire need of an education. You sound like one of those college educated jackasses fresh off a college campus. All mouth no brains. Spewing rhetoric that you have no earthly idea what you are talking about.

Predictable, you and your ilk are pretty much the same. I sincerely hope that you take up some Southern Hospitality and find out what you are missing. I hope that you get to meet Hunter Wallace and Paul Kersey and so many of the legends of the South. The Jacksonian Papers would be a great starter for you and found on the campus of the University of Tennessee.

Oh by the way son, when I am not working to support your Yankee foolishness, I can be found at a House of Worship on weekends seeking relief from Satan in G-d’s guidance.

Confederate South on November 22, 2011 at 6:59 pm

Thank you Jonathan E. Grant.
We here in the South keep our synagogues,churches and gun ranges packed 3 days per week and train the other 4.

Obama sure is hastening secession.

Confederate South on November 22, 2011 at 7:11 pm

I know I’m a bigot… its soo fashionable to hate the Jews and Israel these days. Now I know who I am not. CT, thanks for the compliment!

NormanF on November 22, 2011 at 7:30 pm

I’m laughing so hard I can’t comment right now other than to advise crazybrain not to mess with skunky unless the tranny wants an intellectual thrashing.

Hey y’all, don’t forget to watch the Republican foreign policy debate tonight. I’m liking Bachmann more and more as time goes by.

longshanks on November 22, 2011 at 8:09 pm

You are one boy who I and 50 other Southern men would like to see at Rangemaster and see if all of your theories hold water.
Let’s see if your elite college education can hold water in Birmingham , Memphis, Atlanta, Charlotte,Nashville or better yet DON’T MESS WITH TEXAS.

You will be wishing that you had Jesus,G-d, or for that matter Santa Claus especially around the “Black Undertow.” Your elite college education may need to be mixed with some common sense.

I love it. That elite IVY League College Education. What them uppity Yankees will teach you. Hee, hee,hee.

Confederate South on November 22, 2011 at 8:39 pm

I’m going to give in my two cents on this thread and this is directing towards you’re ass Crazytrain (or my pal Skunky called you Crazybrain and she is taking your ass to school Crazytrain). First off you in one of you’re sentiments you claimed this:

“The first illegals were the pilgrims.”

WRONG, when the pilgrims came to this country there was no such law called “immigration laws” and “US laws”, when they came to this country, this country was just called “America” still being ruled under British rule, it wasn’t called the “United States of America” yet, so you my friend are a “revivisionist” and a propagandist! And here’s you’re other statement:

“Do you remember the attempt of your las president to give a contract to UAE to provide security to US sea ports..?”

OMFG you are so moronic, bro, try and go through Debbie’s archives about “Bush Jr. wanting to sell six of our ports to the UAE government”, she called out Bush on it and criticized his ass on it. Many conservative commentators in 2006 criticized and lamblasted Bush for that decision, thankfully his insane planned failed, that issue was about our “National Security”. And Bush Jr. was NO conservative, he was a “liberal” (or a RINO), and here’s you’re last statement:

“I bet at the bar you tout about how Mexicans are taking all the good jobs.”

Crayztrain, I bet at you’re local far-left meetings you tout about how we need massive illegal aliens in this country and continue to keep our borders wide open. Thanks for exposing yourself for being pro-Amnesty for 20-30 million illegal aliens, pro-open borders crowd, etc. Since you’re enabling law-breakers to sneak into our country illegally, you ought to be arrested and tried for sedition on what you and you’re far-left ilk are doing to this country. And Longshanks, I am not going to watch the GOP debates, to me it’s a waste of my time and I don’t know why the Republicans continue to have debates on a weekly basis?

“A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on November 22, 2011 at 8:47 pm

Excellent post Sean R. I totally agree with you. Crazytrain would defitely be guilty of sedition. Washington definitely had firing squads. Andrew Jackson took a bullet before he killed Charles Dickens. Jackson’s biggest disappointments were that he did not get to duel Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun.
Andrew Jackson was definitely borders, language, and culture.
What a man!!!

Confederate South on November 22, 2011 at 9:23 pm

    Thanks for enjoying my message Confederate South, it wasn’t just you and Skunky who took this buffoon Crazytrain to school, I schooled him in one message alone! And bro, this putz had the nerve to libel you by calling you a racist, Confederate South, I’ve read just about all of your messages on this blogsite in the past, and I’ve NEVER seen or read a racist statement in any of you’re messages. So Crazytrain is very typical of insane and moronic left wingers, just because of you’re screen-name, this lout assumes you’re a racist and a hatemongeror, whereas Crazytrain is the REAL hatemongeror here (notice how much disdain he has for southerners, heartlanders and rural folks).

    Great analysis Skunky, you’ve nailed it on the head with that troll who’s been trying so damn hard to push his radical left wing agenda on this blog and is NOT working. And I believe Crazytrain does have a soft spot for islam and has disdain for other religions?

    Jonathan, excellent message sir, I’ve been to the south on some occasions and let me tell you, southerners happen to be the most respectful people you’ve ever met with, them along with midwesterners. And I to have exprienced racism, bigotry, anti-semitism, etc where I currently live in New York (especially in NYC where I live) and I’ve also exprienced some racism, anti-semitism, bigotry, etc. in New Jersey as well.

    “A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”

    Sean R. on November 22, 2011 at 11:05 pm

AIDS – Arafat Immune Deficiency Syndrome

I remember seeing video, when this towel-head died, of the French military furnishing an honor guard and carrying his casket around as if he were a legitimate head of state. The only head he was was the head he gave boys and vice-versa.

CornCoLeo on November 22, 2011 at 9:33 pm

Here is the funny thing, CrazyTrain. I think you have mentally jumped the tracks.

I have found more bigotry in the North, than I have found in the South, so quit insulting the South. As MLK said, Chicago was the most segregated city he ever saw. You Northern liberals are so full of crap.

Just as a reference, I am old enough to remember when Maryland was a Southern state. The people were friendly, nice, and honest. Once the Northern liberals moved down here, the “me first” attitude set in, people became hostile, and gained an air of self importance.

When I retire, I am moving further south, to one of the Carolinas.

Jonathan E. Grant on November 22, 2011 at 9:35 pm

Jon, CT took me literally… first time I’ve ever been complimented on my being a conservative. I don’t he really knows a bigot! 😉

NormanF on November 22, 2011 at 9:40 pm

CrAzybrain is the definition of insanity as he *thinks* his stupidity and sarcasm can make us like his ideology and then disown the website of DS (Prolly the most honest and knowledgeable one out there!). He seems to not understand the people who come here KNOW it is the equivalency of a “last stand”. Otherwise we’d all be on HA taking stupid stabs at Palinistas and Flip McFloppney supporters and having stupid flame wars on religious Conservatives vs. non-religious Conservatives.

But let me quickly list a outline so you know where this woefully retarded brain-box is coming from…

A.) Hater of Joooooooos
1) Doubts Islam is our main problem (Crack-smoking is fun in 2011!)
2) Takes umbrage at “Islamophobia” (but can put down other religions)
3) Hates Israel
4) See moral equivalency of “Arab Spring” and USA Civil War.

B) Loves Liberalism
1)Obama NOT incompetent!
2)But Bush, Bush2 and Reagan were!
3)Hates Fraud News (PAWNN)…(But in the DUMB Liberal way and NOT for bona fide reasons as we do HERE).
4)Anti-Tea Party (crapping on about the Tea Party when OWS are stinking up the joint in stereo is a dead give-a-away!)
5)Mocks religion (yet has a sensitive spot for Islam!)

And just for good Liberal measure (which means NEVER using one’s brain…) he hits all the branches on the Liberal tree such as…

Civil Rights!
Indians and Pilgrims!
Southerners Suck!

Ooooooh yeah! We are so glad to follow and fall-in-line for our brainless and CrAzY overlord!/

Skunky on November 22, 2011 at 9:51 pm

More proof that cousins shouldn’t marry.

Tanstaafl on November 22, 2011 at 11:09 pm

It’s highly unlikely that girl is Arafat’s biolgical daughter.

In the unlikely event that she is his biological daughter, it was most likely by artificial insemination.

Scott on November 23, 2011 at 1:42 am

There was another GOP foreign policy debate last night.

If I ever get a chance to speak to any of the candidates, these are the questions I’ll ask;

Question 1) Will you move the US embassy to Jerusalem? IF yes, WHEN?

Question 2) Do you believe Jewish settlements are a problem?

Question 3) Will you pressure Israel publicly, privately, or through intermediaries to freeze or eliminate any settlements?

Any of the so-called “pro-Israel” candidates who fail to satisfactorily answer all 3 questions should be considered a phony who will sell out to the Arabs after the election.

Scott on November 23, 2011 at 2:11 am

To paraphrase an immortal song: “I’m going off the rails on that crazytrain.”

Form these various postings, crazytrain is a libertarian. I tend to lean that way.

Also, based on these posts, this person is also either an atheist or agnostic. I’m agnostic, which to make a long story short makes me an atheist-lite.

Crazytrain, this is where we differ.

As much as I hate feeding trolls (because the more you feed them, the more they troll), I’d love to break it down for you as much as possible so you can digest it without hurting yourself.

As much as Americans need to worry about China – and rightfully so – the threat of Fascistic Islam is also real because of the way the religion is organised: it’s the old story of the Chosen People taken to an extreme level.

The reason why we agnostics and atheists are free to be who we are is because of the tolerance that exists due to the Enlightenment created by European Xtians. Which is why as much as the concept of Man as God can drive me nuts, at least I have a choice not to subscribe to it.

As much as all Organised Religions are tied to race and ideology (and every time I raise that issue, my post would get nuked) , Islam does not have a good track record when it comes to tolerance. Yes, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus and Xtians have oppressed people who either did not share the same deity or dietary habits in the past, but Islamists seem to be the only major denomination who still practice oppressing perceived heathens and intolerance of irreverence. (Remember the Muhammad cartoon “controversy”? Of course you do, right?)

But why beat a dead horse? We know the consequences of underestimating our friends and enemies (hello Pearl Harbour). The Muslims, like any other denomination, have geniuses and talented people, and the rogues amongst them could corrupt them to blow themselves up at a local pizza joint, chase heathen neighbours out of liberated countries and fly jetliners into tall shiny buildings.

In the worse case scenario, in the (hopefully) unlikely event of a victorious Jihad, the first people to go wouldn’t be Xtians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Baha’is, Zoroastrians, Mormons, Shamanists, Scientologists, Pagans or Satanists. We, atheists and agnostics, would be the first on the chopping block, although the former would suffer much less than the latter due to the absence of any belief, while the latter would be forced to decide whether to go to Hell or live on Hell-on-Earth.

Which is why I’d rather side with Skunky, NormanF, Confederate South, et al. Sure, they may appear a little too paranoid in some posts, but sometimes, you have to take a stand on tyranny, superstition and stupidity, and they’re usually on the mark on that.

If I were you, crazytrain, I’d stop taking the “Zeitgeist” series too seriously, eh?

The Reverend Jacques on November 23, 2011 at 3:33 am

Actually… If crazytrain is an Alex Jones/ groupie, let the troll grumble and mumble. As long as his tinfoil hat doesn’t fall off, all in the universe will be good.

The Reverend Jacques on November 23, 2011 at 3:46 am

Well women are mentally deficient and need Arafat clones to educate them.

Joe Joe on November 23, 2011 at 8:49 am

The real reason they don’t want to abandon Afghanistan is, because of the Exxon Mobile’s pipeline pumping oil from Afghanistan. George Bush Jr. brags he went to Iraq for the oil, to show off to his affluent friends. So instead of half the national deficit, we have it double, they want to build permanent bases in Iraq and Afghanistan, so big oil, and the Republican’s can get rich. So why do they want to make Afghanistan a permanent duty station so they can protect the interest’s of big oil and the pipeline, before they started drilling and pumping oil out of Afghanistan, the country was considered the largest untapped oil resource in the world. They don’t talk much about the pipeline now because the Billionaire’s and corporations have silence everyone. I don’t vote and support neither party, nor will I be a registered voter, ever, because I never register to vote. George Bush Jr and the Republican party wanted to control the oil infrastructure of Iraq, and Afghanistan to enrich themselves, Billions traded for the corporations, while America accumulated Trillions in national debt, not such a good trade off, but it was for 1% of the population. The people of Afghanistan live simple lives as farmers and ranchers, living off of mountain goats, and sheep’s, and simple crops, too stupid to realize what they have an abundant source of natural resources that they do not benefit from, while Hamid Karzai hordes over 100 Billion in secret accounts for himself. The people of Afghanistan use horses and donkeys, and pick up trucks, as their main weapons, while military contractor’s keep building new weapon system’s for themselves and get richer, America goes down hill in debt. China owns 11% of the national debt, and Japan owns 10% and they are over 200% over GDP in national debt. So who owns most of the national debt Private Security Firms profiting off the national debt of the U.S. They want to go to war with Iran that will cost the U.S. 90 Billion a year, instead of executing precision strikes. Like Iraq, they always have known, since they have too much oil, no economic sanction will work, and only by declaring a full scale war can they actually bring about change.The real reason they don’t want to abandon Afghanistan is, because of the Exxon Mobile’s pipeline pumping oil from Afghanistan. George Bush Jr. brags he went to Iraq for the oil, to show off to his affluent friends. So instead of half the national deficit, we have it double, they want to build permanent bases in Iraq and Afghanistan, so big oil, and the Republican’s can get rich. So why do they want to make Afghanistan a permanent duty station so they can protect the interest’s of big oil and the pipeline, before they started drilling and pumping oil out of Afghanistan, the country was considered the largest untapped oil resource in the world. They don’t talk much about the pipeline now because the Billionaire’s and corporations have silence everyone. I don’t vote and support neither party. George Bush Jr and the Republican party wanted to control the oil infrastructure of Iraq, and Afghanistan to enrich themselves, Billions traded for the corporations, while America accumulated Trillions in national debt, not such a good trade off, but it was for 1% of the population. The people of Afghanistan live simple lives as farmers and ranchers, living off of mountain goats, and sheep’s, and simple crops, too stupid to realize what they have an abundant source of natural resources that they do not benefit from, while Hamid Karzai hordes over 100 Billion in secret accounts for himself. The people of Afghanistan use horses and donkeys, and pick up trucks, as their main weapons, while military contractor’s keep building new weapon system’s for themselves and get richer, America goes down hill in debt. China owns 11% of the national debt, and Japan owns 10% and they are over 200% over GDP in national debt. So who owns most of the national debt Private Security Firms profiting off the national debt of the U.S. They want to go to war with Iran that will cost the U.S. 90 Billion a year, instead of executing precision strikes. Like Iraq, they always have known, since they have too much oil, no economic sanction will work, and only by declaring a full scale war can they actually bring about change.

Danny Liu on November 23, 2011 at 9:49 am

    Danny Liu, I don’t understand if all you have said was TRUE we didn’t skip the middle-man and merely “occupy” Afghanistan and Iraq, since we toppled them so easily and to the victor go the spoils.

    And if what you say is true, why haven’t we taken any oil/$$ from both hell-holes? Your post reminded me of why I thought Loftus a loon all those years back.

    And for you NOT to vote is a disgusting thing. I don’t trust peeps when they pump their chest and say such a thing. Our system may be corrupt BUT being able to vote in a representative, Constitutional Reublic is not something to dismiss. I vote AGAINST people if I cannot vote FOR them and I will never take that for granted. And you DON’T make a difference but brag about it. (????)

    Skunky on November 23, 2011 at 12:10 pm

I couldn’t agree with many of you any more, Skunky, Sean, Jon, ConfSouth, Norm, … but crazytrain is getting you too worked up. He’s been derailed by you and will hopefully troll elsewhere.

Anyway, I wholeheartedly agree that we should cut off all foreign aid and debate which countries deserve it most before we dish it out again. Arab countries are the lowest on the list, let them use their oil revenues to run their countries. And ZERO dollars to the trans-jordanian squatters who need to be forcefully removed.

And all of the money we save we can use to erect a North/South Korean style DMZ on our southern border to keep out the illegals.

(I wonder if the crazy one thinks it is racist to call the day after Thanksgiving “Black Friday”?)

Jarhead on November 23, 2011 at 10:15 am

Oops..I poste dto the wrong article…meant to have it here:

Wouldn’t it be interesting if someone opened a gay bar and called it ‘Club Arafat’?

Not Ovenready on November 23, 2011 at 12:52 pm

I don’t know about you guys, but shouldn’t we troll-bomb as one last kick to crazytrain?

An on that note, right back @ Danny Liu: isn’t it time to come in from the cold. I know that being an Occupier can be fun, but do you have to make a career out of it.

It’s better to stick to posting on – you would be at less of a risk to suffer frostbite than sitting in a park and jacking WiFi and electricity.

The Reverend Jacques on November 23, 2011 at 1:27 pm

Hooboy hey kids settle down, play nice. Radical Islamists, Nazis, Commies, Pol Potheads, and yes even select radical Hassid crazies are just a few of the ingredients in todays stew that we all have to suffer the smell of. As history teaches us those closest to the fire are always the ones to burn. PS-Just saw a production of Arthur Miller’s “The Crucible” moribund, but not unique.
Follow the rules we are told, or else! Whose rules?

Ron Wolf on November 23, 2011 at 5:35 pm

Your comment about Malta is a lie. A quick check on a map of Malta shows at least 120 churches and only 2 mosques. British people take vacations there and many retire to the island. I assure you that it is an island known for its Catholicism.

c hector on January 18, 2012 at 12:37 pm

    In addition to what I have written, on further investigation I find that there are 365 churches in Malta, its official religion is Roman Catholic and the population is 98% Catholic.
    Please check .

    c hector on January 18, 2012 at 2:55 pm

      Debbie S,

      I see that you have deleted my earlier posts drawing attention to your lies about Malta. You claimed, totally untruthfully, that Malta was now dominated by Muslims and that Catholics had been driven out. You must have just made this up.

      What is your source for this misinformation?

      d williams on January 27, 2012 at 9:17 pm

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