February 23, 2007, - 9:30 am

American Hero Story of the Month!: Senior Citizen Marine Kills Armed Costa Rican Mugger

They say, once a Marine, always a Marine. And that’s apparently the case with a heroic 70-something, unarmed American Marine touring Costa Rica. He killed an armed mugger who attacked a group of American tourists.
Read the whole incredible story:

SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA – A tour group of U.S. senior citizens killed a Costa Rican mugger by breaking his neck after he pulled a gun, a local police official said Thursday.
The cruise ship passengers told police they jumped on Wagner Segura, 20, to defend themselves when he pointed a .38-caliber revolver at them Wednesday near the Caribbean port of Limon, regional police director Luis Hernandez said.
One of the dozen tourists, a retired Marine about 70 years old, reportedly put Segura in a headlock.
“He was probably the one who broke [Segura’s] neck,” Hernandez said. “His neck was completely snapped.”
The cause of death was not clear. A statement from Carnival Cruise Lines said the assailant had apparently died of asphyxiation, and some reports identified the broken bone as the clavicle, not the neck.
No charges will be filed against the tourists because police viewed the incident as an act of self-defense.

More on the incident, in which there were also two other armed muggers who fled. The charitable Americans drove the wounded mugger to Red Cross:

The two other men fled when the 12 senior citizens started defending themselves during the Wednesday attack. Afterward, the tourists drove Segura to the Red Cross where he was declared dead. The Red Cross also treated one of the tourists for an anxiety attack, Hernandez said Thursday.

I wish someone in the press would report the 70-something Marine’s name. He’s an American hero, and his name deserves recognition.

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2 Responses

Yeah…. If only he’d been on the Achille Lauro.

Jeremiah on February 23, 2007 at 10:00 am

Yom Shal Todah! Grandpa Leatherneck RULES!! Huuuurrrrraaaahhh!!! Semper Fi.

Yiddish Steel on February 23, 2007 at 10:03 am

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