November 14, 2008, - 10:35 am

ManCard Surrender Alert: NBA’s LeBron James & Carmelo Anthony Have “Brian” Manilow on Their IPods

By Debbie Schlussel
Hoopsters LeBron James and Carmelo Anthony–NBA stars with, respectively, the Cleveland Cavaliers and Denver Nuggets–both admit to having “Brian Manilow” songs on their IPods. The two pro basketball colleagues (I chuckle at using the word “colleague” with regard to NBA players) are apparently a little light in the Chuck Taylors:

Nuggets star Carmelo Anthony, his longtime friend and U.S. Olympic teammate, admitted last year that he had Barry Manilow’s music on his iPod.
“I probably got a little of that,” James said. “I bet you I can find it on my iPod.”


Fruity Pebbles?: LeBron James, Carmelo Anthony & “Brian” Manilow Music

“I bet you couldn’t,” a reporter said, challenging James, who then reached into a bag holding his personal player.
“Let’s see,” James said, scrolling through the menu. “Go ahead, ask a question. I’m going to look for it.”
A few moments later, no luck.
“Nope,” James said. “No Brian Manilow.”
As the room broke up in laughter, James corrected his error.
“Oh, Barry Manilow,” he said, smiling. “I was talking about his cousin.”
James then continued his search, and sure enough, he came up with some Barry Manilow tunes, showing “Copacabana,” “Mandy” and “I Am Your Child” on his varied playlist.

“Copacabana” is fine (the version below is part of my workout music), but “Mandy”? This would make these men more womanly than the men who comprise the WNBA. Hey, someone’s gotta play with the pink basketball.
Well, I guess Barry-M is better than Jay-Z and the other vile, violent, misogynist rappers that James and many other hoops stars listen to. Compared to them, “Copacabana” is opera, and “Mandy” is high-styled symphony.
No word on whether LeBron or Carmelo have purchased from the Barry Manilow jewelry line. A pinky ring might be appropriate. Incidentally, Manilow was a major Ron Paul contributor.
What songs put a guy under gay suspicion? For me, if a guy likes this song or anything by Stephen Georgiou a/k/a Cat Stevens a/k/a Yusuf Islam (especially the insufferable “Peace Train”), it’s a deal breaker. Not kidding.

10 Responses

[What songs put a guy under gay suspicion? For me, if a guy likes this song or anything by Stephen Georgiou a/k/a Cat Stevens a/k/a Yusuf Islam, it’s a deal breaker. Not kidding.]
But he wasn’t a Muslim when he recorded those songs. ‘Wild World’ is a great song. And Deb, as a conservative Jew, I thought you’d like ‘Morning Has Broken’.

Norman Blitzer on November 14, 2008 at 11:14 am

I too liked some of his songs way back when, Norman. When I heard in the 80’s that he lost his mind, I was saddened. Then a few years ago after learning more about him, I destroyed all of his music that I had. Now, even hearing his songs makes me angry.

KrazyKafir on November 14, 2008 at 11:49 am

Geez, Deb. There are times when I want to plug-in my guitar, crank my amplifier to 11 and rattle the walls. But I’ll never turn off the radio when ‘Morning Has Broken’ comes on. It’s a great tune. Let’s not blame a child because it’s daddy is an ass.

guitarguy on November 14, 2008 at 12:17 pm

I think I will stick to my Anger Rock. No Manilow or new Manilows like Clay Aiken or John Mayer.
However there is a Punk Rock version of “Mandy”. I heard it covered in a jukebox, it is a angst ridden version and it has a whole different meaning.

californiascreaming on November 14, 2008 at 1:59 pm

Miss Schlussel:
I think “MANDY” is the only Barry Manilow song I like.
But, I ain’t heard it in a long time.
Of course, I’m also a singer/songwriter, and I really DID “write the songs” (which nobody ever heard – – – ’cause I ain’t famous).
And would you PLEASE stop calling homosexuals “gay”?
They really need to be shoved back into the closet.
For years, I’ve heard jokes implying that guys who like show tunes are homosexual.
Well, I grew up listening to my mother’s collection of Broadway show tunes, and I enjoy watching movies of Broadway musicals, such as “CHICAGO”, “THE SOUND OF MUSIC”, “MY FAIR LADY”, “SOUTH PACIFIC”, and “MAN OF LA MANCHA”.
Also, while growing up, I learned to sing by mimicking the classic Rock ‘n’ Roll, Country and Western, and ‘Sixties Folk songs I heard on the radio.
I enjoy strumming my guitar and singing all sorts of songs, including a few Broadway show tunes, such as “THE QUEST” (mistakenly called “THE IMPOSSIBLE DREAM”), “MAN OF LA MANCHA”, “THE SOUND OF MUSIC”, “EDELWEISS”, and “THE EXODUS SONG”.
Mostly, though, I sing Irish and Scottish ballads, cowboy gunfighter ballads, ‘Fifties and ‘Sixties Rock ‘n’ Roll, or ‘Sixties Folk songs, when I ain’t busy singing my own compositions.
I ain’t got no Ipod.
I’m not sure how they work, or why I’d need one.
I listen to CDs on my computer or on the stereo in my pickup truck.
Thank you.
John Robert Mallernee
Official Bard of Clan Henderson
Armed Forces Retirement Home
Washington, D.C. 20011-8400

writesong on November 14, 2008 at 2:08 pm

I liked how they used Barry Manilow’s song “Can’t Smile Without You” in Hellboy 2 – that sequence alone is worth the price of buying or renting Hellboy 2.
Las Vegas headliner Manilow was also in the crowd watching Obama give a speech at a Las Vegas high school.
As for political donations, look at some of McCain’s and Obama’s donors:
Top 10 Corporate PAC Contributors:
Goldman Sachs $739,521
UBS AG $419,550
Lehman Brothers $391,774
Citigroup Inc $492,548
Morgan Stanley $341,380
Latham & Watkins $328,879
Google Inc $487,355
JPMorgan Chase & Co $475,112
Sidley Austin LLP $370,916
Skadden, Arps et al $360,409
Merrill Lynch $349,170
Citigroup Inc $287,801
Morgan Stanley $249,377
Wachovia Corp $147,456
Goldman Sachs $220,045
Lehman Brothers $115,707
Bear Stearns $108,000
JPMorgan Chase & Co $206,392
Bank of America $133,975
Credit Suisse Group $175,503
And you wonder why McCain and Obama were so fast in trying to get the $700 billion bailout and other financial bailouts of super-rich bankers and companies passed – while we the taxpayers get hosed.

ramjordan on November 14, 2008 at 2:29 pm

I swear, as God is my witness, I’ve hated that screechy piece of garbage by Minnie Ripperton since I was in junior high (or sixth grade, I’ve mercifully forgotten when it was released)…and I’ve never particularly liked Manilow or Cat Stevens (okay, both give me gas). I clicked on the Ripperton link, was assaulted by her caterwauling, and clicked back before my ears started to bleed.
Give me The Ramones ANY day over that garbage…or Barry Manilow, Lionel Richie of “Yusuf Islam”!

Sharps Rifle on November 14, 2008 at 8:40 pm

I don’t think you can judge anyone by the music they listen to, unless they are listening to something really sick like “gangsta rap” or whatever music terrorists listen to. Even then, I have met one or two “normal” people that listen to rap. I don’t know if fags have their own special type of music. I think determining whether someone is a fag or not is much simpler. It all boils down to: Do they have sex with other men?
It does sound strange that NBA ballers listen to Barry Manilow.

Ron Taylor on November 15, 2008 at 12:50 am

If you see a guy listening to “Techno” and he is doing the shimmy shimmy
Chances are he is a rump ranger

ScottyDog on November 15, 2008 at 6:43 pm

Debbie, there are a couple thousand players in the NFL, NBA, MLB and Hockey. None of them are known to be gay, and hardly any are even suspect. We may have dozens of closeted pros on our hands. Perhaps you could access some of your celebrity contacts to find out and let me know. BTW, I’m str8 like an arrow, presentable, good table manners, all teeth and hair in appropriate places, and enjoy long walks on the beach, High School Musical I, and Kosher wines.

Anonymous1 on November 15, 2008 at 7:50 pm

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