November 12, 2008, - 5:42 pm

E-Mail of the Day: “You Dirty Kike”–Now That He’s Won, Obama’s Anti-Semites Reveal Themselves

By Debbie Schlussel
Check out this e-mail, below, from Obama supporter and anti-Semite Caroline Morant, who wishes for a second Holocaust and is upset that more Jews weren’t gassed. She’s also upset that I dared question St. Obamessiah’s priorities in leaving his “typical White” granny to rot for more than a week while he and Sasha and Malia look for a puppy. But that’s just mere pretext for Ms. Thang, Caroline, Obama supporter extraordinaire, to unleash her simmering anti-Semitism, representative of many of her fellow Obamaniacal voters.

From: Caroline Morant
Date: Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 5:38 PM
Subject: Obama’s Grandma
. . . . You are living proof that Jewish people do have horns. To bad you family members were not gassed but with the rise in anti- semitism it may hopefully happen to you. You dirty Kike.


Sticks and stones and Obama supporters . . . .
Oh, and by the way, I checked the mirror. Sorry, Caroline–no horns, honey. But I do see your swastika, and it doesn’t make you look any less ugly.
When you die, may you, too, spend two months rotting on ice, while your grandson looks for puppies and jetsets around the country for “more important priorities.”

17 Responses

Wouldn’t it be nice if just once, the organized leadership of the Jewish Community defended you against these lowlifes.

c f on November 12, 2008 at 5:51 pm

Hey debbie, you should ask her how she feels about Obama’s
chief of staff?

horselady on November 12, 2008 at 6:51 pm

Ms. Schlussel writes:
“When you die, may you, too, spend two months rotting on ice, while your grandson looks for puppies and jetsets around the country for “more important priorities.”
Enough is enough. Ms. Schlussel, this story (,8599,1858374,00.html) indicates that Ms. Dunham will be cremated, and probably already has been. Her ashes will most probably be stored next to her late husband, Sergeant Stanley Dunham.
Ms. Schlussel, last week you posted that Senator McCain’s concession speech was “the classiest, most gracious, most heart-felt concession speeches [sic] I’ve ever heard. The guy is a mensch. It was a great speech, well delivered, and sad to hear. If only it was a victory speech.”
So please take the Senator’s speech to heart, especially this paragraph:
“I urge all Americans who supported me to join me in not just congratulating him, but offering our next president our good will and earnest effort to find ways to come together to find the necessary compromises to bridge our differences and help restore our prosperity, defend our security in a dangerous world, and leave our children and grandchildren a stronger, better country than we inherited.”
Ms. Schlussel, you are an educated woman and a talented writer with stamina and discipline. Isn’t it time to join Senator McCain in offering President-elect Obama good will? Please stop with the reckless and disgusting speculation about a body rotting on ice when no such thing is going on.
It’s time to turn the page, Ms. Schlussel. Holster the hostility and use your talents for the betterment of society. In the name of common decency, it’s time to stop being the catalyst for the hateful and divisive posts that permeate your site and inbox.

Audacious on November 12, 2008 at 7:04 pm

Proper link:,8599,1858374,00.html

Audacious on November 12, 2008 at 7:07 pm

Well cf, considering we know how the “orthodox” womens federation wanted to protect their buddy barack and not allow questions about rashid, so does it come as any surprise that they would never ever protect someone who speaks her mind against liberalism??
debbie, why not track this ladys ip address and give me her home address and ill go show her how we should be dealing with people like her

regotlible84 on November 12, 2008 at 7:28 pm

makes me feel a little better I voted mccain

mindy1 on November 12, 2008 at 7:44 pm

If you analyze the trends that are very advanced in Europe and coming to America you will see the emerging alliance of the Left with Islamists and Fascists. Their screams of Fascism at America is their projected shadow at play, it actually tells us what they want. Now they are going to get what they have wanted all along and it will be too late by the time they ever start to regret it.
This Caroline Morant is saying the vilest thing she can think of, and projecting onto Debbie. If you cornered Caroline she will probably say she didn’t mean it. She probably doesn’t know that she actually really does mean it. This is a sickness in the American psyche. This is how it happened in Germany in the 1930’s.

arius on November 12, 2008 at 9:39 pm

You called her “honey” but I think you meant to call her “sweetie.” 🙂

Boycott Watch on November 12, 2008 at 10:21 pm

I think you should put up an OBAMA CLOCK on your website. Showing how many days, hours, and minutes until OBAMA buries her grandmother. I have heard of deadbeat Dads, this is a deadbeat grandson. Maybe America will see how sinister this man is. Public pressure to bury his own grandmother.

californiascreaming on November 12, 2008 at 10:43 pm

Ms Durant was cremated the next day according to The Honolulu Advertiser. Obama’s sister has been caring for her Grandmother for 3 years while maintaining fulltime status as a teacher.
As for anti-antisemitism at Obama’s site, Little Green Football has outed more than a half a dozen instances of the same, and screen published them. These are entire pages, mind you. Not mere comments.Black Muslims predominate, but Sunnis and Shiia , as well as leftists academics seem more than welcome to spew hatred.

Pat on November 12, 2008 at 10:47 pm

If I were Obama and wanted everyone to look at me as the real winner of the election and unite with me, I’d open an investigation into the ACORN role in electing me. To invite an open honest investigation of that group would go a long way into shedding light on exactly how much damage ACORN did as well as all the foreign donations from the middle east did to this election. But B.O. WILL NEVER DO THAT BECAUSE HE’D BE EXPOSED AS BUYING THE WHITEHOUSE WITH DIRTY MONEY JUST AS HE’D INTENDED TO ALL ALONG BECAUSE THAT’S WHAT HE DID. McCain should’ve fought this election result and pointed fingers at these things. Now we’re stuck with this Chicago dirt bag for four years. That’s audacity for sure.

samurai on November 13, 2008 at 12:11 am

Ok..I’m just getting off work (yes it’s the first time I ever worked in my life this week and I’m truly proud of it), I come to this site to see what The Deb (trademarked by yours truly) is cooking on her site and I see this….thing…called Caroline Morant, pretending she’s a psychoslut in high school these days.
Wow, just…goodness. Forget the death busters in the 3rd season of the anime “Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon”, the real death busters are right here in america. And this..this maggot called Caroline Morant is cleary one of them. To go so far as to say that the conservative goddess (that’d be DS) has horns or something shows how mentally unstable she is. Yeah…she’s not ill, but unstable.
You know I believe in karma, and I hope it gets you and I hope it gets you soon…no, next month, no next week, tommorrow, tonight dammit!!!
Last I checked, isn’t this a hate crime? Some sort of civil rights voilation?
But unforently only I would be a victom of this (I’m a young black man in case anyone forgot), not a hard working, truth digging, no nonsense jewish (and extremly beautiful) lady with class named Debbie Schlussel.
I’ve never written anything in this site with that much anger and vigar like what your reading now.
Whatever the deepest part of hell is…which is where Hitler is, that’s where this piece of human feces called Caroline Morant needs to be!

Squirrel3D on November 13, 2008 at 12:12 am

Note the koa urn. As for my spelling, I am not much of a typist; luckily that has not impacted my career much.

Pat on November 13, 2008 at 2:10 am

Wow, Debbie now they claim you have horns? How about that? Leave it to the tiny turds to spread the hate. Love your site.

mcnorman on November 13, 2008 at 2:42 pm

American Jews voted overwhelmingly for the One. The Jewish attraction to false Messiahs is not a new phenomenon. And where’s the condemnation of anti-Semitic outbursts and anti-Christian rage from the Democratic leadership? The silence is so transparent you could hear a pin drop. Tolerance on the Left is a one-way street and its only extended when you agree with them. If you differ, like Debbie did here, watch their dark side make itself felt. It doesn’t say the best for Obama – or his worshipful cult followers.

NormanF on November 13, 2008 at 5:18 pm

BTW Debbie, I forgot to mention, that Caroline Morant at can GO FUCK HER SELF, 666 times over, and over. These hate filled bastards/bitches are posting from Lucifer’s basement, in hell.

Jackson Pearson on November 13, 2008 at 5:35 pm

It’s cool to be post-racial, but it is not to be post anti-Semitic…
It’s always been fashionable to hate us jews, tv should have hate eye for the jew guy, al-jizzera would love that…

Ego on November 14, 2008 at 12:54 am

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