November 12, 2008, - 12:20 am
Lindsay Lohan Welcomes “Our First Colored President”; CNN: “We Welcome You Black”
By Debbie Schlussel
A couple of videos, via Jimmy Kimmel, that reflect what you can get away with if you are a member of liberal Hollywood and the media.
If you listen closely, lesbian druggie and half-rate movie star Lindsay Lohan is really excited over our “first colored President.” I hear she picked that lingo up at the Whites only lunch counter at Kresge’s, circa 1952. Oh, and part of the reason you can’t hear it that well is that it appears that “Access Hollywood” tried to help good old-fashioned Linds out by editing that, um, racist reference out, but she talks so quickly they couldn’t quite scrub it completely:
Then, there’s CNN’s Rick Sanchez, who “welcomes you Black to CNN”:
Hey, you know what they say about how once you go Black, you never go back . . . .
Now, remember, if Ann Coulter or Rush Limbaugh had said either of these things, it would be off with their heads. And, since Lohan was using decades old “nomenclature”, I’ll continue you with the theme: You can bet your bippie (whatever a bippie is or was) that neither Coulter nor Limbaugh nor any of the 7 open conservatives in Hollywood would get the benefit of “Access Hollywood” editing to protect them.
Exit Question: Why is CNN using a cheap imitation of the theme song from “Miami Vice”? The ’80s called, and they want their cheesiness back.
Kind of like the Emporer’s New Clothes. The MSM is all pretendng & trying to convince themselves, at least in words, that we have overcome race, when the racism of the new administration is clearly on display, not to mention that the 99+ percent of black voters who voted for BHO clearly did so based on race. But of course only the whites have negative racial feelings.
c f on November 12, 2008 at 3:09 am