November 7, 2008, - 4:37 pm
Your Day in Islamic Grievance Theater
By Debbie Schlussel
An extremist Muslim gets his laptop checked when he returns here from who knows where (that “W” of the basic five Ws in reporting is missing–since the Muslim in question is probably returning from Iran). Yes, Customs agents are actually trying to do their job.
It’s hardly news and certainly not front page news. But it’s both here in Detroit because anytime a Muslim gets a papercut or sneezes, we have to hear about how they are victims of something or another–usually something for which we’re to blame.
Such is the case with Imam Mohammed Ali Elahi, a Shi’ite Muslim cleric in Dearbornistan Heights. Today, the fact that Customs and Border Protection officials in Detroit didn’t succumb to the usual PC and checked his laptop, is FRONT PAGE NEWS in the Detroit Newsistan.
Making a Muslim go through these things–things we all must go through because of Muslims who attacked our country and murdered Americans–is a no-no. Especially when a Muslim has to wait–in this case, a whole 20 minutes.
What’s not mentioned–of course!–is:
* that Elahi is an Iranian; that he worked for Ayatollah Khomeini as the spiritual leader of his Navy;
* that he’s close buddies with and frequently visits, Hezbollah spiritual leader Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah–the man who issued the order to blow up our Marines and embassy in Beirut;
* that he was sent here by the Government of Iran and Hezbollah to radicalize Detroit’s Shi’ite community–and that those are the two parties believed to have funded his ornate and lavishly appointed mosque;
* that he repeatedly visits Iran and tries to hide it;
* that he lied on his applications for visas, a green card, and U.S. citizenship and didn’t disclose these things;
* that his mosque is or has been the place of worship for Hezbollah financier Talal Chahine, convicted honor murderer Khalil Chahine, and several indicted and convicted Hezbollah operatives for charges including bank fraud, mortgage fraud, tax evasion, real estate fraud, credit card fraud, etc., etc., ad naseam;
* that more than one of his congregants has been detected with explosive material on their bodies when they returned to America through the Canadian border;
* that at least one of his congregants has been caught with Hezbollah recruitment videos, videos of himself at a Hezbollah training camp, and photos of himself burning the American flag;
* that he has repeatedly defended Hezbollah, HAMAS, terrorism, and homicide bombings in his regular anti-Semitic column in the Detroit Newsistan.
Yes, who cares about these things? Certainly not fabricator/”reporter” Gregg Krupa, who is in bed with Islamists and who many believe is on the take. These unimportant facts about Elahi have no place in an article about how this poor, religious man had his laptop searched. They’re not important security considerations, and we should be more concerned that we make sure we do not check the laptops of anyone who happens to worship Mohammed. It’s simply not nice. And we need to show them how nice America is.
Expect lots of that “making nice-nice” from President Obama.
And that’s today’s edition of . . .
Your Day in Islamic Grievance Theater.
The Waaaaah-mbulance is on its way to pick them up.
BTW, if you know anything about journalism–or even nothing–you know that there are “five Ws” (Who, What, Where, When, and Why) in reporting. That’s so basic, it’s High School Journalism 101.
But the only “W” that seems to matter these days is the “Who”. When that “Who” is a Muslim and he/she is the “aggrieved”, that’s the only thing worthy of reporting, apparently. That’s why we didn’t find out the real “Who”–ie., who Elahi is–and the “Where”, as in from Where was he returning when his laptop was briefly examined.
Why not tell both sides? I’ll choose who I believe
mindy1 on November 7, 2008 at 8:13 pm