November 7, 2008, - 10:42 am

But Where’s the Rock’N’Roll?

By Debbie Schlussel
Sex and drugs at Obama victory party. Shocker. Reporter smells whiffs of pot in the air. Kinda like Barack’s Columbia and Harvard dorm rooms. Eau de Snoop Dogg.

3 Responses

Heyyyyy, I personally wouldn’t mind seeing that stuff legalized. For recreational use. This empty suited jerk might do something I like after all. Maybe the masses can get stoned to forget they’re about to become Russians after losing the 2nd amendment.

samurai on November 7, 2008 at 10:53 am

Actually, I read that there is no record of Obama having a Columbia dorm room (I understand that is not unusual there, though), like he is not in any year book, graduation program (not personally checked by me), nor recognized or remembered by the class historian and correspondent.

Pat on November 7, 2008 at 11:50 am

The Leftists are committing total suicide: free sex and rampant drug use…
I’ve seen this kind of destruction before. When I was 11 years old the gang members outnumbered us 150-1. Today, only around 40 survived. The rest got themselves killed through STD’s, overdoses, drug and alcohol involved accidents, homicides, and suicides. We just had to keep them at bay long enough for their evil beliefs to consume them. It took a long time, but eventually it had to happen.
The same is happening now to the entire Left. Example: our nation is nearly bankrupt from Medicare/Medicaid and SSI, so if Osama/Obama and his gangsters want welfare expansion they can’t get it. The money doesn’t exist.
This whole situation might be interesting to watch… but, I’m not in the mood to bury millions of dead Leftists who didn’t know better.
We are our brother’s keeper – not their mum. We can only gift and counsel so much, but we can’t mother them into self-reliance and out of addiction – it’s impossible.
I guess praying for them is all we can do at this point.

bhparkman on November 7, 2008 at 1:45 pm

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