November 5, 2008, - 10:00 am

Sore Winners: You Stay Classy, Obamaniacs

By Debbie Schlussel
This morning, in my entry on favorite Presidential movies, an Obama supporter calling himself “ace-o-aces”, left this classy comment, which echoes some of the e-mails I’ve been getting from Greater Obamania:


Yup, they can’t even be happy with their win. They need to continue the hate, and we will see far more of this escalation downward over the next four years.
Yes. We. Can. escalate the decline of American civilization.

10 Responses

Democrats are sore winners. Four thigns did McCain in
1. the subprime crisis
2. the drive by media that was 95% totally in the tank for Obama
3. the disgust with the weak leadership of President Bush
4. His own weak style of campaigning.
I fell that a year from now there will be a massive case of buyers remorse, at least I can say that I did what I can (considering that I live in New York) to prevent this.

Ripper on November 5, 2008 at 10:14 am

Debbie, the Democrats worked 8 years to undermine the GOP and to destroy a good man. What comes around goes around. We conservatives will do everything we can to bring them to utter ruin so they will understand how we feel today.

NormanF on November 5, 2008 at 10:20 am

The country has spoken and the inmates run the asylum! The Obomanation has begun and we will live to regret it. It’s too bad that to vote in this country, all you need is a pulse….and in Chicago, you don’t even need that.

arejaymack on November 5, 2008 at 10:21 am

Agreed, Ripper. Bush wouldn’t defend himself and conservatism and he just sat there and took it. The lies became the truth. Obama is not my President. I can’t find common ground with a man who believes infanticide is a creed, abortion on demand should be law of the law, who is opposed to traditional marriage, who looks down on America and is contemptuous of our ally Israel. I won’t change my values just to get along.

NormanF on November 5, 2008 at 10:23 am

Agreed, Ripper. Bush wouldn’t defend himself and conservatism and he just sat there and took it. The lies became the truth. Obama is not my President. I can’t find common ground with a man who believes infanticide is a creed, abortion on demand should be law of the land, who is opposed to traditional marriage, who looks down on America and is contemptuous of our ally Israel. I won’t change my values just to get along.

NormanF on November 5, 2008 at 10:24 am

As I have been saying, for those of us who opposed Hussein this is going to be the “I told you so” Presidency. Unfortunately, given the disasters that await us all, saying “I told you so” won’t be very satisfying.

I_am_me on November 5, 2008 at 11:01 am

Bush was a terrible President who pushed white Christians and Jews over the brink in this election. Obviously, these voters were not thinking clearly when they elected a 20 year member of the G-D America Rev Wright White Hating Church. The Obamanation will be very much like the Carter years. One and done with a mess even bigger than the one we have, left behind for someone else to clean up. Wake up America before it is too late.

ParaLyzer on November 5, 2008 at 11:12 am

Bush gave up on his Presidencey in 2005 with the Miers, Dubai Ports, Katrina disasters. His sppointees were also less then stellar to say the least. Loyalty towards incompetents is not a good thing. I am sure if any Republican could have won this year but I know that Giuliani would have been a more aggressive campaigner. I cannot be mad at McCain as he ran the best he could and is 72 years old. I hope he realizes that the media only loves him when he creates problems for Republicans. Glad to see the RINO’s gone. Unfortunately the GOP primary voter has this stupid “next in line” mentality. What are the odds that the GOP Establishment foists Jeb Bush on us in 2012? As for Sarah Palin – after what the media did to her I would not want to run for dog catcher.

Ripper on November 5, 2008 at 12:33 pm

I’m truly sorry Debbie for the comments stemming from hate. Rest assured that mine are coming from a place of love, respect, equality and objectivity. And with that I say, “Hey Debbie. PRESIDENT OBAMA! EAT IT BITCH!, pretty please with whip cream on top, and a cherry, and chocolate sprinkles.” Enjoy the cupcake, I sure as hell will. How does it feel to be the minority everyone?

myapologies on November 5, 2008 at 7:09 pm

The hate will continue, this time against Palin to make sure she doesn’t threaten their hegemony in 2012. CNN and Huffpo started it off today!

PJ on November 5, 2008 at 7:48 pm

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