November 4, 2008, - 6:10 pm

Congrats, America!: With Obama Rout, We’re the New Europe

By Debbie Schlussel

**** Bumped Up from 4:26 p.m. ET ****

The best thing I’ve read on today’s election is, “Is America Really Going to Do This?” the column written last week by an outsider looking in–Britain’s great Melanie Phillips. She’s the author of “Londonistan”, who has written about the decline of Europe under Islam and leftism. Now, it’s happening here.
This morning, as I drove around my largely-Black suburb of Detroit, I saw long lines–veeeeery long lines–at many polling places. I’ve never seen anything like it in over two decades of voting. I saw people waiting for hours, parking lots completely parked up with people parked on the side of the road very far from the polling places. I saw lines, even at 10:45 a.m. in my city of 100,000.


And it occurred to me: For years, whenever I heard liberals whine about how the majority of Americans eligible to vote don’t and that they have low turnout, I thought this was a huge compliment to America. They would always compare that to the high voter turnout that regularly occurs in Europe. But in Europe, their countries are unstable. A single election could change everyone’s lives and some would lose everything. In America, we were relatively stable. An election wouldn’t really change our lives. More dummies and slackers stay away from the polls, and America was better off.
But, today, all that changed.
With Black Panthers ruling the polling places and idiocy ruling the minds, America is now unstable. This election will instantly change our lives . . . for the worse. And dummies and the mob mentality are dominating voting booths across America. Our country is now unstable like those of Europe. The numbers of Muslim aliens and U.S.-born Muslims will eventually mirror those of Europe. We’re just a decade or so behind.
Congrats, America. We’re the new Europe.
(No deodorant, lack of showers, and women without shaved pits and legs can’t be far behind . . . along with the Islamic wildings and mobs.
I can already smell it. And it’s malodorous.)

8 Responses

I certainly agree that we are becoming more and more like Europe. The pacifism, appeasement on an international basis, redistributive socialism, political indoctrination, mass leftist parties, etc.
I’m not sure though that elections are watershed events in either Europe or the US though. Conservatives presumably won elections in France and Germany, but it didn’t really seem to affect their foreign policies. In spite of verbal comments favorable to Israel, both countries are pro-Arab in their foreign policies. France has not really backed off its socialist policies, in spite of very small retrenchments. The leftist movements transcend the major parties.
I think the same is true in the US. Leftism has transcended the two-party structure. I think this is shown by the lack of any effective conservative leadership in the Republican Party, no real conservative candidates for the Republican nomination, no real break from the leftist Bush foreign policy in spite of a few verbal sops by McCain, no leadership opposition to affirmative action, illegal immigration, the pervasive PC in this country, appeasement on an international basis, the bailout (the only opposition wasn’t really opposition — they just allowed a few members of Congress in close elections to make the record against it; who knows if they were really against it). This will happen faster with the Democrats, but the Republicans are moving in the same direction. The incompetence and frustrations of the McCain campaign are manifestations of this.
It is unlikely, although no impossible that an effective leadership will arise within the Republican Party. The reversals of leftism that have occurred in the last 100 years have occurred as a result of events that have involved millions of people, like the tearing down of the Berlin Wall, the Hungarian uprising in 1956, and so on.
The demographics are on the side of the leftists. All the illegal aliens, leftists having more and more babies who we support with our taxes, we’ll just continue to witness the decline of our civilization both in American and Europe regardless of election results.
I’ll be very happy if I’m wrong, but I’m very pessimistic.

c f on November 4, 2008 at 6:39 pm

This election is “Ford vs. Carter” all over again. It seems like we have to experience a period of pain with liberal Presidents before we really find our way to greatness. I wish it were otherwise.
In 1976, Gerald Ford was opposed in the primary elections by Ronald Reagan. I supported Reagan. He was the very first person I ever voted for POTUS in the 1976 GOP primary.
Back in ’76, Ronald Reagan was “dangerous”, “radical rightwing” etc. To me, he was the right man with the right direction for our country at the time. The GOP differed and nominated Gerald Ford.
So there we were, America in 1976. Gerald Ford, a capable President albeit with flaws, a somewhat dull personality, and Watergate wrapped around his neck like a ball-and-chain. Jimmy Carter, the right smile and the right words to make us feel good. The choice seemed rather obvious to me when I supported Gerald Ford.
Unfortunately, there was no explaining this to American Jews. The majority of American Jews voted for Carter in 1976 and thus permanently empowered America’s first OVERTLY anti-Semitic President. (To this day, some of Jimmy Carter’s most prominent critics among liberal Jews still cannot utter the simple sentence: “I made a mistake when I supported Jimmy Carter for President.”)
Well anyway, you know the rest of the story. It took 4 years of Jimmy Carter to straighten America out. Four years later, it was obvious that Ronald Reagan had a plan and a path our country needed to take. By 1980, the majority of American Jews voted against Jimmy Carter; the first time a Democrat failed to win a majority of the Jewish vote since the 1920’s.
So Deb, pardon me. I’m thinkin’ in terms of “Been there. Done that.”
It seems like people in this country refuse to learn anything the easy way. 9/11/01 woke us up. Thanks to the poor leadership of the Bush Administration, we went back to sleep.
Heck! Even the leftwingers have gone to sleep! I rarely hear ANY of the leftwingers trashing the occupation of Iraq anymore. They’re guy is about to inherit the Commander in Chief’s chair. Democrats are so confident, they likely vandalized Cindy Sheehan’s campaign office. (Hopefully you are familiar with this story, but if not, please see how liberals thank their most ardent and tenacious supporters. This is yet another fine lesson for American Jews who habitually vote for Democrats.)
So Americans have gone nighty night and American Jews have gone to sleep as well. That’s a real shame because we know how history has treated us when this happens.

There is NO Santa Claus on November 4, 2008 at 6:41 pm

it’s not over until the last vote is counted

mindy1 on November 4, 2008 at 8:43 pm

My family and I are ready for it. We’ve known the Left would do something like this sooner or later – it’s their nature. I’m not worried.
How many times did I say here and elsewhere to prepare with a year-supply of the basics, get armed, out of debt, and learn basic skills to care for yourselves. I was serious! Get prepared, I said! bhparkman’s a nut they said!
Well, I warned and tried to educated folks. I did my duty.

bhparkman on November 4, 2008 at 8:51 pm

Well in one way we have been Europe even before this election and actually worse. I’m reading the book written by Kathleen Parker called “Save the Males” why men matter and why women should care and in chapter 2 about fathers according to the America’s fatherhood movement America leads the western world in mother-only families. Many Europeon countries have a higher percentage of out-of-wedlock births the majority to unmarried but cohabitating couples. That in itself explains why we have become a wimpy passified nation. We lead all Western Countries which is stunning but this is what the research of David Popenoe of the National Marriage Project Shows which of course the largest percentage of fatherless children belong to African American children. From 1950-1996 the percent of black families headed by twon parents dropped from 78% ti 34%. 20 years after the civil war 80% of African American Households were headed by married couples. Neither canditate cared much about the fatherless crisis facing America which is the worst of all developed nations.

adam6275 on November 5, 2008 at 12:06 am

You are right Debbie. We legalized pot in Michigan today (AKA Medical marijuana) and we removed all restrictions on embryonic stem cell research (you know where you use a fetus instead of stem cells from other sources which have proven much more efficacious in results). We elected a communist to the presidency. One who has said he thinks the Constitution is badly flawed–can’t wait to see what he does now. It IS starting to look and smell pretty rank.
What options do we have now? I don’t see any country out there today that believes in G-d (not talking about the false god allah), has moral values that shape it by any consistent measure.
Well, my hope is not in this world any way, but this is still pretty depressing. Debbie, how about some good blues links on this one–something that really moans about being sooooo looooowww?

BB on November 5, 2008 at 1:37 am

” bhparkman’s a nut they said!”
..and how right they were.
“Well, I warned and tried to educated folks. I did my duty.”
bhp, it must be tough living in a country that you hate so much, and where you are so out of step with the way your people are thinking. You should move to Alaska, feed Mooseburgers to your kids all day. They love people like you up there.
Posted by: bhparkman

No Pasaran! on November 5, 2008 at 4:36 am

Who do you think Obama will appoint Secretary of State? My Guess ==== Either Al Shapton or Jeremiah Wright.

Juggler on November 5, 2008 at 6:54 am

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