November 3, 2008, - 5:55 pm

Censoring for Obama: Blog Talk Radio, L.A. Times Silence BO’s Critics

By Debbie Schlussel
A few days ago I received this e-mail from Tracy who had a Blog Talk Radio show–“had” being the operant word:

Hi Debbie,
My Name is Tracy and I had a BTR talk show. I was interviewing attny, Phil Berg, who filed a federal lawsuit against Obama because Berg claims Obama is not a real natural born citizen. 13 minutes into my interview BTR shut down my show, site, took all of my past shows, posts, everything. If you are interested in the killing of a conservative talk show you can read about it here.
I also have other responses to BTR on the front page of my blog. Anyway, this is about censorship and the Truth Squads. It’s evil what BTR did! I’m flaming mad about it and it appears there is nothing I can do about it because they are a private organization although I am having a lawyer looking in to it. I have emailed Alan Levy and the rest of the BTR gang with not a peep from them yahoos!


I am trying to get the word out to embarrass BTR for their anti-American actions. They had no reason whatsoever to shut me down except to be intimidated by a bunch of racist, hate America firsters called the Truth Squad!
I am hoping you might be interested in doing a piece on this. Thank you for your consideration.
Kindest regards,

Tracy provides this contact info:
Levy, Alan
Blogtalkradio Inc.
1072 Madison Ave
Lakewood, New Jersey 08701
United States
Visit Tracy’s site, No Compromise When It Comes to Being Right!
Then, there is the Los Angeles Times. As you know, I wrote an article in January, which led to Peter Wallsten’s L.A. Times article lifted from mine. It also described a video of Barack Obama at a dinner with Rashid Khalidi, William Ayers, and Bernardine Dohrn. The L.A. Times refuses to release the video.
Now, the L.A. Times is silencing critics and commenters. I received this e-mail from reader Chris:

Hey Debbie,
Thought I would let you know I have been in contact with the “Readers’ Correspondent” or whatever she is called at LA Times about the Obama party video and their refusal to allow it to be shown. I stated on their site that the original source of his story was you and he had lifted content from you and the “protecting the source” story was bogus.
What got the e-mails going was that I posted that Friday before I went out to dinner. When I checked back the next day, my post and many others that were negative towards the Times were gone. I posted again asking why my post was taken down since it had no foul language. Her first response was that she didn’t, then somehow out of all the messages she found the one I had originally made and said it was political so she never posted it. I told her she was wrong whether she knows it or not because I saw them with my own eyes.
I found it quite odd that she didn’t seem to care about the plagiarism part but about my claim that they were in the tank for Obama. If they lifted the original story from you, why do they have the tape? Why would someone give a video tape to a news agency if they didn’t want it to get out?
Thanks for all your work,

Yup, the censorship machine is in full force, lest something upset the Obama victory cart.

3 Responses

“The day journalism died”
Liberal media to dissenters “Whatcha gonna do about it?”
Unfortunately this is only the beginning.

californiascreaming on November 3, 2008 at 10:24 pm

I’ve never known BTR to cancel a show such as Tracy’s! She is a reasoned and rational individual.
Not only did BTR interrupt the Berg interview just a few minutes in! BTR also deleted Tracy’s account and all her previous interviews.
In a Presidential race with no incumbent, campaigning tactics can get ugly. But this election cycle has been unique as far as I know. Even questioning certain matters about Obama result in vilification — and censorship.
A sad time for America as we witness the erosion of our First Amendment rights!
BTW, I interviewed Tracy on Phoenix’s KFNX. You can get the download of that interview at the following link, about 15 minutes in:

Always On Watch on November 4, 2008 at 5:26 am

AOW is almost always right, well except for a time when I tried to influence BTR not to close 3 people whom I know are good conservative folks that had shows on BTR.
This is by no means there first time at censoring Conservative folks on BTR. I don’t know Tracy that well but I too tried to contact all those involved at BTR but with no luck, no one would return my messages, it was like sealed lips when it came to a reply.
The left by all definition of the word is most assuredly Communist. I do not want any part of them, unfortunately I have to deal with people so I have no choice when it comes to the regular folk out there, but the Left / Democrats / Socialist Party I have no need for and don’t even consider them a party that is a part of this Country. They are an old Remnant of the dying breed of Stalin’s KGB Days.

Wild Phil on November 4, 2008 at 7:41 am

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