November 3, 2008, - 3:42 pm

Cliff Taylor, The Terrorism Commercial & the Michigan Supreme Court Race: Hezbo-Pandering Michigan GOP’s Hypocrisy

By Debbie Schlussel
As readers know, I’m the one who broke the story that the judge who sentenced Hezbollah terrorist-in-training Houssein Zorkot–caught in a Dearbornistan park with camouflage and an AK-47–was Wayne County, Michigan Judge Diane Hathaway. Zorkot maintained a pro-Hezbollah website, which stated he was beginning his personal jihad against America. Hathaway approved the probation sentence, which was worked out by limp prosecutors who gave Zorkot a plea deal.
As I’ve also noted, Hathaway is now the Democratic nominee for the Michigan Supreme Court and is locked in a tight battle against Michigan Supreme Court Justice Cliff Taylor, and hypocritical Michigan Republican Party figures contacted me, telling me they were going to make an anti-Hathaway commercial lifting the information and pictures from my site.


Hezbollah Has Friends on Both Sides of Mich. Supreme Court Contest

I warned them not to do this, since Cliff Taylor has his own Hezbollah connections. He took nearly $1,000 in campaign contributions from Hezbollah agent, open Hezbollah supporter, and convicted insurance defrauder Ali Jawad. Taylor’s campaign manager, Colleen Pero, claims that under Michigan law, Taylor cannot refund those contributions to a past judicial race by Jawad. But she refused to say that Taylor wouldn’t accept a future contribution by Jawad. And Pero refused even to denounce Hezbollah–the terrorist group that murdered hundreds of U.S. Marines.
When I asked Cliff Taylor campaign manager Pero why Ali Jawad contributed to Taylor’s campaign and how they know each other, she claimed she didn’t know and insisted they don’t know each other. (She also acknowledged that she’s seen Jawad at Republican fundraisers in Detroit, and she apparently wants to stay on the good side of his wallet.) But since then, I’ve confirmed that Taylor got the money through his good friend, Hezbollah and Arafat supporter, former Senator Spencer Abraham. Spence and Cliff Taylor go way back, about 30 years when Abraham ran Taylor’s failed campaign for U.S. Congress. Abraham–who with Rep. Joe Knollenberg–secured $86 in USAID money for Hezbollah was a frequent recipient of Ali Jawad’s contributions.
Given this, it’s kind of hypocritical for the Michigan Republican Party to be running exactly the kind of ads they told me they’d run, since their candidate, Cliff Taylor, won’t even denounce Hezbollah or its agent and open supporter, convicted criminal Ali Jawad.
It’s even more hypocritical when you consider that Michigan Republican Party Chair Saul Anuzis repeated to me in e-mails that he will reach out to whomever votes or donates Republican, even if they openly support Hezbollah. Michigan GOP Chair Saul Anuzis needs to take his own message to heart–the one that’s the tagline in the commercial he paid for for Cliff Taylor:

[Helping] a terrorist sympathizer?! We’re at war with terrorists.

2 Responses

What do you recommend? I can only write your name in once. :+)

There is NO Santa Claus on November 3, 2008 at 4:51 pm

What do you recommend?

There is NO Santa Claus on November 3, 2008 at 4:53 pm

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