October 19, 2011, - 12:32 pm

Muslim Twinkie Defense Again: Another Jihadist “Flying While Muslim”

By Debbie Schlussel

Muslims and the media are already circling the wagons around Muslim passenger Ali Reza Shahsavari (an Iranian Muslim with U.S. citizenship), who shouted the allah crap and told everyone on the plane they were going to die.  They’re telling us the usual excuse–what I call the Muslim Twinkie Defense (or Halal Twinkie Defense):  that he’s just mentally unstable, that it has nothing to do with religion, jihad, and Islamic terrorism.  Riiiight.  Why is it that soooo many Muslim airplane passengers, drivers, rampagers at Jewish Community Centers, etc. all are struck by this weird “mental illness” that seems to strike adherents of no other religion?  And if they have such a high predilection to this so-called “mental illness” (which is really the religion of Islam), then we should be doubly afraid of them.

Flying While Muslim Endangers All Non-Muslims on the Flight

Another day, another incident of “Flying While Muslim.”  The thing is, the most dangerous experience is “Flying While Non-Muslim (When Muslim Passengers on the Plane).”

Somewhere in the heavens above Amarillo, angry shouts rang out from the back of Southwest Airlines Flight 3683.

“You’re all going to die,” a man dressed in black screamed at passengers Tuesday afternoon. “You’re all going to hell. Allahu Akbar,” translated as God is great in Arabic. [DS: actually, it means allah is the greatest or the greater, as in, allegedly “greater” than the Christian and Jewish G-d.]

Federal authorities arrested Ali Reza Shahsavari, 29, of Indialantic, Fla., onboard the Boeing 737 after pilots made an emergency landing at Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport at 3:30 p.m. He is being held in the Randall County jail on a federal charge of interfering with a flight crew. . . .

Police said the incident began with Shahsavari arguing with another passenger. The flight crew separated the men, said Amarillo police Cpl. Jerry Neufeld.

Shahsavari went into a bathroom and yelled obscenities from the rear of the plane, said passenger Doug Oerding, of Sacramento, Calif. Attendants tried to calm Shahsavari before a female flight attendant finally succeeded in quieting him. Oerding said. . . .

Amarillo Aviation Director Patrick Rhodes said an emergency call was placed about 3:30 p.m. to the control tower at Rick Husband. The caller initially reported a male passenger was attempting to break into the cockpit, Rhodes said. Amarillo police said the call came from the cockpit.

“He was being disruptive and unruly on the flight, but he was not specifically trying to break into the cockpit,” Rhodes said. . . .

FBI Special Agent Mark White, based in Dallas, said the event did not appear to be an act of terrorism. He described Shahsavari as a U.S. citizen who might have experienced an episode of mental illness.

Riiiight. Nothing to see here. Move along. Don’t all mentally ill persons shout about allah and try to break into cockpits? They are laughing at us and at the moronic FBI.

Hey, I call ’em Famous But Incompetent for a reason.

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15 Responses

Correct move—beat the son-of-a-bitch to death with a slab of lard. Or, beat him into Islam, then properly interrogate as enemy combatant with appropriate use of power drills.

Occam's Tool on October 19, 2011 at 12:44 pm

Debbie, I found this story on “Michael Savage’s” website a few hours and decided to share that link onto my facebook page. From what I read in the Amarillo, TX article, he Mr. Shahsavari was arguing with one of the passengers on the plane from Los Angeles, CA to Kansas City, MO and the flight was forced to make an emergency landing at Amarillo International Airport. He’s in jail in Amarillo right now and we’ll see where this story winds up.

“A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on October 19, 2011 at 12:58 pm

“Why is it that soooo many Muslim airplane passenger, drivers, rampagers at Jewish Community Centers, etc. all are struck by this weird mental illness that seems to strike adherents of no other religion?”

This is the only part of your observance that obviously isn’t correct. Mel Gibson serves as proof that it occasionally afflicts Catholics as well.

Irving on October 19, 2011 at 1:05 pm

The place where liberals fall down the most is in their analogies. Analogies are inherently imperfect, but the better the logic, the more potent the analogy.

Here, Irving fails pathetically. Mel Gibson did not get on a plane, or otherwise directly threaten those not of his religion. While I abhor his anti-semitism, I would not be afraid to be on a plane with him.

Little Al on October 19, 2011 at 1:35 pm

He’s absolutely right. He has been stricken with a mental illness, just like the rest of the “twinkie defense” users. The illness is called Islam.

ron on October 19, 2011 at 1:36 pm

Just like liberalism, being muslim is a mental disorder. Both require you to surrender half of your IQ and all of your common sense.

Jarhead on October 19, 2011 at 1:44 pm

“The sister stayed in Amarillo overnight, Neufeld said. He said there was a language barrier for investigators attempting to interview Shahsavari, who is of Iranian descent. Shahsavari was born in Mississippi, Neufeld said.”

….so…. his southern accent was too thick????

starkexpo on October 19, 2011 at 1:52 pm

Let’s not forget the nice men of “foreign descent” wandering around a courthouse in San Antonio. All kinds of fun stuff going on today!

cirrus1701 on October 19, 2011 at 2:21 pm

Neither incompetence nor moronity but Strategy As Policy, evidenced by repeated identical occurrences over both time and geography.

The boilerplate:
Friendly Brother of Islam mark white a) instantly declares ‘not terrorism’ and b) *Offers A Defense* for the jihadi, one the jihadi’s lawyer will certainly pursue.

“Members of the jury, even Friendly Brother of Islam mark white immediately recognized the temporary ill health of my client.” “This poor man needs help, not time in prison.” “Can you see your way to give him the HELP he needs?”

Dogs bark and muslims execute jihad. That won’t change.

The single greatest threat to what’s left of the USA, exceeding even that of the communists, are those who have warmed their hands at the invader’s hearth.

Fnu Lnu on October 19, 2011 at 2:40 pm

“Why is it that soooo many Muslim airplane passengers, drivers, rampagers at Jewish Community Centers, etc. all are struck by this weird “mental illness” that seems to strike adherents of no other religion? ”

Brilliant, Debbie.

What is this pandering and mollycoddling of muslims in the media? Why does it happen? Is it a backlash to the terror that the muslims created and the liberals think that if they “like” the muslims then the mulsims won’t want to kill us anymore?

I don’t get it.

DS_ROCKS! on October 19, 2011 at 4:11 pm

As Winston Churchill remarked long ago, Islam actually IS a mental illness, with strong similarities to rabies: http://crombouke.blogspot.com/2010/01/islam-murder-meme-and-rabies-of.html

Crombouke on October 19, 2011 at 5:20 pm

If a Jew or a Christian did that, you can bet your tuchis, the FBI wouldn’t be telling us to move us. Muslims always get a break for terrorizing us. Its part of their religion. After all, Mohammed, the role model for Muslims is quoted in the Hadiths as saying, “I have been made victorious through terror.” And we dhimmis just sit there and take it.

Until it happens again. Welcome to America’s Islamic Skies!

NormanF on October 19, 2011 at 5:30 pm

Muslim men just partying at a courthouse
At 2am. The Feds should stop trying to
Pump sunshine my ass.

Confederate South on October 19, 2011 at 5:37 pm

Funny how his english was good enough to get in a shouting match with someone on the plane but when the cops show up he doesn’t speak english. But he was born in Mississippi. Yep that is a mental illness called islam all right.

Ender on October 20, 2011 at 3:10 am

I need to get out more and fly. I am surprised that no one tried to beat the crap out of him and then tie him up for Auth. on the ground of course at that point the shrill crying of the poor abused muslims would occur.

Jonathan Gartner on October 20, 2011 at 6:07 pm

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