October 10, 2011, - 4:41 pm
Occupy Wall Street Morons & Jew-Hatred; Plus Sean Hannity’s Attack on Wall St is the Same
My favorite thing about the great unwashed and their “Occupy Wall Street” BS is all the social media and technology they are using . . . you know, social media and technology by companies that are listed (or seeking to be listed) on Wall Street and which have made their showered versions (like Mark Zuckerberg) gazillions in great disproportion to the average guy on the street. Yet, instead of rallying against Google, Facebook, Twitter, Apple, Disney, NBC Universal, or TimeWarner (CNN), they use their products and their technology, to get their silly class warfare message out. And I certainly hope nobody out there is wearing anything by Nike (yes, a corporation headed by a billionaire), Ralph Lauren (ditto), etc. Go to any of the “Occupy [insert name here]” protests around the country, and you’ll see this corporate produced garb and technology at each. You’ll see the same at “Occupy Mosque.” Oh, wait, there isn’t one of those movements because businessman who create wealth and products are the villains, not Muslims who use the technology the businesses produce . . . to blow people up.

And, then, there’s the Jew-hatred. Is anyone really surprised by this? Whenever there’s any event with even half a leftist involved, there is always anti-Semitism worn as a prominent accessory. Anytime I walk by some left-wing demonstration, you know there’s some vegan lesbian and her transsexual hipster friend nearby passing out some purple jihad type of crap about the evil “JOOOOS” and Israel. Why would anyone think the smelly quasi-souls of Occupy Wall Street would be any different? I’ve heard from friends in New York that Muslim and pro-Palestinian groups have set up tables to pass out their pamphlets of hate against Israel and the Jews. And then, there are the videos, the most blatant of which is the one filmed by a reporter for Glenn Beck TV, above. Whenever there are chants against “Wall Street,” it’s almost always a veiled (or not so veiled) attack on the Jews.

They Were Occupy Wall Street Before It Was Hip: Sean Vannity & John Rich Preached Class Envy/Hate the Rich
And that goes on with the right as much with the left. If you are against the message of “Occupy Wall Street,” then you must also be against Sean Hannity. He was pimping the OWS message before the OWS people were. He promotes songs attacking Wall Street on his show, as he’s frequently done. He’s no different than they are, except that he lives in an ostentatious nouveau-riche mansion on Long Island with Wall Street neighbors, at the end of the day. If you look at the lyrics to the song, “Shuttin’ Detroit Down”–a song he praised and promoted endlessly on his show–it’s exactly the mantra you can hear from any greasy-haired guy in an army jacket at “Occupy Wall Street” and its “Occupy . . .” clones. When Sean Vannity repeatedly pushes a song attacking Wall Street and bankers, he means the same target as the Occupy crowd: jews.
Yes, wealthy-for-no-reason (other than that he’s a hack) Sean Vannity pimped the same message as the Occupy crowd long before they did. And he’s done the Jew thing, too. See “my good friend, Jim Traficant,” whose anti-Semitism Hannity proudly promoted on his airwaves on Yom Kippur a couple of years ago.
Tags: anti-Semitic, anti-Semitism, Big and Rich, class envy, class warfare, Israel, Jew-hatred, Jews, Muslims, Occupy Wall Street, OWS, Sean Hannity, Sean Vannity, Shuttin' Down Detroit, video
Couldn’t agree anymore with you Schlussel, that song that John Rich of “Big & Rich” sang, “Shuttin Detroit Down” was sang in the 2009 Tea Party rally, I saw Sean Hannity’s show that night in April of 2009 during the Tea Party demonstration(s), and John Rich sang and promoted that song on SH’s show.
As for this so-called “OWS”, I believe this movement is endorsed and funded by George Soros himself. From what I learned last week on a talk show, moveon.org funded this movement, so I won’t be surprised if Soros has his finger-prints on this? Afterall, wasn’t moveon.org funded by George Soros during the Clinton administration when Bill Clinton was going through impeachment hearings by the house of representatives? Good article Debbie, I’m going to share this link on my facebook page (wall-section), if any of you who comments here on this blog of DS’s is on facebook, you can go onto my facebook page and comment the stories that I already linked!
“A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”
Sean R. on October 10, 2011 at 4:56 pm