October 10, 2008, - 10:06 am
Yes, I’m Now Part of the “Dirty Dozen”; The Truth on Steven Emerson
By now, you’ve probably seen the fraudulently-named Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting’s (FAIR) “Smearcasters/Dirty Dozen Islamophobes“, and know that I have made the list. Just so you know, FAIR is a far-left organization founded and run by the irrelevant Jeff Cohen–yup, a self-hating Jew who would run over his own mother to kiss up to an Islamic terrorist.
And being the faithful Jew (in name only; methinks American in name only, too) that he is, Cohen posted his list right before Yom Kippur, so I chose to wait until after the holiday to respond.

While it’s an honor to be named, there are quite a few on that list who actually don’t get it on Islam. Three of them–Sean Vannity, Bill O’Reilly, and Glenn Beck–actually buy into and repeat the fallacy that most Muslims are peaceful and that there are some radicals who are the minority. Daniel Pipes and Steven Emerson also parrot that line.
But I know differently, because the fact is that the majority of Muslims support terrorism. The vast majority. Not just a few hijackers and a few suicide bombers. But the MAJORITY. This isn’t me saying it. It’s Muslims saying it. And not just in poll after poll of Muslims around the world including in America. Go to the streets of “moderate Muslim” Dearbornistan and see how many Muslims dare condemn Hezbollah and HAMAS. It’s like playing “Where’s Waldo?”
The FAIR description of me is mostly accurate, except the first line. That’s a quote about me not from me but from the person who founded and runs a fan club, which I link to on my site as a courtesy. So much for FAIR fact-checking.
Here are FAIR’s “objectionable” quotes from me:
They are here on our shores, pretending to be loyal Americans, and they are plotting to take over our country. With the help of plenty of complicit Muslim-Americans, working for the government and government contractors.
As long as we continue to hire Muslims to be translators and analysts, as long as we continue to give money to Arabic and Muslim schools to teach their kids Arabic instead of non-Muslim, non-Arab Americans, as long as the FBI (and ICE) continues to turn down Sephardic Jews and Maronite Lebanese Christians who speak Arabic and who’ve applied for jobs in favor of extremist Muslims…the result we will get is…spies, spies and more spies.
Hmmm . . . couldn’t have said it better myself. And these quotes are bad because . . .?
The thing is, a “smear” is only a smear if it isn’t true. Facts are stubborn things, “FAIR”.
Also, a phobia is an unreasonable fear or hatred of something. Yes, those 3,000 lives, those many attempts further to kill Americans since, and those many attempts before are all a figment of my imagination. Phobia, indeed.
As for Emerson, they could have done better, like mentioning that even CAIR is more transparent than his deceptively-named “Investigative Project” (IP). Until a couple of years ago, Emerson kept IP as a for-profit corporation, so he wouldn’t have to report to the public–specifically to his donors to whom he constantly pleads poverty–about how many millions (reportedly $6-7 million) he has on hand. Those who wanted a tax deduction were given the option of donating to the operation of another person on the “Dirty Dozen” list who then took his cut and donated the balance to Emerson. Usually, we call that “money-laundering”.
If you’ll note, according to the site Guidestar.org, even though Emerson filed for non-profit status in 2006, to date–unlike even CAIR–he has not filed any federal tax forms yet disclosing his annual budget or even the vaguest financial figures, as required for all non-profits. The only tax form Emerson’s Investigative Project has on file is for a foundation and is basically blank and completely evasive.
As everyone in the counterterrorism biz knows, the real terrorist investigator in Emerson’s operation, Rita Katz (an Iraqi Jew who speaks Arabic, Hebrew, and English), left him around 2002, as did all of the actual terrorism investigating. Rita’s organization is SITE Intel Group–the Search for International Terrorist Entities Intel Group.
Why am I noting this? Because, after years of singing his praises, I know better.
I represented, pro bono, one of his only Muslim terrorism informants and saw how he treated the man like garbage, refused to pay him for his work, then lied about it to me in insane, harassing voice-mail messages and e-mails, which arrived at all hours of the night. And because my friendship with Rita, coupled with Steve’s incredibly insane jealousy and belief that terrorism is his exclusive property, has made me–since 2002–an object of his defamatory, behind-my-back whispering campaigns, the recipient of his insane, threatening Middle-of-the-Night e-mails (from him and his ineffective lawyer), and the repeated object of his plagiarism, since he hasn’t done any new terrorism investigation since Rita Katz left him. When Rita left, the federal counterterrorist agents I sent to Investigative Project left with her, consulting her at SITE. And there’s so much more–too much to go into here.
Yes, he’s dirty, but for other reasons . . . entirely unrelated to my legitimate views on Islam, which he publicly claims not to share.
Like I said, wish I could say it’s an honor to be with all the company named in the Dirty Dozen, but I can’t.
Ironic — when I first read this, I mentally substituted CAIR for FAIR. I picked up on it the second time I read it. Not really much difference though. You should be commended for truthful and courageous reporting on Muslims. Doubly ironic that most polls show that most Muslims in most counties are much more loyal to their religion than to the country in which they live.
i understand that some on this list have not really criticized Islam in the way that it should be. Certainly the inclusion of these individuals is meant to get them to back off even whatever mild comments they make.
Consistent with FAIR’s agenda of eliminating conservatism, or even potential or pseudo-conservatism from the communications media. They are afraid even of second-rate comments critical of liberal causes.
c f on October 10, 2008 at 10:56 am