September 20, 2011, - 1:34 pm
IHOP Jihad: Owner of Raided IHOP Franchises is Arab Muslim; “Terry Elk” = Tarek Elkafrawi
**** UPDATE: Waitress @ Jihad IHOP: Schlussel Is Right; Egyptian Muslim Owner Knowingly Hired Illegals ****
**** UPDATE #2: IHOP Jihad UPDATE: Raided Managers Were Previous Terror Suspects ****
Well, now we know why IHOP spokesman Patrick Lenow refused to tell me the name of the owner of the seven Midwest IHOP locations raided this morning by FBI and ICE agents from the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF). Shocker! The owner is an Arab Muslim, Tarek Elkafrawi, who uses the fake names, “Terry Elk” and “Terry Elks” (and owns the company, Te & Km, Inc.). You can bet that if this guy’s real name was Bob Johnson or Sherri Smith, IHOP and its parent company DineEquity, Inc. wouldn’t shield the owner’s identity, as Lenow did with “Terry Elk.” Hmmm . . . maybe they should call it IHOPC.

All seven of the restaurants are owned by Terry Elk. The FBI told WTOL they also raided two homes owned by Elk.
Elk is from our area and WFIE, our sister station in Evansville, Indiana, confirmed Terry Elk’s real name is Tarek Elkafrawi.
Two storage units have also been searched. The storage units were rented by Maazen Kadir. According to the Better Business Bureau website, Kadir is the primary contact for the Talmadge Road location and is listed as the area manager.
Elkafrawi was at a national meeting of IHOP store owners this morning and is now on his way back to our area.
IHOP says it is cooperating with authorities and that Elkafrawi is also cooperating with authorities.
IHOP also said they have been in contact with the FBI and the other authorities and IHOP is saying they have been told this investigation is not related to terrorism.
Don’t believe that BS for a second. IHOP is lying, as the feds already told the media this is about terrorist money-laundering. The Joint Terrorism Task Force isn’t conducting these raids because they “aren’t related to terrorism.” The FBI is the lead agency for terrorism investigations. If this was just a matter of illegal alien employees, it would be strictly an ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) raid. Regardless, terrorism charges are very hard to prove and win in courts filled with America’s O.J. Simpson/Casey Anthony juries. Instead, authorities go for whatever they can charge and prove more easily. And as for Elkafrawi/Elk/Al-Whatever’s “cooperation,” as I noted earlier today, that’s no surprise. Everyone “cooperates” . . . after they are caught.
This is from the same story:
While the investigation remains sealed, authorities said they were investigating money laundering, funding terrorist organizations and possible undocumented workers.
Locations that were raided:
– Talmadge Road in west Toledo
– Fremont-Pike location in Perrysburg
– Airport Highway in Springfield Township
– Central Avenue in Sylvania Township near McCord road
– An IHOP in Lima, Ohio
– An IHOP in Findlay, Ohio
– An IHOP in Evansville, Indiana
Remember: this could happen at any restaurant franchise (or other business). That’s why you must check out who owns the businesses you patronize, and if it’s a Muslim, spend your money elsewhere.
So, who is Tarek Elkafrawi? Is he a Sunni or Shi’ite Muslim? Same questions about Maazen Kadir. And from which country did they emanate? If you know, please e-mail me or comment here. I’d like to find out exactly which Islamic terrorist group they were helping to fund with your pancake orders. My guess is that it is HAMAS, since the names indicate they are likely Egyptian or Palestinian Sunnis. The managers of the raided Perrysburg, Ohio location owned by Elkafrawi are named “Jamil Awwad” and “Ray Awwad.” Same questions about them. And, FYI, you can bet the “Ray” is an Americanized version of something else.
Stay tuned.
Tags: Better Business Bureau, DineEquity, DineEquity Inc., Egyptian, Egyptian Muslim, Evansville, FBI, Findlay, Hamas, ICE, IHOP, Illegal Aliens, illegal workers, Immigration, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Indiana, International House of Pancakes, Islam, Islamic Terrorism, Islamic terrorist money laundering, Islamic terrorists, Jamil Awwad, Jihad, Joint Terrorism Task Force, JTTF, Lima, Maazen Kadir, Mazen Kadir, money laundering, Muslim, Ohio, Palestinian, Patrick Lenow, Perrysburg, Ray Awwad, storage units, Sunni Muslims, Talmadge Road, Tarek Elkafrawi, Terry Elk, Terry Elks, Toledo
One pancake house I wouldn’t hop to!
Rabbit Habit on September 20, 2011 at 1:53 pm