September 11, 2008, - 12:42 pm

On 9/11, I Memorialize My Heroic Cousin, Jon Schlissel, of Blessed Memory

By Debbie Schlussel
One of the almost 3,000 Americans murdered by Islamic terrorists was my cousin, Jon Schlissel. I’ve written about him on previous 9/11 anniversaries. I’ve also noted that, unlike me, he was a member of the ACLU and gay, and like me, he was a proud American and a proud Jew–everything Islamic terrorists (and most Muslims) hate. Well, except the ACLU part. We all know the Muslims, especially terrorists, looooove
On 9/11, Jon could have gotten out of the South Tower of the World Trade Center in time–everyone else in his office did. Everyone, except a heavy set woman and a man in a wheelchair. Jon stayed behind to try to help them make it out okay. All three of them were murdered as the Islamic terrorists drove the plane into the South Tower.
Sadly, Jon is one of the many Jewish-Americans who were murdered on 9/11 and put the lie to the Islamic BS that Jews knew about the attack ahead of time and stayed home from work. Jon didn’t get the “memo”.


Jon Schlissel Z”L: Murdered in the 9/11 Attacks

And, despite his heroism, Muslims tied to terrorism are happy my cousin died. In 2006, I received this e-mail from a member of the immediate family of Dearbornistan resident Osama Sobhi Abulhassan, a Hezbollah-supporting Shi’ite Muslim who was convicted of lying to police when they caught him buying multiple cellphones in Ohio for shipment overseas where they could be transformed into IEDs:

— Bassem Abulhassan wrote:
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2006 17:06:33 -0700 (PDT)
From: Bassem Abulhassan
Subject: Dropped Charges
By the way, how is your cousin Jon doing these days? Ouch. Did I hit a sore spot.

Yup, that’s the “Religion of Peace” that took Jon Schlissel’s life and that of almost 2,999 other Americans.
Jon and I were related back to the first Schlussel/Schlissel/Schlessel (we spell it different ways in English), a man in Poland in the 1700s, named Yoska the Holy One (a righteous, heroic man, who was murdered by the anti-Semitic Countess Tarnowski).
As my cousin Bruce Miller wrote:

For as long as the Schlissel Family and its extended family exists, Jon will be remembered by all on each and every anniversary of 9-11. May his name always be remembered as a blessing.

Jon Schlissel, Zichrono LiVrachah [Hebrew for “Blessed Be His Memory”].
Read More about Jon Schlissel, which features links to other articles about him.

7 Responses

Condolences on your loss.

c f on September 11, 2008 at 2:04 pm

I remember reading Jon’s story in ’06 when I returned to school.
He’s exactly the type of person I would look up to.
So, he was a member of the ACLU. But his actions proved his selflessness.
Most of the liberals we assail have hijacked the notion of idealism to realize personal interests.
Me-me-me liberalism doesn’t apply here. I don’t want gays ridiculed for the mere sake of their sexual preference, and it pains me when their exhibitionism ruins them in the eyes of the public. I applaud him for admonishing those certain individuals at the parade who do the rest of us a disservice.
But that’s just one drop in the bucket. He is a true hero, and I sincerely hope you will continue to remind us of Jon and that heroism can be blind to sexual orientation and political persuasion.

Second City on September 11, 2008 at 2:34 pm

May Jon rest in peace. Thanks for honoring his life and heroismin the hardest of circumstances her on your site, Debbie.

BB on September 11, 2008 at 8:08 pm

I had no idea he was your cousin. I’m sorry. I am also surprised you would admit to being related to a gay aCLU member. Or I am reading too much into that?

mindy1 on September 11, 2008 at 8:27 pm

My condolences for your loss.

yonason on September 12, 2008 at 2:19 pm

I mourn the loss of your caring cousin, Debbie.
The destruction of those WTC towers was very painful for me as I saw them being built in 1970 (yes, I’m that old). Those heroic construction workers up so high and moving about as if they were in some public park.

Underzog on September 13, 2008 at 11:51 am

” I am also surprised you would admit to being related to a gay aCLU member.”
Why would you be surprised? Debbie is nothing if not forthright. One of the reasons this former Democrat (me) has turned to the right is that I have gotten fed up with leftists always putting “spin” on everything. One of my favorite quotes now ironically comes from Mao tse-Tung, an iconic leftist who said “I like dealing with rightsts. They tell you what they really think, unlike the leftists who say one thing and mean another.”

Gary Rosen on September 13, 2008 at 8:23 pm

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