February 20, 2007, - 10:13 am

SURRENDER: IslamoFascist Sensitivity Training Begins for Air Marshals, Rest of Homeland “Security”

So 19 men who were hijacked by their religion (NOT the other way around) hijack some planes and murder 3,000 Americans. And as a result, their religion is exalted to “holier-than-all-of-us” status. So much for the part in the Constitution about Congress not establishing a national religion.
Judging from the activities of our government over the past 5.5 years, I’d say we have a new national religion, which begins with an I, ends with an M, and has an S-L-A in the middle (and yes, I originated that line, not the best-selling author who stole it).
This is the latest in the bend over backward and forward government position toward the “Religion of Peace,” in a letter I got from a Federal Air Marshal. The Department of Homeland Security IslamoFascist sensitivity training re-programming–personally designed by Muslim and Arab groups who openly support terrorism–continues:

I just got this in my work email box:

All FAMS personnel are required to complete the “Arab and Muslim Cultural Awareness for DHS Personnel” training currently listed on the TSA Online Learning Center’s (OLC) learning plan.
To aid your completion of this mandatory training, you may find it helpful to reference the Monday, February 12 broadcast message instructions and subsequent follow-on message detailing steps for accessing your OLC Learner account.
Training completion is requested no later than March 16, 2007. Once accomplished, your supervisor may verify course completion through a report generated by your field office or directorate OLC Training Point of Contact (TPOC).
If you have any questions or encounter problems accessing your OLC account, we ask that you first contact your Training Point of Contact listed in the attachment below.

I wish I could write back and tell them that I AM VERY aware of the Arab and Muslim communities…I am aware that they have killed more than 5,000 of my countrymen in the last 6 years…I am aware that they want me dead or enslaved…I am aware that they want Israel
wiped of the face of the earth. Isn’t that all I need to be aware of to consider them as my enemies?
I’ll write you back with some of the dumb ass lessons in this “training” after I do it.

AMEN! Good to know that FAMs are not buying into this crap. Wish I could say the same for everyone at Homeland Security. Unfortunately, the chief turkey at the top and his minions are so consumed by PC, they can’t manage to worry about protecting Americans.
Can you imagine J. Edgar Hoover giving sensitivity training to FBI agents about how mobsters and Nazis are people, too? He may have worn a dress or women’s lingerie. But, far more important, he knew how to conduct federal law enforcement.
And he knew it didn’t involve the royal kowtow to the enemy.

The Changing Facial Hair of Michael Chertoff:

“Thank You, Mohammed; May I Have Another?”

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14 Responses

From the Federal Air Marshal:
[…I am aware that they want Israel
wiped of the face of the earth. Isn’t that all I need to be aware of to consider them as my enemies?]
This is really stupid. Not all Arab Muslims are the enemy and if we want to beat the Islamofascists, we need the help of the Muslim community as a whole. Even conservative radio/tv host, Glenn Beck, realizes this.
And I find it very suspicious to include that line about Israel with the murders of 5000 Americans as reasons to consider all Arab Muslims the enemy. Shouldn’t the murders of 5000 be reason enough?

Norman Blitzer on February 20, 2007 at 10:48 am

It’s all slowly coming together now . . .
Infiltration 101

justamomof4 on February 20, 2007 at 10:59 am

Chertoff loses more and more facial hair. He started with a beard, I said this guy looks too Jewish to be head of Homeland Security. Which has as it’s main nuisance Muslim killers & extremists. Since then he’s gone to mustache and now nothing. Kind of amusing

dennisw on February 20, 2007 at 11:16 am

As much as I disagree with this stupidity, it isn’t as bad as you think. I work for TSA, I have seen the course at the OLC and it is a joke. It takes five minutes to finish and since most TSA workers were Republicans, we simply cracked jokes about who was behind this and clicked through it without reading it.
Don’t think for a second that we don’t know that CAIR and the flying Imam’s are terrorist sympathizers.

The American Patriot on February 20, 2007 at 12:22 pm

Blitzer: “not all Arab Muslims are the enemy”. Just how far up your ass is your head? YES!!! All Arab muslims are the enemy!! Those who aren’t actually committing acts of terror are quietly cheering it on or refusing to condemn it. What more do you need to know? Dumbf**k!

Skippy on February 20, 2007 at 12:23 pm

The government is giving special treatment to Islam. How about sensitivity training about Christians, Buddhists, Jews, Mormons, The Amish, Hindus and other groups that may have special needs and or feelings about how they are treated.
So much for equal treatment of all the citizens.

Theawakenedone on February 20, 2007 at 12:43 pm

Skippy, you are a complete moron.
Have a nice day.

Norman Blitzer on February 20, 2007 at 1:51 pm

On the eve of the anniversary of Malcolm X’s assassination, i can honestly say that Amerikkklan imperialism, rather than ISLAM, is the culprit here.
ISRAEL had a cure for the “problem” in ’67 and ’73…but the Amerikkklan oil loving imperialists held back their hand—and the rest, unfortunately, IS history.
Had Amerikkka allowed Adonai to do His thing, the Muslims would have REALIZED Allah’s will

EminemsRevenge on February 20, 2007 at 2:48 pm

Dumbshitzer: Is that the best you’ve got? No hard evidence to refute my argument? You have indeed, made my day. And my point.

Skippy on February 20, 2007 at 3:23 pm

The American Patriot
Are you not the least bit concerned with the fact that you and your fellow employees are being forced to sit through the re-education classes?
If I worked for the TSA, I think it would time to start a grievance action with the union.
You guys need to circle the wagons, if that is all possible anymore and go public to expose the idiots that are running your agency.
Most of the American people would support you-IMHO

ScottyDog on February 20, 2007 at 4:38 pm

You sound like an Ann Coulter bimbot, proving my point that you are a complete moron.

Norman Blitzer on February 20, 2007 at 4:59 pm

HAND? What does your girlfriend have to do with this, Normie? Either support your arguments, or go away. You are making a complete fool of yourself, as do most trolls.

Skippy on February 20, 2007 at 5:42 pm

Skippy, you’re the one who looks like a fool to the rest of the world. You’re so stupid you can’t even look up Internet lingo.
BTW, ‘HAND’ is your Momma’s job.

Norman Blitzer on February 20, 2007 at 6:10 pm

Quote” Can you imagine J. Edgar Hoover giving sensitivity training to FBI agents about how mobsters and Nazis are people, too? He may have worn a dress or women’s lingerie. But, far more important, he knew how to conduct federal law enforcement.” Unquote.
Hold on a minute – that was a stupid urban myth that I used to argue against with my left wing friends during my university days (I’m sorry but I just couldn’t imagine J Edgar in lingerie!) 20 years later, after the collapse of communism, the KGB files were opened and it was admitted that the transvestite rumours were simply invented to discredit him.
Thought I’d just put the record straight on that 🙂
ps – he was, however, a mean SOB…..

nigelseed on February 28, 2007 at 11:33 am

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