September 15, 2011, - 5:29 pm
HUH? Wall St Journal & Walmart Tell US Men: Time to Give Up & Become Chicks
Even though it recently won dismissal of a class-action federal discrimination lawsuit claiming it discriminates against women, Wal-Mart just announced a “women’s initiative,” including buying $20 billion in products from U.S. businesses owned by women. You know what this means? Attention, all males who own businesses: install your wife/girlfriend/mother/daughter/sister as majority owner (in name only), while you cash in on this discriminatory and sexist purchasing policy. For everyone else, no men need apply. The initiative also includes a discriminatory training program, in which Wal-Mart will train only women to work in factories and give $100 million in grants to non-profits that claim they aid women. But the Wall Street Journal got in on “Let’s Hate Men Week,” earlier this week.
Check out these two headlines I saw in the print edition of Tuesday’s Wall Street Journal, and try to tell me the Journal isn’t trying to send a message to American men that they should quit their jobs and stay home to be Mr. Mom.
Of course, these stories are total BS. It’s, on the contrary, very healthy to have a society in which alpha males dominate and very unhealthy to have one in which they stay home to raise the kids. As we all know, this study is probably feminist BS because men are wired to go out, make a living, and conquer the world, not stay home like Todd Palin and raise the kids. (Hey, no wonder it didn’t work out with Glenn Rice and Sarah.) This nation of alpha females and beta males we’ve become is a disaster.
Do you think Al-Qaeda and the Muslim newspapers are telling their men, “Hey, Being an Alpha Male Not Halal Or Healthy” and “Men, Are Hard-Wired to Be the Women and Raise the Kids”? Not a chance. Yet, we are telling that to American men. And they are believing it and assuming the role, more and more, according to Census figures. That’s why we will lose–and are losing–in the long run.
Patriarchies last in history. Matriarchies fail.
Tags: anti-male, anti-male sexism, Are Alpha Males Healthy?, discrimination, discrimination against men, discriminatory, Feminism, feminist, headlines, males need not apply, Men Biologically Wired to Be Nurturing Fathers, men need not apply, sexism against men, sexist, Wal-Mart, Wall St. Journal, Wall Street Journal, Wall Street Journal anti-male, Walmart, Women
“threedoggin” calling someone else “hateful.” LOL. These liberals: do they never see how imbecilic they are, or do they know and just do it as agitprop?
Debbie: Looks like new Obamautomatons are finding your blog thanks to “media matters.” That’s good – maybe a dose of honesty will actually make them think for once.
DS_ROCKS! on September 15, 2011 at 6:17 pm