September 8, 2008, - 11:41 am

Kudos to Jordin Sparks: @ MTV VMAs, “American Idol” Tells Off Left-Wing Host (& Bristol Palin)

By Debbie Schlussel
I’m neither a fan of “American Idol,” nor one of its winners, Jordin Sparks’ singing ability. But the girl has guts, principle, and a brain. On last night’s largely irrelevant MTV Video Music Awards, leftist Brit host Russell Brand, among other things, mocked the Jonas Brothers’ “Promise Rings” (which symbolize saving yourself for marriage).
Here’s Jordin Sparks’ excellent response (Bristol Palin, take note–you needn’t watch beyond the first 24 seconds.
**** UPDATE, 09/10/08: MTV has asked YouTube to remove the video, so I’m posting this one, instead. ****

Much of the right is justly upset at unfunny British comedian Brand’s performance as host of the VMAs, last night. But what did you expect?
1) It’s MTV. They’re so left they fell off the spectrum decades ago.
2) This is the guy (Brand) who was fired by MTV UK for showing up to work on September 12, 2001, dressed as Osama Bin Laden.
3) Brand co-starred in the vulgar, full-frontal Forgetting Sarah Marshall” (read my review panning it). The movie was completely disgusting. It’s like a bad semi-porn movie. No, not like. It is. As soon as I heard he was hosting, I figured he’d be anti-American, etc. And he didn’t disappoint.
What I didn’t predict was that Brand would steal his whole leftist monologue of bad jokes from Chris Rock. Most of his lines, last night, were pure plagiarism: like the one about America’s tolerance in electing a “retard” cowboy for 8 years.
My friend, Marc Fellhauer of Detroit’s “Mike in the Morning” show called him on it. And kudos to Sparks for calling him on some of the other stuff.
Memo to Russell Brand: The ’80s hair bands called. They want their bad hair, make-up, mucho necklaces, unbuttoned shirt, and too-tight pants back.

Russell Brand, Nutjob and 2008 MTV VMA Host

8 Responses

Where was Brand’s Osama costume following the bombings of London’s underground train system in 2005?

Second City on September 8, 2008 at 12:01 pm

Ehhh….Debbie, Just to be on the safe side. I don’t trust anyone from the American Idol or the media until after the election. Beware of the flattters. How all of the sudden this is. Hey, we’ll see after the election…….. Uh huh!

dannygirl on September 8, 2008 at 1:59 pm

Brand also used to be a hard core heroin addict.

OldSchoolW on September 8, 2008 at 3:09 pm

Brand — insignificant pipsqueak, a perfect exemplar of the Idiot Left (pardon the redundancy). As “Second City” notes: wonder how Brand would feel had he lost someone on “7/7” in London? Love how these “Peace at All Costs” moonbats change their tune when it’s their asses on the line (or, better, their dhimmi heads on the chopping block) — “There are no atheists in foxholes,” as it were.
Pretty much everything on MTV is trash, so I reckon anything goes on MTV, including trashing everything good about America, its leaders, et al.

theendisnear on September 8, 2008 at 3:10 pm

Brand looks like another one of those effeminate looking freaks working at Starbuck’s ready to serve you a coffee with a lisp. Just what America needs for our youth.
Regarding annoying hosts. Cant we have more Danny Bonnaduce v Johnny Fairplay moments? Remember this classic.

californiascreaming on September 8, 2008 at 5:16 pm

I liked what she said, hated brand, he sounded like a fool

mindy1 on September 8, 2008 at 8:40 pm

Here’s Jordin Sparks’ excellent response (Bristol Palin, take note–you needn’t watch beyond the first 24 seconds:
Not just Bristol. The rest of my extended family also! No more shotgun weddings!

bhparkman on September 9, 2008 at 12:33 am

Yay….good for Jordin Sparks! I watched a few minutes of the show…I thought the host was an idiot…and Britney winning anything was laughable and Demi in that dress a joke! I think I turned to the Travel Channel or something…..

hwy1cat on September 9, 2008 at 9:53 am

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