September 4, 2008, - 2:52 pm
GOP Palin Mr. Mom Derangement Syndrome
By Debbie Schlussel
Although there are many readers who’ve written to agree with me, regarding my column earlier today–about the GOP’s and many conservatives’ strange new embrace of the Mr. Mom lifestyle and discarding of traditional gender roles of moms raising kids out the window–I note that I’ve really struck a very sensitive, raw nerve among the tiny (but still far too big) Mr. Mom constituency in the GOP.
Here are the three angry Mr. Mom demographic members’ intolerant e-mails. I just have to repeat that these people are just a little too touchy for a reason. They doth protest too much because–contrary to what they’re saying–they seem a little embarrassed by their situations. I’ve removed the surnames and e-mail addresses so as not to shame them:
Sadly you see no joy for how good Americans are meeting the challenges of today. It is not the 1900’s. Our own handsome, intelligent, well-kept son is a Mr. Mom and our grandchildren thrive and we are soooo proud of him and the deep love, patience and commitment he shows his family daily. Life isn’t a cookie-cutter. You are so sadly bitter and short sighted.
Walt and Yvonne
Raleigh, NC
Of course, the parents of Mr. Mom protest. They’re embarrassed. He’s not the man in the relationship. His wife is. But they have the “kept” part right.
From: Ann
Date: Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 1:49 PM
Subject: I won’t read your lousy crap on Palin again.
Well, no explanation from Ann. But I’m guessing she brings home the bacon, and someone in a jockstrap is the hockey mom bulldog in lipstick.
You recent comments regarding Todd Palin are why I won’t read or pay attention to your opinions anymore. You are obviously a very smart, intelligent woman, but it’s obvious you are not married and certainly do not have kids. As one who does, and owns a business with my wife, and raised a few kids, your comments are way over the top. I’ll bet I am not the only one who will “take a pass” on your blog from now on.
Actually, not. Very high traffic to this site, today.
Bruce adds a “PS”:
Tell me when you have your sex change
Yup, new mental disorder: Mr. Mom Effeminate Derangement Syndrome (MMEDS, as in, take yours).
Oh, and just to provide a little balance, here are two more of the many e-mails I received from those who agree with me (some were posted after the column, earlier today):
Kudos on your post Palin nomination. I’ve been voicing the same concerns of abandonment of duties to my friends who think this a good thing.
Just long ago many of the concerns on social ideas behind the feminist movement and independence are voiced in Melanie Phillips’ book on the women’s voting movement at the turn of the century. I intend to read this book.
Dear Debbie:
I couldn’t think of another conservative to point this out to, because everyone is on the Sarah bandwagon right now. I agree with you about the family and the responsibilities of caring for the kids, the weird names, etc., etc. . . .
Thanks for all you are pointing out about the “holes” in this VP pick. Like you, I will vote for Sarah and John, but I will be “holding my nose” as they say.
I do have to say though, that I view the Republican ticket more favorably based on her behavior the last few days. She stood up yesterday and handed it right back to the elite snobs. That is unusual these days, and the fight between her and the elite has become a separate, and probably, a defining issue in the campaign. Unanticipated, but no less important, just as the fight against Al Queda in Iraq was unanticipated, but no less important.
At the same time, you are right to focus on concerns about her. I do think their child care arrangements are pragmatic, rather than philosophical. She was riding the crest of a populist revolt in Alaska, and there are so few effective populist successes today that I think a less than ideal childcare arrangement is a small price to pay.
At the same time, she does have unknown political positions, and less than ideal positions on issues like, most likely, affirmative action and government giveaways. But, since her fight against the elite has become a distinct issue now, I will support her, if only for that reason.
c f on September 4, 2008 at 3:43 pm