September 11, 2011, - 9:41 pm
GREAT VIDEO: Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat Remembers 9/11, Who Did It & Who Celebrated
You won’t see the Mayor of Riyadh or Tehran or Cairo or Beirut, or even the Mayor of other capitals of so-called American allies like Jordan (Amman), or Dubai (Dubai City) holding 9/11 Memorial ceremonies. After all, their people danced in the streets at news of the murder of 3,000 Americans and would be appalled at anyone truly feeling sorry for Americans who died at the hands of their heroes, the Muslim martyrs of 9/11. And remembering it means remembering that Muslims are the bad guys, that their religion stands for mass murder. Oh, and you won’t hear anything like this from the gutless, Islamo-pandering fool of a Mayor of New York, Michael Bloomberg, either.
Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat Remembers the Victims of 9/11, Incl. Danny Lewin (AND THE PERPETRATORS & CELEBRATORS)
Check out this excellent, brief speech given by Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat at today’s Jerusalem 9/11 Memorial ceremony. Mayor Barkat isn’t afraid to talk about the continuing Islamic threat to the world or that Muslims danced on the streets of Gaza. He’s not afraid to say who perpetrated the attacks. And he mentions American/Israeli victim Daniel M. “Danny” Lewin, a founder of high-tech company Akamai and a former member of Israel’s elite, top-secret strategic intelligence counterterrorism unit, Sayeret Matkal. Lewin was reportedly stabbed by the 9/11 hijackers and fought back. He is one of the true heroes–and victims–of 9/11 at the hands of Arab Muslims. He was a true genius and renaissance man whose life was cut short at age 31 and who is mourned by his parents, wife, and two sons.
Brilliant. Didn’t see Danny’s family on any television shows this week….oh that’s right, they’re Jew’s. Our country was too busy pimping out the muslims telling us we need to feel sorry for them and how they were and are victims of “our” bigotry. This country will pay a higher price for it’s pandering to a cult of death, it’s just too bad those opposed will be the ones paying that price. Blessed Be to Danny Lewin and everyone else who payed the ultimate price for our political correctness and blindness to the hordes of death knocking down our doors.
wolf2012 on September 11, 2011 at 10:43 pm