September 1, 2008, - 10:43 pm

On the First Lady: Is It Just Me . . .

By Debbie Schlussel
. . . Or are you almost as sick of Mrs. Laura W. Bush as you are of her hubby, George “Islam Is Peace”/Quintuple-Muslim-Immigration-and-Visas-to-America W. Bush?
I was never a fan and couldn’t understand the fawning, other than she was post-Hillary, so the benchmark was set low. That’s sadly symbolic of the way everything is with America these days. A lot of hype over sheer mediocrity, because we’ve set our expectations so low. That’s Mrs. Bush in a nutshell–she was mediocre. Average.
There’s a new novel out, which is fiction but is supposed to be about Laura Bush. The book sounds vapid and absurd, but it reminded me of something that’s always bothered me about Mrs. Bush. Laura Bush ran a stop sign and killed her boyfriend, into whom she crashed in an odd freak coincidence. And, yet, she never did a day of jailtime for it.



You think you or I could run a stopsign, commit vehicular manslaughter, and get away with it? Think again. It’s negligence, it’s manslaughter, and it’s not without consequences . . . if you’re one of the little people. We’d be ex-cons, if we were even “ex” at this point.
Let’s face it. This woman–after telling the press she’d never don a hijab on her phony Mid-East breast cancer PR tour–went and donned a hijab and pandered to the future payers of her husband’s high-dollar speaking fees and exorbitant Presidential Library: The Gulf State Emirs and Kings. And, just to make sure the future deals are sealed, she also smilingly posed with women in niqabs, or as I call it, “The Full Ninja” (complete face veil).
She also hinted–over the years–that she’s pro-abortion. And she and hubby surrounded themselves with liberals like Colin Powell and Condi Clueless.
And, most important to me, Laura Bush made fun of her husband when he said one of the few spot-on things he’s actually said in his administration (but didn’t follow), which was how he wanted Bin Laden “Dead or Alive.” What was wrong with that (other than not actually pursuing it)?
She said her husband was being too much of a cowboy and went up to him and said, “Bushie, are you gonna git ‘im?” Translation: With that one phrase, he was being too much of a man. And that masculinity ended with that, back in fall 2001. We know who really wore the pants in the Bush 2 White House. And she likes red lipstick. The guy was emasculated. And she was the emasculator, though in a much more behind-the-scenes way than Hillary Clinton was and Michelle Hussein Obama is.
A guy just murders 3,000 Americans on the same day, and the President’s shrew has a problem with wanting to get him no matter what it takes. If only he’d listened to his words and not to her criticism of them. It makes Nancy Reagan’s consulting of psychics for the Presidential schedule look like political mastery.
There’s a reason the Bush twin daughters are liberals who acted like Paris Hilton during their father’s Presidency and who say they might vote for Barack Obama. They think like their mother.
So, while it’s nice that Mrs. Bush is fundraising for people in the Hurricane Gustav area, big whoop. She’s the Prez’s wife. That’s what she’s expected to do. It’s the baseline, not the cherry on top. And so was her tour as the First Lady. She wasn’t as offensive or political as Hillary Clinton, so anything she did was acceptable. But, don’t fool yourself, behind the scenes she was as political as Hillary, minus the secret socialized medicine committee (she admitted she set policy in an interview on FOX News Sunday–funny, she wasn’t on my ballot; how ’bout yours?). Where Bush was never a conservative–if anything, he was a moderate Republican–she was even less so, your basic liberal-to-centrist.
Sorry, but in eight years, this tough, truly liberal, ex-librarian/teacher chick did not impress. And sadly, because I believe pillow talk is the most effective form of free speech, she had a forum even more important the that of the actual leader of the free world. She’s his boss.
I will not miss Laura Bush. Though, I know, if Michelle Hussein Obama is elected President, er . . . First “Lady”, we’ll forget it all. Most of us will, anyway.
Like I said, Mrs. Bush was lucky to arrive after the First Lady considered the bitchiest and most hated in recent decades. If Mrs. Bush is luckier still to be sandwiched between bitchiest and even bitchier (Michelle Obama), she’ll be remembered fondly . . . but far more fondly than she deserves.
In the end, President Bush listened to his mother, er . . . wife, like a good boy. He didn’t get Bin Laden–Dead OR Alive–and Al-Qaeda is stronger than ever and more decentralized. But, hey, Bush’s wife wore the Islamic female headdress of oppression. The manslaughter of one guy and a show of dhimmi solidarity with a whole world of hurt for the West that goes a lot further than the “accidental” death of a former boyfriend in Texas.
Really, she wasn’t that much better than Hillary after all. Just less openly offensive.
T Minus Four Months for them all.


19 Responses

Where are the Erica Jongs of the world, talking about the “pink men” who are supposedly so oppressive, when it comes the sick oppression of women in the Middle East?

Sue Denemme on September 2, 2008 at 12:09 am

[You think you or I could run a stopsign, commit vehicular manslaughter, and get away with it? Think again. It’s negligence, it’s manslaughter, and it’s not without consequences . . . if you’re one of the little people. We’d be ex-cons, if we were even “ex” at this point.]
So exactly what kind of bigwig was Laura Bush at 17 in 1963?
[Where Bush was never a conservative–if anything, he was a moderate Republican–she was even less so, your basic liberal-to-centrist.]
If Bush was never a conservative than neither was Reagan. Bush did everything Reagan did except raise taxes.

Norman Blitzer on September 2, 2008 at 12:12 am

10,000 Russian Muslim Turks to be given assylum in USA (why they can not go to Turkey, I don’t know) They are allegedly being persecuted by Russian Kossaks, and probably are. But they do commit crimes against Russians, as well, and certainly won’t stop if they are allowed to come here.
That precious bit of info can be heard between 12 minutes into the above video and the end – the specific announcement at about 14 minutes in, with the rest kind of background material.

yonason on September 2, 2008 at 12:46 am

I do think you did pass up one person other than Laura who got a free pass. Lorena Bobbitt.
Otherwise Laura was going on for a free ride for 8 years. Picking up a check. I guess Hillary and Chelsea wore a hijab. That top photo, her body language says it all. She is holding down one hand with the other and puts on that fake smile.
I kind of think Cindy McCain will sport one. She has been on the VIEW. I dont know if Sarah Palin will do that.
I really lost all respect for Laura when she and her daughter went pimping her daughter’s nursery books on that Lesbian sex predator Ellen. And McCain already has appeared with the Lesbian. I hope Palin doesnt disapoint and do these politically correct shows or poses.
From diversity to tolerance to acceptance to mandate to subjugation.

californiascreaming on September 2, 2008 at 1:41 am

I’m not so sure about that “not got bin Laden” point. I think the military did get him.
The last video of Osama (spelled with an “O”!)looked like a guy with heavy make-up and plastic surgery. I think bin Laden is dead. Probably bombed by a bunker buster and composted by now.
He’s not some James Bond, end-of-the game, supervillian – he’s a frail old cult/terrorist leader that runs and hides from polite society and probably died in a dirty cave.
Yeah, he may be keeping a very low profile, but that kills morale. He either shows us he really isn’t dead… or he really is dead, and al Qaeda definitely lost.

bhparkman on September 2, 2008 at 1:52 am

Laura Bush, as a librarian, is most likely a member of the American Library Association. ALA is one the most extreme leftist professional organizations in the USA. It supports the inclusion of homosexual propaganda disguised as children’s books (“Heather Has Two Mommies”, “King and King”, etc.) in library collections. It opposes any limitations on accessing pornographic websites on computers in public libraries. Any leftist leanings on her part should not come as a surprise.

Defeat_Islam! on September 2, 2008 at 3:07 am

Laura Bush, as a librarian, is most likely a member of the American Library Association. ALA is one the most extreme leftist professional organizations in the USA. It supports the inclusion of homosexual propaganda disguised as children’s books (“Heather Has Two Mommies”, “King and King”, etc.) in library collections. It opposes any limitations on accessing pornographic websites on computers in public libraries. Any leftist leanings on her part should not come as a surprise.

Defeat_Islam! on September 2, 2008 at 3:08 am

I wasn’t too impressed with Laura’s pandering to the Saudis with the headscarf. Perhaps her old man should have worn one too. It would have been more dignified the make-out session he had with them.
I didn’t know about her running over and killing a boyfriend. Not sure I buy the part about it being a coincidence. Either way, if you’re connected nowadays, you get away with it. All I want to know is when are the elitists going to start wearing the powdered wigs and carrying snuff boxes.

Tempus Fugit on September 2, 2008 at 6:41 am

There is obviously still a caste system in this country. Privileged, upper crust, royalty, have been getting away with murder for a long time. A person merely has a bundle of money, and some “legit” connections and they are soon exempt from obeying the laws like the rest of us.
Ole lady Bush has been a big disappointment after all. Just seeing that moron in her muslim garb caused me multiple eye rolls. I’m sure the Saudi’s love her. After Pelosi wore that garbage on her head conservatives had a good laugh. Imagine everyones disappointment with the pics of our presidents wife lowering herself with same garbage on her head and equally stupid expression on her silly face.

samurai on September 2, 2008 at 9:37 am

Thanks for the heads up. I’m working on a Masters of Library Science and didn’t research the ALA thoroughly.
This explains A LOT! Again, thanks!

bhparkman on September 2, 2008 at 10:27 am

How does one live with the fact that one killed someone–even accidentally? It doesn’t seem to have fazed Laura Bush. She is also a heavy smoker with the tell-tale lines above her upper lip. She will not be missed when she’s back in Crawford and Abu Dhabi, etc.
Grinning while wrapped up in a tablecloth–yeech.

lexi on September 2, 2008 at 10:29 am

Once again, you’re spot on. I never liked either the pres or his wife, but there is something especially creepy about her.
Sad thing is that there have only been about a dozen presidents in all of US history who were any good, and the last one who fit that bill left office in 1989. Before him, it was Coolidge.

Red Ryder on September 2, 2008 at 10:47 am

Red Ryder, you are absolutely correct. Reagan and Coolidge. The only greats of the 20th century.

lexi on September 2, 2008 at 12:39 pm

Don’t forget that she was a crappy mom, raising two drunken tarts who thought they could pass off fake IDs. How stupid can you be??

LoveAManInAUniform on September 2, 2008 at 3:24 pm

I actually think the biggest reason for the FEMINIZATION of our culture in general (not just this case) actually belongs to the leaders (and conservative leaders) as well in both Judaism and Christianity. This is a little off topic but related to the demasculation of men Why don’t the evangelist say that Palin is a member of Feminist For Life and already has said things that are very disturbing ABOUT TITLE IX WAS THE LATEST. This has shut down men sports teams as we know more then anything else yet Palin thinks this is great. 61% of member of those who attend church (and this includes the South as well) are women. I don’t think Judaism is much better in this way and is likely worse. It just puzzles me how religious leaders can overlook the feminist problem of Pailin and Christain and Jewish leaders who claim to be standing for morality should be ashmamed of themselves for ignoring it but it doesn’t suprise me. Both Judaism and Christianity deserve much blame for the feminization of our culture.

adam6275 on September 2, 2008 at 5:04 pm

Thanks. You would be amazed at how few people–including so-called conservatives–would agree with us.
Feminism was never the problem; self-emasculation of men is the killer. Your blaming religion here is too broad-brush to have any meaning.

Red Ryder on September 2, 2008 at 5:13 pm

I still remember Ann Coulter’s comment when Mrs. Bush said that the opposition to Harriet Miers was sexist — she said just like under the Clintons, we are now getting two for the price of one.
They are both liberals, and liberalism has been institutionalized in the Republican Party, except for a few minor members of the House, and possibly 1 or 2 senators. Mrs. Bush is particularly self-righteous though, and many librarians have a superficiality by being around books, and absorbing the promos, but not the essence of them. Her daughter must be planning to run for office as another compassionate conservative, what with all her do-gooder projects.

c f on September 2, 2008 at 5:18 pm

Laura Bush is just a type, and I saw a lot like her in the Navy wives club, or rather my wife did. It is just how they are trained, not to give offense to anyone.

taffy on September 3, 2008 at 6:48 am

“she is also a smoker with the tell-tale lines above her upper lip” . . . tell-tale lines . . . also a smoker. . . You are probably a great friend to people, NOT! Disgusting.

Woodstock on September 3, 2008 at 2:18 pm

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