August 14, 2008, - 1:28 pm

A Tale of Two Cooks: Julia Child v. Rachael Ray = Patriotism v. Vapid Capitalism

By Debbie Schlussel
I was never a huge fan of the late Julia Child because her voice annoyed me, and I didn’t like her fattening, buttery, rich style of cooking that mirrored the French. Still, no-one can deny her status as America’s great chef.
But I never knew much about her.
Now, there’s news that Child was a U.S. spy and worked for the predecessor of the CIA, the OSS–Office of Strategic Services–which helped fight the Nazis. That was when what became the left-wing CIA was actually a great, pro-America organization. And there were other celebs among the list of those who helped America, not today’s Sean Penn/Alec Baldwin screeds:


Patriotic Chef v. Dhummi Cook

Before Julia Child became known to the world as a leading chef, she admitted at least one failing when applying for a job as a spy: impulsiveness.
At 28 as an advertising manager at W&J Sloane furniture store in Beverly Hills, Calif., Child clashed with new store managers and left her job abruptly.
“I made a tactical error and was out,” she explained in a handwritten note attached to her application to join the Office of Strategic Services, a World War II-era spy agency. “However, I learned a lot about advertising and wish I had been older and more experienced so that I could have handled the situation, as it was a most interesting position.”
Child was not yet married and was applying for the job under her maiden name, McWilliams, according to previously top-secret records released by the National Archives on Thursday. She was hired in the summer of 1942 for clerical work with the intelligence agency and later worked directly for OSS Director William Donovan, the personnel records show.
Details about Child’s background and nearly 24,000 other OSS employees are revealed in the newly released documents, withheld from public view as classified records for decades by the CIA.
The 750,000 documents identify the vast spy network managed by the OSS, which later became the CIA. President Franklin Roosevelt created the OSS, the country’s first centralized intelligence operation.
The OSS files offer details about other agents, including Supreme Court Justice Arthur Goldberg, major league catcher Moe Berg, historian Arthur Schlesinger Jr. and film actor Sterling Hayden.

Can you imagine today’s most famous American cook, Rachael Ray, actually doing something to help America? Never. It took a lot just to get her to stop wearing the Arab keffiyeh, the garb of Islamic terrorists and their sympathizers–the story broken by Pam Geller at Atlas Shrugs.
I like her recipes, but let’s face it: Ray is a vapid creation of the Food Network and Oprah and syndicated TV. Julia Child was a product of years of crafting her culinary skills and cuisine. Where Child was the symbol of class and haute cuisine, Rachael Ray is a lowest-common-denominator-of-pop-culture chef. Sadly, Child would probably not have been a success today in the Rachael Ray world that we now live in, because she was not “attractive” or “TV friendly” enough.
Oh, and by the way, there is something Rachael Ray is apparently planning in order to make nice with extremist Muslim Arabs. And it, once again, contrasts with Julia Child’s patriotism and work for the OSS.
Stay tuned.
Check out the OSS personnel files from the National Archives.

13 Responses

Rachael Ray isn’t even a trained chef. She owes her success and fame to Oprah.

PrincessKaren on August 14, 2008 at 2:36 pm

Oh the hate mail you will receive if Ray’s Lemmings, as her diehard fans are known, discover this article.
Rachael Ray is probably even more annoying than Oprah. She has one of the most phony personailties on TV.
You calling her vapid is being kind.

Jeff_W on August 14, 2008 at 2:56 pm

Thanks Debbie for letting the terrorists win.

lolwut on August 14, 2008 at 3:19 pm

I cannot stand Rachel Ray. When her name comes up in conversation, I always SAY, “I can’t stomach her”. It’s an instant reflex to hearing her name.
I don’t understand WHY people don’t see through her. Oh, that’s right… PUBLIC SCHOOLS HAVE DUMBED PEOPLE DOWN TO THE CORE.

GOLDENMIKE4393 on August 14, 2008 at 3:55 pm

Nuts, now I’m curious about this new Rachel Ray thing. I truly didn’t think that she knew the real story behind her “peace scarf.” Now, I’m not so sure.

cirrus1701 on August 14, 2008 at 4:57 pm

It’s amusing when one sees women wearing the Arab
keffiyeh, a symbol of Arab MANHOOD and as grotesque on a woman as high heels and nylons on a man would be to us. Leila Khaled in the ‘good old days’ would wear one to transform herself into a ‘man’. Now with the rise of strict Islam – UNTHINKABLE. The well dressed female Palestinian terrorist is a shapeless sack and inside a non-person with a bomb belt.

poetcomic1 on August 14, 2008 at 6:42 pm

Wow-my respect for Julia just increased 10 fold. I also thought her food was too rich, but she truly loved to cook, you could tell.

mindy1 on August 14, 2008 at 9:32 pm

Most of the sheeple that watch Rachel Ray don’t know or care about her politics. It goes in one ear and out the other. They are either looking for recipes, or looking at her butt when she is on tv. Nothing more, nothing less. Concerning Rachel herself, and the rest of the Oprah gals, I wonder how they will like wearing burkas, not being allowed to drive, getting thier butts whooped by some man when they get out of line and having to fire the “pool boy” if the moslems ever get control here?

Ron Taylor on August 15, 2008 at 12:41 am

Seriously, though – that scarf just looks like paisley.

LibertarianBulbasaur on August 15, 2008 at 4:14 am


Mark on December 6, 2009 at 11:49 pm


AwesomeSauce on March 17, 2010 at 6:01 am

“Rachael Ray is apparently planning in order to make nice with extremist Muslim Arabs”

Yeah nice try. You can put the word “apparently” in front of any statement, it doesn’t matter how utterly retarded it is, and the kind of people that frequent websites like this will believe it. Debbie Schlussel is an ignorant, uneducated piece of shit and i wouldn’t piss in her mouth if her teeth were on fire.

Joey on April 10, 2011 at 2:57 pm

Pft Julia had was way more funny and adorable than Ray >__>
Ray is just….odd. Not trained chef yet is famous due to Oprah and comparing her to world renowned Julia Child who changed the world of food for America is just and insult o-o…
Besides, I found her way more TV friendly than Rachael Gay.

mekal on October 4, 2011 at 7:56 pm

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