August 14, 2008, - 12:37 pm

Heckuva Job, ICE Princess & Abu Moskowitz: Alien Brags He’s Been Deported 20-30 Times

By Debbie Schlussel
If you got a zit in the same place 20-30 times, methinks you’d dump your dermatologist or, at the very least, try a new skin treatment.
But far more dangerous than porous skin is our porous borders. And it’s simply a joke when a person, caught within our borders, brags that immigration officials know him and that he’s been deported 20-30 times.
Believe you me, Jose Manuel Sanchez-Rojaz is not the only on who fits this description. Sadly, we’ve had the same incompetent witch doctors running Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) for some time now and the same failed regimen to treat the problem:

A police investigation in Cleves, Ohio led to a startling admission by an alleged illegal immigrant–that he has already been deported more than two dozen times.


Sanchez-Rojaz: Illegal Alien Deported 20-30 Times

Jose Manuel Sanchez-Rojaz, 33, was arrested early Tuesday morning by a Hamilton County Sheriff’s deputy. Sanchez-Rojaz was wanted for questioning regarding stolen vehicle. Authorities say the vehicle was stolen around 4 a.m. in the 6300 block of State Route 128.
During the questioning, Sanchez-Rojaz allegedly gave the deputy a false name and birthday. He was charged with falsification and obstructing justice.
The deputy says Sanchez-Rojaz also told him he “had been deported multiple times by immigration.” Authorities say he went on to elaborate that meant some “20-30 times.”
Sanchez-Rojaz also allegedly told the deputy that immigration officials “know me very well.”
Sanchez-Rojaz was taken to the Hamilton County Justice Center. Officials with Immigration and Customs Enforcement were also notified.
Sanchez-Rojaz is scheduled to appear in court on Tuesday.

Blame “The ICE Priness,” ICE’s incompetent chieftess Julie L. Myers.
Ohio is the domain of Michigan/Ohio ICE Special Agent in Charge Brian Moskowitz a/k/a “Abu Moskowitz”. Blame him, too, for Sanchez-Rojaz being here, yet again. And blame him for a sheriff having to do Moskowitz’s job in catching this guy.
But, hey, Abu Moskowitz is too busy to handle these kinds of things. Too busy hanging out with FBI award revokee, marriage fraud perpetrator, and “former” Islamic terrorist Imad Hamad, and too busy seeking out new extra-marital girlfriends.
Yup, too busy, while this guy comes in and out of the U.S. 20-30 times.
Heckuva Job!

3 Responses

Do you have any conception what it costs in man hours, paperwork, etc etc each time you deport this charmer? I’ve been told it COSTS AS MUCH AS I MAKE IN A YEAR but the figures would be interesting. Any one have the definite amount?

poetcomic1 on August 14, 2008 at 2:00 pm

Let’s hope next time he becomes a drowning victim having used the sea route.

GOLDENMIKE4393 on August 14, 2008 at 3:59 pm

I don’t think there would be an accurate figure and if it was figured the figures would most likely be altered or layed out to change the perception, since every region within ICE/DRO is administered to that “FOD’s” (Field Operations director) method. Some areas rent an enormous amount of DVD’s for these criminals to watch on weekends, whereas others have the cojones to not bother with such nonsense. Also, all have agreements or even contracts with food service providers to cater meals (typically sandwiches, chips, and a drink) which vary by areas. But some buy expensive food, not the bare essentials. Those are just two examples of the mountain of expense the current method requires. Yes the whole concept is ridiculous, but nobody at ICE management has ever addressed it!

freefromice on August 14, 2008 at 6:21 pm

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