August 12, 2008, - 10:42 am
Am I the Only One . . .
By Debbie Schlussel
. . . Sick of hearing about whining multi-millionaire Brett Favre? He retired from the Green Bay Packers all on his own. No-one put a gun to his head. Then, he changed his mind. Tough. Then, he trotted out some of his trashy, convicted criminal-endowed family to whine for him. Then, he got the Packers to meet with him and trade him to the New York Jets.
Now, we’re supposed to worry whether this 38-year-old Quarterback (how much is that in dog years?) will be good for the Jets? Who cares? Shut up, and stop whining.
Sorry, but I can’t feel bad or care a whit about a guy who willingly gave up a multi-million dollar job, then whined when they wouldn’t take him back–when the average American is worrying about paying for gas (yes, I know it’s down, but it’s still close to $4 bucks a gallon) and trying to survive. When I lived in Wisconsin, I couldn’t understand the hero worship of this unheroic manchild. So now, it is amusing to watch that he is now persona non-grata there.

Suck it up, spoiled man who can’t pronounce your name the way it’s spelled.
**** UPDATE: Reader Sean writes:
Thanks for coming down hard on Brett Favre. When all this started, one of the first things I said was “of COURSE they don’t want him back. Why would management want to go on for ANOTHER year of Brett pulling his Hamlet routine of “to play or not to play” while they have to decide what draft picks to make. I’m a Pats fan (yeah I know you don’t like them, but that’s my team), and I think it would be funny to see Brett faced with a pretty competent defense that forces him to throw 3 or 4 picks in one game. Then watch. He’ll start whining about how he didn’t have a chance to study the playbook, or his line didn’t protect him, or something.
Favre also took a dive (literally) a few seasons back so his friend Michael Strahan could get the all time sack record (during the last game of the season). In big games he would throw big interceptions.
Ripper on August 12, 2008 at 11:30 am