August 19, 2011, - 4:54 pm

Book: Coco Chanel Was a Jew-Hating Nazi Spy

By Debbie Schlussel

As you know, most big-time fashion designers today are uber-leftists heavily involved in politics, whether it’s Donna Karan or the bizarre Mark Jacobs.  I usually pay them no heed because I know they are following in the footsteps of their National Socialist (Nazi) Party-supporting brothers and sisters from eras past.  We know that Hugo Boss designed Nazi uniforms.  And, now, we’ve learned that Gabrielle “Coco” Chanel was a Jew-hating Nazi spy.  Not only that, but she used the Nazis’ anti-Semitic laws against Jewish ownership of property to seize the Chanel perfume from its Jewish owners. And her friend, Winston Churchill helped her escape any post-war justice.  Remember that, the next time you see some rich snob wearing a Chanel suit turning her nose up at you.  Turn your nose up at her. Her clothes have their roots in Nazism.  (And remember that Winston Churchill had some major flaws, too.)


A new book by a Paris-based American historian suggests Chanel not only had a wartime affair with a German aristocrat and spy, but that she herself was also an agent of Germany’s Abwehr military intelligence organization and a rabid anti-Semite.

Sleeping with the Enemy: Coco Chanel’s Secret War” goes well beyond those previous allegations, citing as evidence documents culled from archives around the world.

Get Yours . . .

The book, published in the U.S. on Tuesday by Knopf, has ruffled feathers in France, where the luxury industry is a pillar of the economy and Chanel is widely regarded as the crowning jewel. . . .

Hal Vaughan, an 84-year-old World War II veteran and longtime journalist who previously wrote two other history books, insists that he is serious. “Sleeping with the Enemy” is the fruit of more than four years of intense labor born out of an accidental find in France’s national police archive, he said.

“I was looking for something else and I come across this document saying ‘Chanel is a Nazi agent, her number is blah, blah, blah and her pseudonym is Westminster,'” Vaughan told The Associated Press. . . . “Then I really started hunting through all of the archives, in the United States, in London, in Berlin and in Rome and I come across not one, but 20, 30, 40 absolutely solid archival materials on Chanel and her lover, Baron Hans Gunther von Dincklage, who was a professional Abwehr spy,” Vaughan said. . . .

During the conflict [DS: World War II], she holed up with von Dincklage — a dashing German officer 12 years her junior who was one in her long string of lovers — in Paris’ Ritz Hotel, which was then under Nazi control.

The book alleges that in 1940, Chanel was recruited into the Abwehr — her nom de guerre borrowed from another of her lovers, the Duke of Westminster. A year later, she traveled to Spain on a spy mission — on condition that the Nazis release her nephew from a military internment camp — and later went to Berlin on the orders of a top SS general, the book says.

It also suggests that Chanel’s alleged anti-Semitism pushed her to try to capitalize on laws allowing for the expropriation of Jewish property to wrest control of the Chanel perfume lines from the Wertheimer brothers, a Jewish family who’d helped make her Chanel No. 5 a worldwide best-seller. . . .

After the war, Chanel was arrested and released hours later, saved by “the intervention of her old friend Winston Churchill,” the press release for the book said. She fled to Switzerland.

Asked why the book, which is chock-a-block with allegations of Chanel’s shady dealings before, during and after the war, had turned up so much more dirt than the scores of previous biographies about the fashion icon, Vaughan had two explanations. Firstly, many of the documents he cited had only recently been declassified.

Secondly, he said, many people have a vested interest in protecting Chanel’s aura of unsullied chic.

“A lot of people in this world don’t want the iconic figure of Gabrielle Coco Chanel, one of France’s great cultural idols, destroyed,” said Vaughan. “This is definitely something that a lot of people would have preferred to put aside, to forget, to just go on selling Chanel scarves and jewelry.”

While disturbing and unacceptable, designer John Galliano’s anti-Semitic remarks, earlier this year, are nothing compared to what Coco Chanel did to help the Nazis (and hurt the Jews).

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67 Responses

FIRST! oder, auf deutsch, ERSTE!

unbelievable about this coco broad…

howardroark on August 19, 2011 at 5:17 pm

    She was a traitor to her own country and all was promptly forgiven and forgotten. Chanel had friends in high places in many countries, which is why she escaped justice.

    NormanF on August 19, 2011 at 9:01 pm

Thanks, Debbie.

I will buy the book.

JeffE on August 19, 2011 at 5:19 pm

From what I’ve read,the Abwehr was run by Wilhelm Canaris,who was an anti-Nazi who not only tried to sabotage the German war effort, he saved many Jews by recruiting them as “agents” for the Abwehr.

Canaris and his hand-picked top aids not only sabotaged the Nazi war effort by giving false info to Hitler,he also gave info to the Allies.

Himmler had long suspected Canaris,but it was only after the attempted assasination of Hitler in 1944(Canaris was part of the bomb plot)Canaris was arrested and executed and the Abwehr was eliminated.

After reading about Canaris,I believe he should be honored for saving many Jewish lives.

The Abwehr was a carryover from the Weimar republic, and was one of the only gov’t agencies that Hitler didn’t get rid of when he came to power. It was something that he deeply regretted when he realized Canaris was working against him.

Scott on August 19, 2011 at 6:41 pm


Jean Paul Gauthier did however try to downplay John Galliano’s anti-Semitic remarks so perhaps you weren’t too far from the truth anyway.

Barry on August 19, 2011 at 6:42 pm

She isn’t even the worst… Just the top of the iceberg. 😛

This guy for example:

He’s still alive, openly supports Hitler and still performs (at 107!). Nazi’s must have some strong genes… 🙂

Motives on August 19, 2011 at 6:51 pm

    @ Motives !
    Again only BS from you.

    Johannes Heesters was just a dutch actor in Germany during WWII , actors at the time were put under pressure, and he doesn’t support any Nazis today.

    That’s what he does these days:

    Mallory on August 22, 2011 at 5:01 am

The high and mighty in the business world escaped justice for their crimes in WWII. Look at the Krupp family, and those who owned the German automobile companies (many of which had Jewish co-owners/co-founders whose interests were stolen from them by the fellow partners upon the rise of Hitler).

As for Churchill, his goal was to save Christendom, and his friends in the business world. He did believe in a Jewish homeland, but never raised a finger to save the Jews or allow more Jews to escape to the Jewish Homeland. Indeed the British expended thousand of troops to stop Jewish emigration, at the same time they were losing battle after battle. (Britain lost every battle until America entered the war and saved their butts).

All the more reason to strongly support Israel.

Jonathan E. Grant on August 19, 2011 at 8:05 pm

    Jon, of course.

    Have the times changed that much?

    I don’t think so. The world always calls on Israel to show restraint and Jewish victims of Arab terror are quickly forgotten.

    Its a form of silent genocide and the assault on Israel amount to a form of historical theft.

    Not that any one else will bother to even correct the record!

    NormanF on August 19, 2011 at 8:32 pm

    @ Jonathan

    Mercedes , Daimler, Benz

    This is true, especially the sad story about “Emil and Mercedes Jellinek” .

    Emil Jellinek specified an engine designed there by Wilhelm Maybach and Gottlieb Daimler for the first ‘modern’ car.

    Jellinek required naming the engine after his daughter,Mercedes Jellinek.

    The last surviving Jellinek daughter , only died a few years ago.
    She has offsprings.

    She never received any money. I have more on this story but this is just too much right now.

    However, Mercedes Benz “DAIMLER” is owned today in large parts by ARAB INVESTORS !!!!! Which is very upsetting !!!!

    Porsche as well !!!!! etc…

    Arab investment fund acquires 9.1% stake in Daimler


    Mallory on August 22, 2011 at 5:23 am

Hardly surprising.

History has a way of bringing to the light the truth about those who hate the Jews.

The French have done much to suppress their role in collaborating with the Nazis and their role in the Holocaust.

It goes to show there is much ugliness hidden being the surface of their beautiful (I use the term advisedly) culture!

NormanF on August 19, 2011 at 8:29 pm

As far as leftist fashion designers are concerned, let’s not forget Kenneth Cole with his loaded questions in his “Where Do You Stand” campaign seeking to sway the gullible sheeple who shop at his stores and buy his clothes to the leftist positions on such matters as abortion on demand, gun “control” (read: confiscation) and gay “marriage.”

But as far as “Cuckoo” Chanel’s Jew-hatred and pan-Nazism is concerned and the reaction to these revelations, I’m reminded of an old quote (I think from Rabbi Meir Kahane, but correct me if I’m mistaken), “I’m shocked that they’re shocked.”

ConcernedPatriot on August 19, 2011 at 8:34 pm

European culture has a genteel anti-Semitism. Before and after the Holocaust, its been acceptable to hate Jews. I don’t think there are few European figures since the Enlightenment who can be fairly regarded as philo-Semitic.

So learning of this new book on France’s most famous cultural icon didn’t exactly come as a shock. If you didn’t know of the background I mentioned, one is either naive or incredibly ignorant about the dark underside of European culture. And its by no means a historical artifact.

We all wish it were.

NormanF on August 19, 2011 at 8:55 pm


Britain lost every battle? Em, what about the ‘battle of Britain’. Ooops, you forget that one amidst your little gloating tirade.

Barry on August 19, 2011 at 8:56 pm

    The British defeated the Germans at El Alamein with the help of the Jewish Brigade, the Australians and the South Africans. They weren’t in that fight in the darkest hours of the North African campaign all by their lonesome. They drew on every part of the British Empire.

    NormanF on August 19, 2011 at 9:06 pm

      Norman: The volunteer Jewish brigade did not fight at El Alamein; it was surrounded and completely destroyed earlier in the battle of Gazzala, days before Rommel took Tobruk. To his credit, Rommel refused to send Jewish prisoners to Germany, and treated them just like the rest of his prisoners. That is, they were delivered to the Italians, according to the agreement between German and Italian military. I have no idea what happened to these prisoners later, when Italy was occupied by the Germans.

      Begletz on August 21, 2011 at 5:59 pm

    the battle of britain was won when hitler decided to invade russia. if not for that, and pearl harbor, britain was a goner.

    Bikerrich on August 20, 2011 at 11:20 am

      the battle of britain was won when hitler decided to invade russia. if not for that, and pearl harbor, britain was a goner.

      Bikerrich on August 20, 2011 at 11:20 am


      The British people DID hold out, heroically, when the Luftwaffe was pounding London into rubble and nobody else was standing up to Hitler.

      Miranda Rose Smith on August 21, 2011 at 6:29 am

    This is Britain today !

    More on the White Rioters in England

    (This is a very important article. Please forward, link, and post it on forums far and wide.)

    Mallory on August 22, 2011 at 5:31 am


The whole world sadly hates the Jews. Even fellow ‘enlightened’ liberal Jews in the West make a point of hating the Jews.Over 70% of them did vote for noted anti-semite Obama afterall I believe.That’s just absurd — Jews voting for a man who openly was linked to a church, culture and life whereby Jews hatred was normal.

When Amercians try to contextualise anti-semitism as a European thing or a Muslim thing, they miss the point. “Blessed America” has a distinguished anti-semitic culture too.

Indeed, it is America’s president, Barack Obama, whose alliance with radical Islam, is helping to set about a new Jewish holocaust.The push for Palestinian statehood recognition aswell as stifling Jews in their ability to build homes in their own country amounts to an out-and-out attack.

Oh, and it’s Obama’s buddy Soros is funding much of the liberal ‘protests’ in Israel — protests designed to forces Israel to collapse from within.

But I digress.

Barry on August 19, 2011 at 9:05 pm

    Point granted. Obama wants to erase American exceptionalism. He’s done a brilliant job of it.

    Helped to overthrow the pro-American dictator of Egypt and doggedly engaged with the anti-American dictator of Syria almost to the end.

    And he’s pushed Israel to create a Palestinian terrorist state that will be a danger not only to Israel but to America and the Free World.

    First and foremost though, his policies aren’t a Jewish or Israeli problem. They are an American problem! They hurt all of us!

    NormanF on August 19, 2011 at 9:10 pm


Agree 100%.

Barry on August 19, 2011 at 9:59 pm

French are jerks. This is news? It’s been fact for over 1000 years!

They invented perfume to cover their own stench of chicken-excremented cowardice!

When one their one their top military heroes of all time was a schizophrenic teenage girl…what can you say? (And Napolean wasn’t even really French!)

I hope Coco is Crispy on August 19, 2011 at 11:12 pm

Sadly, while this book confirms a lot of rumors, there’s nothing shocking about it. Chanel was definitely on the side of the devils.

One minor correction, though. In Debbie’s summary, she says “Not only that, but she used the Nazis’ anti-Semitic laws against Jewish ownership of property to seize the Chanel perfume from its Jewish owners.”

She tried to do that, but thankfully failed. The Westheimer brothers had turned the legal ownership of the company over to a sympathetic Christian, so Chanel wasn’t able to take over the company. The Westheimers regained legal control after the war and the family still owns the company today.

Dave H. on August 20, 2011 at 1:35 am

The truth is the best disinfectant.

Tanstaafl on August 20, 2011 at 12:39 pm

The Austrain Police Archives retain on record, the booking of 1 Adolf Hitler, on charges of Male Prostitution in a Vieneese park late 1 evening in early 1900’s .Care to go there and get it?
This would make Headlines and most probably shut down most Neo Nazis & their web sites…

nomisi on August 20, 2011 at 1:48 pm

    The Austrain Police Archives retain on record, the booking of 1 Adolf Hitler, on charges of Male Prostitution in a Vieneese park late 1 evening in early 1900?s .Care to go there and get it?
    This would make Headlines and most probably shut down most Neo Nazis & their web sites…

    nomisi on August 20, 2011 at 1:48 pm


    Dear Nomisi: If that was THE Adolf Hitler, y”mach shemo, and not simply an unfortunate slob with the same name, why didn’t Hitler have that detail deleted from the Vienna police records, during the years when the Nazis controlled Austria?

    Miranda Rose Smith on August 21, 2011 at 6:26 am

Learn something new everyday.
Glad I cant stand Chanel products in the first place.
Thanks for this.

MAD JEWESS on August 20, 2011 at 9:16 pm

We know that Hugo Boss designed Nazi uniforms.

I don’t know who Hugo Boss was or care what he designed.

Nasty and cynical as it is, I have no trouble believing that Coco Chanel collaborated with the Nazis, because she wanted to retain control of her fashion house and stay out of prison. I also have no trouble believing that she took advantage of the Nazi’s anti-Semitic laws to steal Jewish property; a lot of “respetable” people did. I find it a little hard to believe she was a spy. She was too public a figure. A good spy is innocuous.

Miranda Rose Smith on August 21, 2011 at 4:23 am

    I also have no trouble believing that she took advantage of the Nazi’s anti-Semitic laws to steal Jewish property; a lot of “respectable” people did.

    Miranda Rose Smith on August 21, 2011 at 7:17 am

    @ Miranda

    Yes, it’s not a new story and she certainly was not a spy in a regular sense.
    She was most probably a Kiss and Tell type of person in Bed with her MUCH younger Nazi Loverboy she was infatuated with!

    Mallory on August 22, 2011 at 6:51 am

      Dear Mallory: What could she tell him?

      Miranda Rose Smith on August 22, 2011 at 7:10 am


        Coco fell in love at the age of 57 for much younger Hans Günther von Dincklage who was a Nazi spy – His Beauty was admired by Men and Women –

        In return , Coco was friends with the german Enemy, Winston Churchill and her former lover had been the Duke oft Westminster.

        Chanel was an egotistical , very hard and mean person, who dind’t care what happened to other people, as long as she got her way.

        Mallory on August 23, 2011 at 4:38 am

          Coco fell in love at the age of 57 for much younger Hans Günther von Dincklage who was a Nazi spy – His Beauty was admired by Men and Women –

          In return , Coco was friends with the german Enemy, Winston Churchill and her former lover had been the Duke oft Westminster.

          Chanel was an egotistical , very hard and mean person, who dind’t care what happened to other people, as long as she got her way.

          Mallory on August 23, 2011 at 4:38 am

          Are you suggesting that she bounced back and forth across the English channel, between two countries at war, sleeping with Churchill and Westminster and picking up juicy tidbits to take back to Dincklage?

          Miranda Rose Smith on August 23, 2011 at 5:13 am

This story about Gabrielle (Coco) Chanel is nothing new, and it’s totally irrelvant. Coco Chanel owes her success 100% to the Wetheimers, a Jewish family. The Wertheimers bought her out a long time ago, and THEY made the company’s reputation as the powerfouse brand that it has been for scores of years.

Chanel knew that this was true, and that fact had a primary role in stirring a great deal of envy and resentment in Chanel.

People who have a sense of inferiority to begin with typically respond that way when they see other people from another race who are superior to them making exceptional achievements–particularly when that other race happens to be the chosen people, the Jews. The prolonged bitterness resulting from inferiority to Jews, along with festering envy and resentment, typically manifests itself as anti-Semitism.

(This was also evident in the great composer Richard Wagner’s anti-Semitism, which stemmed from his envy of the great successes and acomplishments of Jewish composers Giaccomo Meyerbeer and Felix Mendelsohn; although Wagner had several close Jewish friends, such as noted conductor Hermann Levi, who was the son of a Rabbi, and first conducted Wagner’s opera Parsifal. But that is a subject for another time.)

But the bottom line here is that the Chanel brand that everyone knows was created Pierre Wertheimer and has been run for decades by Alain and Gerard Wertheimer. The extremely discreet, press-shy Wertheimer brothers control the luxury brand Chanel. The House of Chanel was cofounded by their grandfather Pierre Wertheimer, who eventually bought out his early partner Coco Chanel, who also was designer of the famous little black dress.

U.S. resident Alain is chairman of the company, whose Chanel No. 5 perfume is one of world’s top-selling scents. Brother Gerard lives in Switzerland and chairs Chanel’s watch division; his wife, Valerie, is president of Action Innocence, a group that combats child pornography on the Web. The brothers own French vineyards Rauzan-Segla in Margaux and Chateau Canon in Saint-Emilion; also thoroughbreds, including horses that have won such races as the French Derby and the Breeders’ Cup Turf in the U.S.

So forget about Coco Chanel and her sense of inferiority. Now you know the REAL story. And the one to remember.

Ralph Adamo on August 21, 2011 at 6:20 am

    99% of what you are saying is true.

    But I kind of disagree with you on Wagner, his hatred towards Jews was fueled by his debts and financial difficulties he experienced as a young man, and a mental illness (psychosis? + bi-polar), he was extremely paranoid !

    Even in a society where expressing racist thoughts were not uncommon, Wagner’s views were extreme and socially embarassing.

    Wagner was financially irresponsible to say the least, and

    he despised having to be on jewish moneylenders.

    More than once he was threatened with imprisonments for his debts, and would only escape by borrowing money from friends.

    This all played into his fantasy of a jewish conspiracy to keep him down and out.

    King Ludwig the IInd of Bavaria, saved him later on in life from his money problems.

    Mallory on August 22, 2011 at 6:35 am

      Mallory, I think you are taking too simplistic a view of Richard Wagner, and are taking him at face value, as though his public positions on the Jews reflected what he really thought and felt about them.

      Much of Wagner’s public expressions about Jews was strictly for self-promotion. I don’t think it would be overreaching to say that Wagner used the same strategy that the Gospel of John took when compared to the Synoptic Gospel of Mark, wherein John transformed Jesus from the Jewish Rabbi originally depicted in Mark (acknowledged as the first Gospel) into a new Paulian spiritual leader, stripping Jesus of his essential Jewishness. It seems that the Paulian strategy was this: for Christianity to succeed, Judaism would need to be attacked. Similarly, Wagner felt that for his new musical vision to succeed, the great musicians of his day, Meyerbeer and Mendelsohn, would need to be attacked as well.

      True, Wagner wrote the infamous 1850 pamphlet “Jewishness in Music,” denouncing Mendelssohn and the great poet Heinrich Heine as “imitators” of European culture. But Wagner had also sent a manuscript of his music to Mendelssohn asking for his thoughts about Wagner’s writing and for his guidance. Would someone who really believed that Jewish music and Jewish musicians were evil be asking someone like Mendelssohn for advice and guidance? You might be surprised to learn, for example, that Wagner ripped off the scenario for his opera “The Flying Dutchman” from Heine and plagiarized Mendelssohn’s “Fingal’s Cave” overture in the “Dutchman’s” evocation of the sea. Would someone professing to be an anti-Semite and who claimed to believe that Jewish music was really decadent be emulating Jewish composers like Meyerbeer and Mendelssohn? And, as I’ve previously pointed out, would a genuine anti-Semite want to hire Jewish musicians such as Hermann Levi to conduct the premiere of his last opera, “Parsifal”? Documents also show that privately, Wagner conceded that Mendelssohn was a genius. And at Wagner’s home in Bayreuth, he played four-hand arrangements of Mendelssohn overtures with his wife, Cosima, the daughter of Franz Liszt.

      Finally, you might be interested to know that although the Nazis commandeered Wagner’s music, Wagner was not actually Hitler’s favorite composer. That distinction belongs to Anton Bruckner, not Wagner. And in a final chapter on Wagner, Wagner’s granddaughter, Friedelind Wagner, who personally knew Hitler well, fled Nazi Germany with the held of the great conductor Arturo Toscanini, and helped the US government in the war against Hitler. Ms. Wagner wrote of experiences in her memoirs called “Heritage of Fire.”

      Ralph Adamo on January 10, 2012 at 11:16 pm

    Without joining this discussion at all, I want to protest that the comments are not by me, the Ralph Adamo who lives in New Orleans. For that matter, would the Ralph Adamo leaving all these comments please add a distinguishing characteristic to his name so that I do not have to periodically correct the record regarding whether these are my opinions.

    Ralph Adamo NewOrleans on December 14, 2011 at 12:03 am

      Nobody cares about what you, “Ralph Adamo-New Orleans” have to say about anything. You are a stunod Ron Paul supporter and don’t know ugatz about anything. And I think you should change your name. You make Italians look bad. And if you won’t change your name to Johnny Stunod, which would be far more appropriate, could you at least STFU?

      Ralph Adamo on December 28, 2011 at 2:35 am

        Exactly the tactic of a one-note propagandist with limited analytical abilities; ‘STFU’ perfectly suits your proto-fascist personality. Congrats on finding your true voice. I asked only that you take full credit for your monotonous and predictable views, and find a way to identify them as your own and not, in any way, the words of the Ralph Adamo who lives in new orleans.

        Ralph Adamo NewOrleans on February 22, 2012 at 10:21 pm

          Please ignore the Leftist, anti-American, anti-Israel, Islamopandering mental defective “RalphAdamoNewOrleans, who is an abomination not only to the good name Adamo, but to fine American city of New Orleans itself.

          Ralph Adamo on June 1, 2013 at 5:04 pm

Is anyone besides me familiar with the 1942 film REUNION IN FRANCE, a typical, World War II John Wayne Punches Nazis story? Does anyone besides me think that the heroine, played by Joan Crawford, might be based on a SANITIZED version of Coco Chanel? The film is about a wealthy Frenchwoman who pretends to collaborate with the Nazis, but is actually pro-British.

Miranda Rose Smith on August 21, 2011 at 7:00 am

You think Coco Chanel was bad?
Johannes Heesters, Hitlers favorite actor (1903) was twice as bad. Still is. 😉
He’s still alive, loves Adolf Hitler and Nazism.

Just thought you jews would be interested. 😛

Motives on August 21, 2011 at 10:09 am

    Your link about Johannes Heesters was very interesting. I was not aware that he was still alive. The article is also VERY revealing about Hitler’s anti-Semitism, where it says the following:


    Thus Hitler recognized that the Jews were superior to him in just about every way. Hitler’s fear and hatred of Jews stemmed directly from his own insecurity and inferiority. He, like most anti-Semites, really hated himself for his inferiority, but, lke most anti-Semites, rather than kill themselves for being the worthless dregs of humanity that they are, they attack those that are superior to them.

    Read more:

    Ralph Adamo on August 21, 2011 at 5:39 pm

      Debbie’s system seems to automatically cut out my cut-and-paste from the Heesters link, so I’ll post it again, without brackets:

      Hitler loved Heesters and “The Merry Widow” so much it was the most performed work in the Nazi period — despite the fact its librettists were both Jewish, and that the composer was married to a Jewish woman. “The Merry Widow” became so notorious, in fact, when Dmitri Shostokovich wrote his Leningrad Symphony (during the siege), he based the “German Invasion” theme on “The Merry Widow”! (This theme was then parodied by Bartok in his Concerto for Orchestra)

      Ralph Adamo on August 21, 2011 at 5:42 pm

    @ Motives

    Johannes (Jopie) Heesters was an actor who made his career during Nazi time, this is a fact. However, he was just an actor, and like many of them, he did for what he was paid for, entertain.

    Not every actor was as courageous as “Marlene Dietrich” was.

    Not only Jews ended up in concentration camps , but also people with different political views, different ethnical, ethical and religious beliefs like some catholic priests ! etc…. Basically everybody who had a different oppinion.

    Therefore, most people were cowards, scared and shut their mouth.

    By the way this is the typical german mentality , the same mentality which opens the doors to ISLAM FASCISM these days !!!!!!

    Heesters (107) did NOT commit any war crimes and he hasn’t supported any Nazis since WWII, he was a hanger on (fellow traveler, opportunist) like many were .,,3133353,00.html

    Mallory on August 22, 2011 at 6:14 am

I find all this Naziphobia deeply distressing. Nazism is a sincerely-held spiritual belief-system, and Mein Kampf was dictated to The Prophet Adolf Hitler (pbuh) by an angel sent from the Almighty.

Please cease your Naziphobic hate-speech. The vast majority of Nazis are moderate and peaceful, with abberant events like genocides and invasions being the actions of a tiny unrepresentative minority.

Bishop Joseph Goebbels on August 21, 2011 at 1:58 pm

    At first I didn’t know what to make of your post, except noting the reference to the vast majority of Nazis as moderate and peaceful, which, of course, immediately brought Muslims to mind. But your link fleshes it all out perfectly. And it makes a good point, abhorent though the subject of Nazis may be.

    Ralph Adamo on August 21, 2011 at 5:49 pm

I see two important points here.

1st, everyone is taking this book conclusions for facts. However, in our time of sensationalism (the name of David Irving rings the bell?), I am highly suspicious of any history books, and I tripple my suspicions for any history book written by a journalist. I’ve read several reviews of this book, and none of the reviewers addressed the basic questions of how well the facts were checked, were all the facts included, and how solidly author’s conclusions were based on these facts. In sum, these are journalist’s reviews of a journalist’s book on history, who focus their reviews on what the findings mean, not on how solid these findings are. The principal reason for this is most likely the public demand for drama and sensation. Also, Jewish victimization fuels constant search for anti-semitism; thus, the number of anti-semites keeps growing and growing.

2nd, I see a tendency to judge people who lived in 1939 from today’s perspective. Most Europeans of that time looked at WWII as what it has been originally, that is, a confrontation of European superpowers just like WWI was, but not as the struggle between Good and Evil, which it is mostly believed to be today, thanks to Holocaust studies etc.

So until I read the book I am sceptical about its contents.

Begletz on August 21, 2011 at 6:17 pm

    @ Begletz

    Yes, it’s easy to be a HERO 70 years after the War.

    Nobody of us knows how one would have reacted at the time.
    Information was more difficult.The Media manipulated people, like today, but today if we are interested , we can read articles all over the world thru the internet and we can form our own oppinion.


    “Today’s biggest threat is the Ideology of ISLAM in tolerance with the Leftists !”

    Mallory on August 22, 2011 at 6:44 am

    Dear Begletz: Read my posting. I don’t accept the conclusions as fact.

    Miranda Rose Smith on August 22, 2011 at 7:08 am

    Begletz, “a growing list of anti-Semites”? Judging by your comments,you should include yourself on that list.

    Did the Holocaust occur? If so,how many Jews were murdered?

    Scott on August 22, 2011 at 2:18 pm

The book alleges that in 1940, Chanel was recruited into the Abwehr — her nom de guerre borrowed from another of her lovers, the Duke of Westminster. A year later, she traveled to Spain on a spy mission — on condition that the Nazis release her nephew from a military internment camp — and later went to Berlin on the orders of a top SS general, the book says.

Even the book alleges she collaborated with the Nazis to get her nephew out of prison. I STILL say she was too public a figure to be an effective spy. Someone once said that a perfect spy would have difficulty catching a headwaiter’s attention. Any time Coco Chanel walked into a restaurant, the waiters kissed her shoes. She collaborated with the Nazis, if she did, to keep her fashion house open and stay out of prison.

Miranda Rose Smith on August 22, 2011 at 7:17 am

Hard not to hate the French. They collaborated with the Nazis big time, and we drafted their commies for the so-called resistance.

Since they probably would have been happier under Vichy, tell me again why we wasted American GIs in their liberation. Wait! I know. It’s so that we could lose more lives trekking through Europe to watch the Russians beat the Germans—anyway.

An even better question is why we wasted American lives and treasure on WW 2–only to “suddenly” discover that our great Russian ally was now our mortal enemy.

Red Ryder on August 22, 2011 at 3:08 pm

    An even better question is why we wasted American lives and treasure on WW 2–only to “suddenly” discover that our great Russian ally was now our mortal enemy.

    Red Ryder on August 22, 2011 at 3:08 pm


    Dear Mr. Ryder: Churchill had no delusions about Stalin, but he wanted the Nazis defeated. Do you think the U.S. should just have let the Nazis and the Communists fight it out in Europe?

    When are you coming back, by the way?

    Miranda Rose Smith on August 23, 2011 at 5:09 am

@Barry and NormanF
I thought this was supposed to be about Chanel??? and to Barry, how do you know the whole world hates Jews? Have you taken a poll. I don’t think slandering the president as an anti-semite, you might aught to check your record on that one. For that matter how much better are you? You both seem to spout a lot of hate to me.

Arol on July 28, 2012 at 11:25 am

sorry Mallory…maybe she didn’t know

Arol on July 28, 2012 at 11:40 am

When it will come to publishing very good articles you
absolutely know your onions, congrats! ? !

blog design on January 14, 2013 at 10:01 am

Wow, Debbie. Isn’t your last name Schlussel? And didn’t you use the word uber? I think there might be some affiliation here….

hopflower on March 5, 2013 at 10:47 am

Clearly explains why Nazi uniforms look so sharp!

Ellene on January 15, 2014 at 3:12 am

What’s up, just wanted to mention, I enjoyed this
article. It was inspiring. Keep on posting!

GREGORY(?????) ??????? on October 2, 2014 at 9:00 am

Hello there! This post couldn’t be written much better! Looking at this post
reminds me of my previous roommate! He constantly kept preaching about this.
I most certainly will forward this post to him. Pretty sure he’s going to have a
very good read. Thanks for sharing!

gute Qualitat asics gel hyper33 online on October 9, 2014 at 4:15 am

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