July 29, 2011, - 3:03 pm

Karma #2: Norway Utoya Camp Was Also FATAH PLO Terrorist Camp

By Debbie Schlussel

More proof that Glenn Beck was spot on when he compared Norway’s Utoya Island political camp, shot up by Anders Breivik, to a Hitler Youth camp.  It’s not just, as I told you yesterday, that these “kids” (many of whom were adults and 18 or over) boycotted Israel and played HAMAS flotilla “games.” In fact, Fatah Youth, the Fatah/PLO terrorist group’s youth movement had its own presence at the camp for the last 15 years, as noted by the Palestinian Ma’an News Agency. Check out the statement below from Fatah Youth. It says it all. The Muslim Nazis knew this camp was their kinda place filled with their kinda useful idiot dhimmi Eurotrash. This was definitely a Fatah/HAMAS Youth camp (remember, Fatah recently merged with HAMAS, and they have the same goal, Judenrein and Christianrein).  Check out the keffiyeh-encrusted photo, the caption, and what’s on the t-shirts that Norway’s piece of crap Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg thinks is so smile-worthy. And don’t forget, Fatah is the Islamic terrorist group that brutally murdered the Fogel Family while they slept and beheaded the baby.

And, as you should know, Fatah/the PLO was founded in part by Yasser Arafat, relative of Hitler’s best buddy, Hajj Amin Al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem who begged Hitler to speed up the Final Solution of the Jews and export it to the Middle East.

BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — Fatah Youth released a statement on Saturday condemning attacks in Norway which have reportedly killed over 90 people.

“It is with consternation that we have received the dramatic news of an awful terrorist attack against a summer camp ran by our comrades of Norwegian Labor Youth ‘AUF,’” the statement said.

The Fatah Youth group had taken part in the summer camp in the past on the Island of Utoya, near Oslo, where over 90 people were reportedly killed in a shooting spree on the Island and a bomb attack in Oslo on Friday, news reports said.

“Fatah Youth declares its consternation about the terror attack. There are no words to describe an attack against people that have been our comrades in our struggle for freedom and independence. Very few people have stood by our side as much as the Norwegian people, and particularly our AUF comrades.

“We know those who have been cowardly assassinated. Those are people that have stood for the human and national rights of the Palestinian people both in Europe and while visiting Palestine.

Fatah Youth has participated for almost 15 years in the same summer camp and our youth has benefited by learning and sharing experiences on democracy and advocacy for peace and justice.

“We hope that those responsible for this criminal terror attack will be brought to justice. Such sick minds should not have a place in any society.

[Emphasis added.]

Yeah, sick minds, unless they are Fatah minds perpetrating terrorist attacks and mass murders on Jews, like the beheading of a baby and the murder of most of the baby’s family, the Fogel Family, while they slept on the Jewish Sabbath.

“As a people that has been victim of state terror for the last 64 years, the Palestinian people and particularly Fatah Youth presents its condolences to the families of those killed and sends a strong message of support to our comrades from the Norwegian AUF as well as from other sister parties that were participating in this summer camp,” the statement concluded.

So, I’m supposed to shed tears for this camp that welcomes the killers of the Fogel Family? Uh, I don’t think so.

As I wrote yesterday, while I condemn terrorism including Breivik’s actions, this is Alien v. Predator for me. I don’t feel sorry in the least for those who die while cheering on my destruction. That’s what those shot at this camp did. I shed no tears for them. I don’t give even the feakest wuck about “people” who welcome Fatah Youth murderers to toast marshmallows with them and ride in canoes while they share in their Jew-hatred.

Karma is a bitch . . . especially for Jew-haters who were Fatah’s bitch.  You hang out with snakes, you get bitten.

That Was Then . . .


This Is Now . . .


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261 Responses

@ Motives

I doubt that you are RIGHT. I am German and the Anger towards Islam grows from Day to Day IN EUROPE.
France and the Netherlands are already Black, England is lost.

Leftist professors, in lock-step with Leftist politicians
are ignoring the situation.

Time for a Change and Change will Come, mark my words.

Mallory on July 31, 2011 at 5:11 am

    Mallory: Europe will once again be WHITE.
    No more blacks, no more muslims and no more jews.
    It is not too late to save our culture and heritage. But we have to get rid of foreign influences and deport these bastards.

    I prefer a muslim everyday over a jew. Much easier to recognize. 😛

    Motives on July 31, 2011 at 5:34 am

      I prefer every Jew over a Muslim. Jews bring Art and Science, Moslems bring DESTRUCTION!
      Moslems live on OUR WELFARE !

      I don’t want to pay with MY TAXES 10000ds of Moslem Kids.
      And many of us Europeeans are aware of this EVERY day More and More.

      I have nothing against Multi-Culturalism, as long as Islam is not involved.

      The Rightists of TODAY are on the Side of Israel, like Geert Wilders.

      My Hero for the US is Herman Cain.

      And my Hero for Europe is Geert WILDERS.

      Mallory on July 31, 2011 at 5:53 am

        Good on you, Mallory. First find a nice girl and have 10 kids. G-d Bless You.

        Occam's Tool on July 31, 2011 at 10:55 pm

      Look at THESE VIDEOS: Street-Fights in England and FRANCE.
      In France are already +++ 752 ++++ NO GO AREAS where only Muslims/Moslems live!

      Riots in Grenoble, France


      Violent clashes at EDL demonstration in GB -Dudley


      Mallory on July 31, 2011 at 6:34 am

      I don’t mean Black Christians.

      Mallory on July 31, 2011 at 6:36 am

      I pitty you people on this site. I’ve read the ridicolous twisted post by debbie and some comments. Now all the comments I’ve read is filled with racism, zionism and hate. All a bunch of uninformed, indoctrinated idiots! 🙂 NOTHING I’ve read so far is true, it’s just all lying propoganda to spread fear! Now, per definition, that makes you a TERRORIST, debbie! 🙂

      Roald André Pedersen on August 1, 2011 at 4:02 pm

        @ Roald André Pedersen

        ..then get it from a “turkish” point of view Blog:

        “Germany is a ticking time bomb, with visible support for extremist parties rising from the ashes of fascism. It is only rivaled in alienation of Muslims by France and Belgium, which have passed bans on wearing the burqa, and Switzerland, the country that pushed to topple the minarets of mosques.”


        Mallory on August 2, 2011 at 5:11 am

        My, it must be terribly satisfying to be born a member of the Protectorate of the Muslim People. I mean, you get to be better than all of us who point out their nasty ways, to sit above the fray. And I’m sure the jihadists love you for it, too.

        Just because you don’t like the facts doesn’t mean they aren’t true. Muslims are quickly establishing a caliphate worldwide, and they believe in making slaves of or killing all infidels. Does that scare you at all? Or make you angry

        You seem to have a name to call everyone. Well, what do you call those who march in European streets with signs that say “Behead those who insult islam”?

        I stand with my European and Israeli friends. Everu country the muslims go to, they spread backwardness. hatred, and violence. Now they’re all through the U.S. government like cockroaches, thanks to our islamic-sympathizer “president.”

        If we don’t join together and fight this menace. the “arab spring” plans to take over Europe and then America — and destroy Israel. Look up the Wikileakes about it. This is serious, and no time to be singing “Kum-ba-yah.”

        anti-jihadist on August 3, 2011 at 10:07 pm

Karma is a bitch . . . especially for Jew-haters who were Fatah’s bitch. You hang out with snakes, you get bitten.

Dear Debbie: You warm a snake in your bosom, you will indeed get bitten. As I said in a previous posting, I have a lot of compassion for those kids, useful idiot dhimmi Eurotrash or not, none for the parents, teachers, camp counselors or journalists who brainwashed them

Miranda Rose Smith on July 31, 2011 at 5:13 am

    Miranda, my children are raised the same way…
    In Amsterdam, jews are spat on, and they emigrate to Israel en-masse. Haha! Look at them run. You can run, but you can’t hide. 🙂

    Motives on July 31, 2011 at 5:52 am

      That’s why you have politician GEERT WILDERS in the Netherlands, soon he will be your Chancelor, just wait and see.

      Geert Wilders in HARDtalk – part 1


      Mallory on July 31, 2011 at 5:58 am

      Motives, my dear stupid boy, the time will come when you are faced with sharia, and wish to escape. Then this Jew will meet you and stomp on your fingers.

      Occam's Tool on July 31, 2011 at 10:57 pm

Waldemar, I take it you are Dutch, with your name?
The Dutch people stand strong with the people of Palestine, I’ve been told. 🙂

The “Chosen People” are soon to be eradicated from the face of the earth. Palestine to the Palestinians!

Motives on July 31, 2011 at 5:32 am

    You know nothing. Waldemar is a german name.

    Mallory on July 31, 2011 at 6:00 am

    The “Chosen People” are soon to be eradicated from the face of the earth. Palestine to the Palestinians!

    Motives on July 31, 2011 at 5:32 am


    Dear Motives: “Palestine to the Palestinians.” Does that include the JEWS who were born during the Mandatory Period and whose BIRTH CERTIFICATES said “Palestinian?”

    Miranda Rose Smith on July 31, 2011 at 6:28 am

      Oh sure… why not? 😉
      They would just no longer be called Israeli’s and they would speak Arabic. Convert or die. 😛

      Motives on August 1, 2011 at 3:21 am

The Norwegians really are among the biggest hypocrites going. The comments by the Ambassador are a parody of what was written below in the immediate aftermath of the massacre. Norwegians and other European Leftists are normally the first to ‘explain’ that Palestinians who kill Israeli children have ‘justified grievances’. I never thought that even the Norwegians would stoop so low to say exactly this in the aftermath of their own massacre:


Mallory on July 31, 2011 at 5:42 am

    The great Aryan Nordic people always take sides AGAINST the jews. It’s a natural occurance. Anti-semitism is far from dead in Europe, or world-wide for that matter.

    Motives on July 31, 2011 at 5:44 am

      You are talking Bullshit, what Nationality are you?
      Are you a moslem yourself?

      Mallory on July 31, 2011 at 5:56 am

        No Muslim. A white Dutch man. 😉

        Motives on July 31, 2011 at 7:17 am

          Motives daid:No Muslim. A white Dutch man.


          I don’t believe you, first of all, because you don’t know that Waldemar is not a dutch name and it is instead a very old-fashioned german name for very old men, like a great-grandfather.


          And most of all you would sympathise with Geert Wilders who is playing a major Role in today’s Dutch politics.

          Mallory on July 31, 2011 at 8:06 am

      You are DEAD-WRONG.

      Mallory on July 31, 2011 at 6:03 am

        I do not symphatise with Wilders. Neither should you.
        Don’t you all LOVE jews so much? And yet Mr. Wilders has supported a ban of Ritual Slaughter for both Muslims AND jews. 😉

        Motives on August 1, 2011 at 3:28 am

      After France, Belgium approved ban on burqa !!!!

      And read this LINK EUROPENEWS and you will be aware and know everything about Europe and his problems with ISLAM !


      Mallory on July 31, 2011 at 6:14 am

Geert Wilders , Politician ,from The Netherlands on Islam, what he says is true:

Geert Wilders Warning to America Part 1 of 2


Mallory on July 31, 2011 at 5:47 am

While the murders of those politically active campers is totally unjustifiable, I cant help feeling that it is poetic justice for Norway who supported the terrorist factions of Mugabe and Nkomo during the Rhodesian bush war. We remember all too well Nkomo’s downing of two Rhodesian passenger carrying aircraft with SAM7 missiles in which 107 holidaymakers and crew were murdered. Even after the bizarre massacre of those who survived the flight RH825 crash, mostly women and children, not a word of condemnation came from Norway or from most of the free world. Moral of the story is those who ride the tiger will also get bitten by it.

Keith on July 31, 2011 at 5:55 am

    Dear Keith: That limerick ends “They came from the ride/ With the lady inside/ And the smile on the face of the tiger.”

    Miranda Rose Smith on July 31, 2011 at 6:09 am

Look at THESE VIDEOS: Street-Fights in England and FRANCE.
In France are already +++ 752 ++++ NO GO AREAS where only Muslims/Moslems live!

Riots in Grenoble, France


Mallory on July 31, 2011 at 6:40 am

Violent clashes at EDL demonstration in GB -Dudley


Mallory on July 31, 2011 at 6:41 am

Now let me tell you, there is ANOTHER problem that we do have in Europe and in Germany. I want you to be aware of this matter as well!

There are german converts to Islam, they are – they must be crazy. Low-Class disorientated Youth.

But, they do exist and German Converts to Islam are next to the leftist-socialists waht I would call the biggest Nazis of TODAY’s World.


German Muslims ‘took bomb manuals into UK’


Mallory on July 31, 2011 at 6:56 am

And I want you to see this Video too, this woman is very brave.

Female Protester Disrupts Muslim Radicals Rallying in Frankfurt:


Mallory on July 31, 2011 at 7:01 am

    She sounds a bit like a Nazi to me… “Germany will rise! Germany will rise! Go back to your own countries!”

    I agree with her, but she sounds a bit Hitlery… 😀

    Motives on July 31, 2011 at 7:41 am

      She is right. Muslims should go back to their own countries.

      Mallory on July 31, 2011 at 8:08 am

      PS: “Rise” is not the right translation , what she really says is “People wake up, People stand up” against the Islam , “the way WE (aka our ancestors) DID NOT do it against Hitler & Co. before WWII”.

      Mallory on July 31, 2011 at 8:25 am

      PS: The Event why this woman said “stand up wake up against islam” was this one :

      Pierre Vogel in Frankfurt 2011 (he is german convert to Islam, a former Boxer, and most known “Islam-Hate-Preacher” in Germany, he is dangerous for the Youth)


      Mallory on July 31, 2011 at 9:14 am

      How does that differ from your views on Jews, Kaffir?

      Occam's Tool on July 31, 2011 at 10:59 pm

(The EDL also mentioned in Breivik’s Manifesto)

Press Release: The EDL (English Defence League) Is A Human Rights Organisation


Mallory on July 31, 2011 at 7:16 am

Breivik is not a hero… he is a Zionist pig and a murderer of children. These children may have been brainwashed into anti-Zionists, but they might just aswell been brainwashed into Zionists. People can always CHANGE their political opinions. Another reason why none of you people should be happy with what happened. You should be disgusted.

The fact that you actually justify the murder of these children sickens me. Having said this; karma IS a bitch. And if “what goes around” truly “comes around” then then better watch out. 😉

Motives on July 31, 2011 at 7:23 am

    @ Motives

    No, I never said that. What Breivik did was wrong and bad, there is no question about that. As a christian, I do feel very sorry for the families of the victims and my heart goes out to them.

    However, the truth is , that Europe is having a huge problem with mass-immigration from muslim analphabets into our welfare system.

    The truth is, that leftist politicians have been welcoming this immigration to Europe and it has gotten way out of hand.

    What EU(dSSR) politicians want and what the People want is not the same.

    Modern europeean living and technology don’t fit together with a stone age ideology/religion like the Islam and his Sharia.

    Breivik’s actions were evil, but more then 80% of what he says is The Truth, even if some people don’t want to hear that.

    Maybe it was a WAKE UP CALL to Society.

    “Genius and madness are two sides of the same coin”

    “The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.”

    Albert Einstein

    Mallory on July 31, 2011 at 7:45 am

    Motives said: “he is a Zionist pig”

    Yeah, a norwegian christian is a a pionist pig. That remark is clever… Forget it.

    No, it’s not that easy.
    Forget the Old World Order, Welcome to the New World Order.

    Mallory on July 31, 2011 at 7:51 am

    What a war,always hitting the innocent.It’s terrible in the focus
    of deliberation in war.As many comments here are.

    vinc.1169.marino@gmail.com on July 31, 2011 at 12:23 pm

Please Note what the LEFTIST german “Spiegel” Magazine has to say:

Europe’s Right-Wing Populists Find Allies in Israel
(This article says to me that The Leftists ARE SCARED !!! )


Mallory on July 31, 2011 at 7:27 am

And Last but Not Least. If the Arabs were not in posession of the OIL, nobody would give a damn about them, neither in the USA nor in Europe. They do have to import the INTELLIGENCE from Europe, from the States, from Israel (especially IT).

(And by the way, what I will never understand, why do these filthy rich OIL Sheiks never give money to their own poor people? Why do these people have to immigrate to Europe because they are so poor while their Sheiks are BILLIONAIRES?

Mallory on July 31, 2011 at 7:58 am

I don´t know you or your views, but from reading your 2 posts on the Utøya massacre I sense the same hate and narrow perspective as the mass murderer shows.

Have you or your sources ever been to Utøya or met any of these kids?

How you can sit there in front of your screen and lay judgement upon 6-700 people, mostly youths you never met or know anything about is to me totally unforgivable.

You don´t know that some or all of these kids even support a boycott of Israel or anything else, just because some of them may do and they promote their views?
These kids attend to this camp because they believe they can make a difference in Norway and elsewhere, both against anti semitism, islamic terrorism and other crimes to mankind based on differences like skin color, religion or culture.

While you and your likes are the totally opposite, nurturing hate and spreading false accusations with no root in reality.
Shame on you!

The T-shirt you are so angry about says “Tear down the wall!”, what is so terrible about that?
Any person that prefer peace before war would agree that any wall separating people is a crime to humanity.

If you choose hate as your weapon, you will never win and to quote Manic Street Preachers great song, “If you tolerate this, your children will be next”!

Hate can only destruct, but goodness towards a stranger will build the greatest castle man has ever seen!

Good luck to you!

And may these peoples sacrifice never be forgotten, may they rest in peace, I love you!

Chris Wang on July 31, 2011 at 8:09 am

Fact is , Debbie is right:
It was a bunch of anti semite communists and the perp was a nut job.

Mallory on July 31, 2011 at 8:29 am

Mallory, the AUF campers are not anti-semmites, or communists, they are pro human rights and peace for all people, including Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Americans, Norwegians….. Obviously, the young people here, Muslims or not, did not kill anyone. Extremely violent people kill other people, and such people are rare in any society, except maybe in war situations.

Quote from Ms. Schlussel’s article above:
“Fatah Youth has participated for almost 15 years in the same summer camp and our youth has benefited by learning and sharing experiences on democracy and advocacy for peace and justice.”

She highlighted the first half of the quote, not the latter, which is the whole point of the camp. How you can hate attempts at democracy and advocacy for peace and justice is beyond me. Ms. Schlussel and others with her views are extremely dangerous.

Katinka on July 31, 2011 at 10:55 am

    [“Quote from Ms. Schlussel’s article above:
    “Fatah Youth has participated for almost 15 years in the same summer camp and our youth has benefited by learning and sharing experiences on democracy and advocacy for peace and justice.”

    She highlighted the first half of the quote, not the latter, which is the whole point of the camp. How you can hate attempts at democracy and advocacy for peace and justice is beyond me. Ms. Schlussel and others with her views are extremely dangerous.”

    Katinka on July 31, 2011 at 10:55 am]

    Debbie had an excellent reason for highlighting only the first half of the quote, and not the second. Fatah are among the Arab/Muslims that are and have been waging war against Israel for decades. One cannot both work with such a group on the one hand and also work for peace and justice at the same time. It’s like trying to have both darkness and light at the same time.

    So the AUF campers have two choices. Either they:

    1) Either they can work for peace and justice, which means cutting ties with Fatah.


    2) They continue to align themselves with Fatah, and therefore be against peace and justice.

    JeffE on July 31, 2011 at 11:27 am

Bit hypocritical chris to critiscise Debbie and not Motives for his stance on the jews. Especially when boycott Israel banners were televised on several occasions. I am sure they were only reflecting the views of their parents and teachers who have their own agendas for supporting Islam. The murderer thought the only way he could stop Islamisation of his once great country was to kill the offspring who were being groomed to bring about communism and the New World Order. However, nothing will ever excuse anyone for murdering the teenagers.

Veronique on July 31, 2011 at 11:01 am

Maybe because I am not European and don’t understand…. But why do so many people hate on Jewish folks so bad? Every one of them I have ever met has been great. As an American, I just don’t get it.

Bill on July 31, 2011 at 11:49 am

Debbie: you have every right to defend Israel, the same way these kids had (and have) the right to attack Israel.
The way you dislike Muslims and Islamic culture, they may dislike Judaism and Jewish culture. Who is wrong and who is right I leave in the middle. It is called freedom of speech and extremists dislike it, whether they be on the right or on the left side of the political spectrum.

Murdering anyone for their political opinion is not to be admired, nor is it correct to state “they had it coming”. That is like saying the Fogel family “had it coming” when some lunatic killed them. All this bloodshed is not good for anything and does nothing but harm.
These where innocent children and they did not have blood on their hands. Nobody should relish in their deaths and if they do, they are horrible people without feeling or emotions – no matter on which side you are, or who you support, and regardless of your ethnicity or religion.

Heron on July 31, 2011 at 12:44 pm

    Heron and Bill,

    Buy and read this book. You can read an overview and reviews at Amazon.com:

    ‘Palestine Betrayed’ by Efraim Karsh

    After you read this book, please come back here and share your thoughts with us about Palestine, the Jews and the Arabs. Be honest 🙂

    We are all now having a great discussion despite the fact we aren’t all in agreement. But at least we are talking in our adult voices! It needs to continue…

    Kairn on July 31, 2011 at 2:11 pm

      Kairn, it really depends on which book you read, and on WHO wrote it. There are pro-Palestinian sources and there are pro-Israeli sources. There are books by Christians, Muslims and Jews, by atheists and by Hindus. And they all have their own agenda’s in writing books.
      When a conflict happens, there are several sources reporting on casualties, and on who began, and what MIGHT be the reason(s) or motives.

      The truth is probably somewhere inbetween. Blatantly pro-Palestinian reports are no more or no less neutral, or true, or believable then blatantly pro-Israel ones.
      In war, truth is always the first casualty.

      My opinion is that the Arabs don’t give a damn about the Palestinians, and that Iran plays Hamas and Hezbollah like puppets. The Palestinian people end up getting screwed either way, whether it be by Israel, the US, the EU, the Arabs or the Iranians. There leaders are corrupt, and they are all being lumped together with Hamas, and portrayed like violent killers, antisemites and whatnot. Which is ridiculous; I would never say all Israeli’s are little Meir Kahane’s or Baruch Goldstein’s – neither are all Palestinians like Ahmed Yassin. What we need to do is stop dehumanizing people. Which is what people like Debbie are doing. Jews are good, Muslims are bad. Black & white, good & evil. It’s not that simple; it’s complicated.

      Heron on July 31, 2011 at 3:03 pm

      Kairn, it really depends on which book you read, and on WHO wrote it. There are pro-Palestinian sources and there are pro-Israeli sources. There are books by Christians, Muslims and Jews, by atheists and by Hindus. And they all have their own agenda’s in writing books.
      When a conflict happens, there are several sources reporting on casualties, and on who began, and what MIGHT be the reason(s) or motives.

      The truth is probably somewhere inbetween. Blatantly pro-Palestinian reports are no more or no less neutral, or true, or believable then blatantly pro-Israel ones.
      In war, truth is always the first casualty.

      My opinion is that the Arabs don’t give a damn about the Palestinians, and that Iran plays Hamas and Hezbollah like puppets. The Palestinian people end up getting screwed either way, whether it be by Israel, the US, the EU, the Arabs or the Iranians. There leaders are corrupt, and they are all being lumped together with Hamas, and portrayed like violent killers, antisemites and whatnot. Which is ridiculous; I would never say all Israeli’s are little Meir Kahane’s or Baruch Goldstein’s – neither are all Palestinians like Ahmed Yassin. What we need to do is stop dehumanizing people. Which is what people like Debbie are doing. Jews are good, Muslims are bad. Black & white, good & evil. It’s not that simple; it’s complicated

      Heron on July 31, 2011 at 3:17 pm


        I am astute enough to pay close attention to whether the author of any historical book I read has an agenda. Haven’t we all had our fill of agendas these days?

        When it comes to reading about history, I want only unbiased facts. This is why I encouraged you to go to Amazon.com to read the synopsis of ‘Palestine Betrayed’ and the reviewers comments. I can lead you to water, but I cannot make you drink. Although I do hope you are willing and able to at least make an effort to read the synopsis and some of the reviews. That’s the least a thoughtful person such as yourself can do.

        You are correct in your assessment about the so-called ‘Palestinians’ being the pawns of the Arab (islamic) world at large, but that still isn’t addressing the overall threat that islam itself presents to the entire world- an evil, hateful, murderous presence that has been around wreaking death, destruction and serious heartburn for the past 1400 years.

        Why is it no one takes a cold, hard, studied look at how Saudi Arabia goes about its day to day business. This is the seat of islam. This is the living embodiment of ‘submission’ to allah. This is what muslims are methodically striving for day in and day out for every inch of this earth for as long as it takes them to achieve their goal. Is this really ok with you?

        Why do so many non-muslim people around the world think it’s ok or even romantic the way Saudi Arabian society operates? And then they all get on their retarded high horses about Israel! Do you ever ask yourself why there is so much ridiculous attention paid to Israel? But most people don’t know a damn thing about Saudi Arabia except that it has a lot of oil, a lot of sand and a lot of muslims. What about all the rest?

        Kairn on July 31, 2011 at 4:18 pm

      Kairn, it really depends on which book you read, and on WHO wrote it. There are pro-Palestinian sources and there are pro-Israeli sources. There are books by Christians, Muslims and Jews, by atheists and by Hindus. And they all have their own agenda’s in writing books.
      When a conflict happens, there are several sources reporting on casualties, and on who began, and what MIGHT be the reason(s) or motives.

      The truth is probably somewhere inbetween. Blatantly pro-Palestinian reports are no more or no less neutral, or true, or believable then blatantly pro-Israel ones.
      In war, truth is always the first casualty.

      My opinion is that the Arabs don’t give a damn about the Palestinians, and that Iran plays Hamas and Hezbollah like puppets. The Palestinian people end up getting screwed either way, whether it be by Israel, the US, the EU, the Arabs or the Iranians. There leaders are corrupt, and they are all being lumped together with Hamas, and portrayed like violent killers, antisemites and whatnot. Which is ridiculous; I would never say all Israeli’s are little Meir Kahane’s or Baruch Goldstein’s – neither are all Palestinians like Ahmed Yassin. What we need to do is stop dehumanizing people. Which is what people like Debbie are doing. Jews are good, Muslims are bad. Black & white, good & evil. It’s not that simple; it’s complicated.

      And please: do not delete my message this time.

      Heron on July 31, 2011 at 3:20 pm

Norway, Israel and the jews

Norway’s CPP:’Labor Youth is playing at war’


Tatiana on July 31, 2011 at 2:48 pm


Thank you so much for the invaluable, factual contributions you have posted here.

It has been very very disheartening to learn how incredibly dumbed down the Norwegians have become. Literally nothing more than as sheep to be herded about and utilized by their islamic keepers. It is truly discomfiting to observe any society that is allowing itself to be pitiably duped by insidious evil under the cloak of ‘we are all for peace’ or ‘we are your brothers of peace, come sup with us’. All the while never bothering to check out what that odd grinding noise is just outside the hall. If they would only be so bold as to look right now, before it is too late to rescue themselves, they would observe the knives being sharpened at the grinding wheel. Wake up Norwegians! Wake up!!!

After all the incredible history that Europe has known, it astonishes me that it has allowed itself to be ripe for the islamic picking. The best I can figure is they have allowed the anti-war, anti-tyrants pendulum to swing too far. Why?

You are reporting that the pendulum is only just now beginning to swing back towards a middle position. But is it too late?

Kairn on July 31, 2011 at 2:58 pm

    Dear Kairn,

    I only have hope if people like Geerd Wilders will gain more power and if Obama won’t become President in the US again.

    Leftists + Islam = crude fight from left against right

    Leftists in Europa do like Obama and I know why.

    Obama: “My Muslim Faith”


    Mallory on July 31, 2011 at 3:37 pm

Here is the Original Letter from the Royal Norwegian Embassy after the Lash-Out of the norwegian Ambassador “Svein Sevje” .

According to a Maariv interview Sven Sevje voiced some understanding of ‘Palestinian’ terror on Israelis, because the ‘Palestinians’ have political and religious goals to do so, act out of revenge, and don’t like the current situation (‘occupation’)?


Tatiana on July 31, 2011 at 3:01 pm

My message keeps getting deleted.

Heron on July 31, 2011 at 3:19 pm

Dear Deborah,
I have found your site linked to an Israel site I use to read but I am a bit lost. By reading the comments above I can not understand which of them are written by pretending to be friends of Israel, Nazist, White supremacist or Ultra Christian Conservatives. I blame myself for this but I am afraid that my difficulty also depends on the fact that some views are now common to all of them. Were most of these killed people ( do not care if young or not )PLO supporters? It will be never a good reason to minimize this tragedy. There will be always a difference between real friend of Israel and Far Right extremist

Andrea on July 31, 2011 at 3:29 pm


    I believe we will be able to give a fair assessment that all of those killed on Utoya were supporters of the Fatah/PLO. Although most of them no doubt were naive about the reasoning for their support and exactly whom they were offering it to. It is very sad these people died while being useful tools for a nefarious cause. Shame on anyone who keeps coming here to convince us otherwise.

    Continuing to play act ‘flotilla’ games after what happened with the first ‘flotilla’ off Gaza should have been a sure giveaway for these people. How can smart people be so dumb?

    All the people who volunteered to be on Utoya that day have/had bought into a crappy and incorrect narrative. They allowed themselves to become influenced by a ‘group think’ agenda. Which we all know is literally devised to discourage and probably eliminate any independent thinking or questioning.

    Wouldn’t it be interesting to know how individuals are/have been treated by the AUF membership when and if they dared to question?

    Kairn on July 31, 2011 at 5:14 pm

Report: Norway FM Called for Palestinian State At Youth Camp the Day Before Deadly Rampage


Mallory on July 31, 2011 at 3:38 pm

Breivik did call himself a Christian, but meant that in a cultural sense, rather than a theological one. He emphasized that he was not seeking a theocracy, but a secular society. His idea of a Christian Europe had nothing to do with religion.

Breivik considered himself to be a Knights Templar.

Quote : Do I have to believe in God or Jesus in order to become a Justiciar Knight?

no, you don’t need to have a personal relationship with God or Jesus to fight for our Christian cultural heritage. It is enough that you are a Christian-agnostic or a Christian-atheist (an atheist who wants to preserve at least the basics of the European Christian cultural legacy.

He claimed to be part of a modern Templar Knights organization that was going to take over Europe???

Breivik was not a member of a terrorist group, except in his own fantasies. His plan was to carry out an attack and become the hero of Europe. This is fairly typical lunacy. His plans were grandiose and detached from reality.

Mallory on July 31, 2011 at 3:49 pm

Lynching Herman Cain

Herman Cain is being lynched FOR TAKING A STAND. And the people doing it are Republicans and self-proclaimed conservatives. Commentators who complain about the “race card” are eagerly laying down the “bigot card” because Cain did what few candidates are ready to do. He clearly spelled out the problem with Islamic involvement in American public life.


Mallory on July 31, 2011 at 4:00 pm


    Except that Herman Cain has been back-peddling when the pressure wave hits him regarding the statements he has made about muslims. For that he has lost my interest and support.

    If Cain had a true and deep understanding of what islam is really all about, he wouldn’t have dared back-peddle like that, but he would then have continued on and clearly explained why he made those statements in the first place! He is only in the larval stage of understanding islam. America and Europe can’t afford to have such a naive and malleable US president this next go ’round.

    Herman Cain blew it. He was afraid of losing votes so he back-peddled. Guess what? He lost even MORE votes by back-peddling. Not very savvy. Just so much chaff in the wind.

    Kairn on July 31, 2011 at 4:45 pm

      Dear Kairn

      Re: Herman Cain
      I trust your judgement on this matter, I only do know about Herman Cain thru the Internet and found that he was very brave as opposed to german politicians.

      Here is something you might want to know:

      Norway’s Jews Mourn and Worry About Future

      “The Jews need to know that they have a lot of friends in Norway, but the Norwegian politicians are not our friends.”

      Norway has just 1,500 Jews

      In the rambling 1,500-page manifesto attributed to the alleged perpetrator of the attacks, Anders Behring Breivik, anti-Muslim diatribes are punctuated at times with expressions of admiration for Israel and its fight against Islamic terrorism.

      If the Norwegian public is looking for a larger villain than Breivik, Jews here are worried that Zionism and pro-Israel organizations may be singled out.

      “Can the average Norwegian accept that this is the one random act of one confused ethnic Norwegian?” Ring asked. “What I’m worried about is that in the Norwegian mind it will slowly attach an antagonism to Israel.”

      Joakim Plavnik, a young Norwegian Jew who works in the financial sector, said he’s already worried by news reports that have focused on the seemingly pro-Zionist parts of Breivik’s writings.

      “That can potentially have very negative ramifications toward the small, vulnerable Jewish community,” Plavnik said. But, he added, “We can’t be paralyzed by that fear.”

      – Norway’s foreign minister, Jonas Gahr Store, recently said that Oslo soon would announce its support for an independent Palestinian state – makes Zionism difficult to promote here.

      In an interview published Tuesday by the Israeli daily Maariv, Norway’s ambassador to Israel, Svein Sevje, said it was important to recognize the distinctions between the Norwegian attacks and terrorism in Israel.

      “We Norwegians consider the occupation to be the cause of the terror against Israel,” he said. “Those who believe this will not change their mind because of the attack in Oslo.”

      Suissa said she is concerned that Breivik’s attack will make it more difficult for Israel supporters and the right-wing Christian groups she works with to express their views. But Rabbi Joav Melchior, spiritual leader of the community synagogue also known as DMT, dismissed such concerns.

      “That someone … calls himself pro-Israel shouldn’t in principle change anything for us,” he said of Breivik. “We don’t feel that he’s a part of our group.”


      Mallory on August 1, 2011 at 2:57 am

Norwegian Ambassador : The Oslo Attacks And Palestinian Terrorism Are ‘Different’

Mallory on July 31, 2011 at 4:04 pm

Norwegian Ambassador : The Oslo Attacks And Palestinian Terrorism Are ‘Different’


Mallory on July 31, 2011 at 4:05 pm

    Correction mallory: have ten kids—and make sure each of your kids has ten kids. G-d Bless You.

    Occam's Tool on July 31, 2011 at 11:04 pm

Kairn, we live on different planets.

I have no hate for Jews (I do, in fact have dilute Jewish blood in my veins). I have many Jewis friends, and did enjoy my 2 wk visit to Israel. I stayed on a Kibbutz and enjoyed their hospitality and hearing their perspectives on the conflict. But I also have many Arab friends, both Christian and Muslim.

People with your kind of hatred scare me just as much as extremists of any other persuasion (including Arabs).

I realize that your mind is made up, and any effort on my part to present facts that don’t fit your worldview will not result in you changing your mind. I’m therefore signing off and wishing you all the best.

Geir on July 31, 2011 at 6:19 pm

    So you tell us that you personally do not hold any hatred for the Jews. That’s a good thing. And you do not hate any other group of people either. That is also a good thing.

    Contrary to what you have decided to believe about me, guess what? We are actually floating in the same ‘non-hateful’ little boat together. Fancy that!

    The part that you are seriously misunderstanding is what I actually do hate:

    I hate islam the ideology. Ideology is not people. And islam is not a race of people that a bigot can lump together by like DNA. I also hate Nazism. Are you going to assume now that I have openly admitted I hate Nazism, that I hate all Germans? I hate communism and fascism too. I hate evil, Geir. I just plain ol’ hate evil no matter how it well it cloaks itself in the semblance of pretending to be something good. Come back here and do your best to criticize or to twist what I have just admitted.

    Kairn on July 31, 2011 at 8:47 pm

make peace with your god now! the entire woild is ib big trouble!the jews and christians want to live in peace! LEAVE US ALONE, WE DON”T WANT ISLAM TAKING OVER AMERICA!!

karem on July 31, 2011 at 7:42 pm

What the hell is wrong with you?

Wisco on August 1, 2011 at 1:03 am

Like the Lara Logan thread, another army of trolls here to condemn Debbie for not tearing up for Jew haters, be it Logan or Norwegian anti-Semites!!!

Since they don’t normally visit or comment here, what brings them here on such occasions? CAIR bellyaching? Or notifications in loonwatch?

Infidel Pride on August 1, 2011 at 1:36 am

    Not everyone who disagrees with the twisted world views of you people is instantly a Jew-hater.

    I know I am, but I doubt most of the others are. I just hate the “Chosen People” for their arrogance and for feeling so superior… haha… like God is really on their sides. 😛

    Isn’t it so that “All Religious Wars Are Fought Over Who Has The Coolest Imaginary Friend”? Allah, Jahweh, God, Wodan, Zeus… We’ll see who wins. My guess is: everybody loses, eventually. 😀

    Motives on August 1, 2011 at 3:11 am

      @ Motives

      And I hate muslims. Stay out of Europe with your dirty Islam and Sharia, you are not welcome.

      Mallory@dcemail.com on August 1, 2011 at 8:29 am

Not everyone who disagrees with the twisted world views of you people is instantly a Jew-hater.

I know I am, but I doubt most of the others are.

From the ‘stuff-you-can’t-make-up’ department 😀

Infidel Pride on August 1, 2011 at 5:50 am


I´m a troll, meaning I don´t live my life on this blog or other similar, but occasionally stumble upon them because they sometimes make statements that is outrages, based on false info.

I haven´t read DS´s other posts here and don´t plan to either, but to witness what happens at blogs like this, when something terrible like the Utøya massacre occurs, is frightening.

These real Trolls, after the norse meaning, that feed on this kind of information, stating it to be facts, is just what the mass murderer @Utøya did for a decade or two.

You should stop for a minute and read some of the replies, not the ones with only bad words and rubbish, but the ones picking apart the so called facts you have been fed.

I feel sorry for you Trolls and disiples…

Chris Wang on August 1, 2011 at 6:37 am

Is Terrorism Against Israel Really More Justified Than Terrorism Against Norway

“I was not surprised to hear such ahistorical bigotry from a Norwegian Ambassador. Norway is the most anti-Semitic and anti-Israel country in Europe today. I know, because I experienced both personally during a recent visit and tour of universities. No university would invite me to lecture, unless I promised not to discuss Israel. Norway forbids Jewish ritual slaughter, but not Islamic ritual slaughter. Its political and academic leaders openly make statements that cross the line from anti-Zionism to anti-Semitism, such as when Norway’s former Prime Minister condemned Barak Obama for appointing a Jew as his Chief of Staff.

No other European leader would make such a statement and get away with it. In Norway, this bigoted statement was praised, as were similar statements made by a leading academic.”


Mallory@dcemail.com on August 1, 2011 at 8:12 am

Why the hatred of muslims and islam?
Hatred of people for their religion is not a good thing. Hitler did that, we know the result. Jews, of all people, should know better. I expect much of them; I know they (you) are intelligent enough to understand. They didn’t give you those Noble prizes for nothing! 😛

Heron on August 1, 2011 at 8:37 am

    I am not jewish , I am christian. But, I stand 100 % on the Side of Israel.

    I don’t like the moslems because they are nothing but trouble for our Society in Europe . And I want the Rest of the World to know about that, because our Mainstream Leftist Politicians are ignoring these growing problems:

    Muslims in Germany
    Life in a Parallel Society

    Germany’s Angst of Islam


    Mallory@dcemail.com on August 1, 2011 at 8:55 am

      It is ridiculous to state that most trouble in the West comes from muslims. Eastern-Europeans and Africans (majority of whom are Christian or pagan) commit most crimes.

      Sure, there are plenty of criminal muslims who do not adapt. Big deal; just kick ’em out. The majority of muslims are doing just fine. I am not saying they are saints; far from it. But if Dominic Strauss Khan gropes a woman or Madoff steals billions of dollars, that is no reason for me to hate all jews. So then if a Muslim steals a bike, that’s no reason to hate all muslims. 🙂

      In every ethnic group and in every religion you have a few rotten apples who ruin things for the rest. Get rid of those, instead of ripping on an entire culture you either know nothing about or refuse to get to know.

      On a side note: I will be the first to admit that mass emigration is NEVER a good thing. No matter which faith the immigrants are of. If ten million jobless Poles would flood Germany, they’d ruin the place aswell. Same goes with Mexicans in the United States. They aren’t muslims, but just as disruptive and unwanted. Let’s focus on the bigger issue here. Muslims are only a small part of the problem, which is much bigger then this – the West is being flooded with PEOPLE WHO DON’T BELONG HERE.

      Heron on August 1, 2011 at 9:02 am

        @ Heron

        Not true, how would you know, do you live in Europe?

        80 % of Crimes in “Berlin”, Germany are committed by muslims (Migranten)!

        Muslim behavior in Oslo, Norway


        Mallory@dcemail.com on August 1, 2011 at 9:45 am

          Yes, I live there so I would know… and giving me a video of some muslims misbehaving doesn’t tell me anything; I could give you ten video’s of Israeli settlers misbehaving and it wouldn’t proof anything either. 🙂

          Did I ever denied there are plenty of Muslims who misbehave? I don’t think so. I am not even leftist nor am I a big fan of multiculturalism. All I say is: get real. Kicking out the Muslims isn’t like waving a magic wand and “wham!”, all our problems are solved. Immigrants, whether they be illegal or not, should not be welcomed with open arms.

          Also, when it comes to Muslims, they are not all alike. Some friends of mine are Afghan muslims (they fled from the Taliban) and they are nice, moderate and well-educated people with a job. I also know Maroccan muslims who are low-life, extremis scum. But then again, the butcher down my street is Maroccan and he’s a nice guy… It’s just silly to lump them all together. What I dislike most is the fortune seekers from poor countries; they are the most difficult. Those who FLED there countries often fled because they aren’t your “average” muslim. Like educated women from Afghanistan – what’s your education worth if you cannot get a job simply because you are a woman? I can live with there presence here. I am not a narrow minded person.

          Heron on August 1, 2011 at 10:16 am


    Hitler was an equal opportunity torturer and murderer. He was into annihilating people who didn’t embrace Nazism or who didn’t fit the fantasy of his Aryan mold.

    Kairn on August 1, 2011 at 2:40 pm

    Heron already uses smilies like a Muslim.

    skzion on August 1, 2011 at 5:50 pm

Something Rotten in Norway


Mallory@dcemail.com on August 1, 2011 at 10:17 am

@ Heron on August 1, 2011 at 10:16 am

Sure, everybody here on this “american” Blog lives in Europe and speaks perfectly English. Give me a break , Welche Sprache sprichst DU denn? Quelles langues est-ce que tu parles????
Aus welchem Land kommst Du?

Heron = Motives.

Anyhow, I didn’t post these Videos for you but for Debbie to see.

If you love moslems and you are one yourself why don’t you go to another website to find your Likes.

I am here on a mission.

Germany received large numbers of migrant workers, most of them from Muslim Turkey, from the 1960s. German federal authorities estimate its current Muslim population at about 4.3 million.


Mallory@dcemail.com on August 1, 2011 at 11:03 am

    Nee, ik ben geen Amerikaan, en ik ben geen Moslim. Sterker nog: ik ben helemaal niet gelovig. Ik spreek toevallig uitstekend Engels – jij bent ook Duits en schijnbaar heb je er geen enkel probleem mee.

    Ik ben ik, en jij bent jij.

    I am not a Muslim myself and I would never be one. My girlfriend is a muslima, though. Nicest girl you’ll ever meet. Of course you would not understand; you are filled with hatred, not with love.

    Heron on August 1, 2011 at 11:25 am

      Well, then I hope for you that her family will accept you as a “Kufr”.
      Good Luck you will need it.
      Geert Wilders forever!


      Mallory@dcemail.com on August 1, 2011 at 11:53 am

        They DID accept me and they are very nice. And so did my family. Good luck to you too; I won’t need any.

        As for Geert Wilders; he is a querter Indonesian muslim (from his Indo grandmother). 25% of his ancestors are Islamic. He hates foreigners, and at the same time his wife is not Dutch, but Hungarian. He is a big hypocrite and hated by the majority of his countrymen. He even dyes his black hair blonde to look closer to his “Aryan ideal” image of himself. 😛

        Wilders forever? Well, I doubt it. Better say: Wilders for awhile. 🙂 He may be martyred for his cause soon, like Pim Fortuyn and Theo van Gogh. I dislike him but I must admit; he has some massive balls saying the things he does. However stupid they may be.

        Heron on August 1, 2011 at 12:40 pm

          Wilders won’t be martyred, I wish him All The Best and you’re right he does have BIG BALLS like most Dutch Men. However, times are changing , sooner or later there will be more Wilders all over Europe. The Islam Critic Community is growing steadily. Wilders will become your next Prime Minister , you’ ll see.
          But I was right wasn’t I, Heron = Motives.

          I used to have a Dutch Boyfriend a long time ago as a Teenager………. good memories.

          EDL singing UK National Anthem using Israeli flag


          Mallory@dcemail.com on August 1, 2011 at 1:19 pm

      “…I am not a Muslim myself and I would never be one. My girlfriend is a muslima, though. ” – Heron

      Ahh…so there is the rub at last. Sweet islamic whispers in your ear, eh Heron?

      Pssst, I’ve got a secret to tell you. If what you say is true, than just about anything this so-called muslima girlfriend has ever told you is probably a lie.

      You will eventually convert if you haven’t already. The devil has its claw in you buddy.

      Kairn on August 1, 2011 at 3:02 pm

        The devil has it’s claw on you for I doubt you were born ignorant and blind to the kindness of people who belong to a different religion. Love always beats bigotry, hatred and racism.

        Heron on August 2, 2011 at 4:58 am

New immigrants (muslims) coming from North Africa every day to Europe thru LAMPEDUSA /Italy

Now my question?
Why do they come to Europe, President Ben Ali is gone ???!

Why don’t these young men help their own country to flourish.

Only young men are coming, no women.

What is their education to make it in Europe?

They will be living on welfare and that’s it and we are paying for it.

Lampedusa: Again – Immigrants Set Fire to Refugee Center and Flee


Mallory@dcemail.com on August 1, 2011 at 11:20 am

Hatred, smears and the liberals hell-bent on bullying millions of us into silence

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2020924/Anders-Behring-Breivik-Liberals-hell-bent-bullying-silence.html#ixzz1Tn9DZgWy

Mallory@dcemail.com on August 1, 2011 at 11:32 am

Let’s get it straight. There are no Palestinian’s they are displaced Jordanian’s that none of there Arab brothers want higher up on the food chain than at the bottom position!

HW on August 1, 2011 at 12:48 pm

    This is so true, and I am always wondering why the Hell 22 arabian countries weren’t able to integrate 1/2 million Palestinians into their societies in the past 60 Years!

    Mallory on August 1, 2011 at 2:00 pm

Debbie is simply wrong. The US created the mujahideen from which Al Qaeda and the Taleban grew. It financed them, trained them, and helped them recruit the most violent extremists to their ranks. The US put the Shah of Iran in power, and trained his brutal SAVAK “security” forces to torture their own people to keep him in power. Had the CIA stayed out of Iran it might today be a secular liberal developed nation. The Ayatollah was the equal and opposite reaction to the Shah.

Israel created Hamas – yes, the very same Hamas it demonises daily – in order to oppose the PLA. It financed Hamas, trained it, and helped it to recruit. Sound familiar?

Debbie Schlussel is stark raving mad. She is, in fact, every bit as deranged as the people she rails against.

Do yourself a favour and never come here again.

I wont be.

ScuzzaMan on August 2, 2011 at 6:57 am

    I keep trying to understand the Jew mentality. Why are they so hell bent on world domination, even at the cost of so much hurt to themselves and to others?

    I feel sorry for the moderate Jewish. They are a minority but they know the DNA of their own kind and try, in vain, to prevent a day of reckoning that will come to them sooner rather than later…

    Jewish DNA on August 2, 2011 at 10:26 am

@ Jewish DNA on August 2, 2011 at 10:26 am

The stupid Muslims want to dominate the world with their Oil and immigration from Billions of Low Class Analphabet Immigrants to civilized countries. We don’t want No Mosques and we don’t want no Burqa.

Go back to where you came from.

Mallory -european DNA on August 2, 2011 at 12:25 pm

Your fearful, paranoid, hateful screeds sound just like Nazi propaganda. As well as sounding like the murdering Breivik’s rants.

Snap the F out of it people…you have some seriously deluded minds and disturbingly hateful natures.

Stop being such fearful, small people.

You spit on the teachings of Christ, in the name of Christianity.

I pity you.

Ultravox on August 2, 2011 at 4:35 pm

Dear Deb,

A bunch of Jew hating European youth got gunned down – absolutely great news.

Watch the Norway news stop reporting about it the moment a poor Palestinian stubs his toe.

A few less future Flotilla participants to deal with.

Unfortunately I can’t find a funny angle to do a spoof video about this. Damn – no angle.

Later Deb,


Fred on August 3, 2011 at 9:52 am

Hi there……….


Stop Islam on August 3, 2011 at 9:52 am

There is only one thing to do: Reporte this site to PST. And let them decide the correct respone. I recommend all other Norwegians that sickened of this sites content to do the same.

basen on August 4, 2011 at 8:41 am

Please stop spreading lies and hatred. The world knows very well that politicians from Ap (Labor party in Norway) have been negotiators between Palestine and Israel for years – for peace in Middle East. They are for peace and a peaceful solution in the Middle East. Didn’t you know this?
They are nothing like Hitler Jugend. Just because people are critical of the methods Israel is using in the conflict doesn’t make them antisemitic. We love both Israelis and Palestinians, we care about you both equally and want your children to have a peaceful, secure future. Please do not spread lies, hatred and misunderstandings.
You have not met, talked or discussed with the children and young adults that were killed on the island of Utøya. (Yes children, down to 14 years of age were shot, killed and injured. Check Norwegian news like nrk.no.)
This blog looses therefore its credibility in the eyes of serious people in Norway, and perhaps rest of the well informed world. Is that what you want?
How about doing something good to bring peace to the world instead of spreading lies like these? Norway is not exactly known for producing terrorists. This blog will be reported to the Norwegian police for spreading hatred based on disinformation and calling on war against Norwegians. Have a nice day.

Stine Karlsen on August 4, 2011 at 9:53 am

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