July 28, 2008, - 10:15 am

Obama’s Manufactured Western Wall “Privacy Breach”

By Debbie Schlussel
For those who do not know, when people visit the Western Wall–one of the holiest sites in Judaism–it is traditional to write a prayer on a small piece of paper, roll it up, and insert it into a crevice in the wall, in the hope that G-d will answer the prayer.
After Barack Obama’s fraudulent photo op diplomacy visit to Israel last week, much has been made about his prayer at Israel’s Western Wall being made public, reportedly in breach of his privacy. The manufactured outrage is absurd.
And I don’t believe this clearly-staged Obama “privacy violation” for a second. But, predictably, so many of the clueless–including plenty of gullible conservatives–are all upset for Obama. (One of these people also believed the Gaza giveaway to the Palestinians was a brilliant diplomatic move that gave Israel goodwill from its neighbors and other countries.) What dupes.


The Obama campaign doesn’t do anything by accident. Everything is planned, re-planned, and over-orchestrated. If you read the prayer that Obama wrote, it is quite apparent that it was carefully crafted for public consumption. That it has since been published by Israel’s Ma’ariv, allegedly in violation of his privacy, achieves two purposes: 1) it makes Barack Hussein Obama, yet again, look like the magnificent, innocent victim of some alleged unfairness of some sort, and 2) it makes him look like such a nice and thoughtful guy when you read his prayer.
Here’s Obama’s “private” press release, er . . . “prayer”:

Lord – Protect my family and me. Forgive me my sins, and help me guard against pride and despair. Give me the wisdom to do what is right and just. And make me an instrument of your will.

Wow, that’s some pretty secret, private stuff, ain’t it? I mean, it doesn’t at all sound like it was meant to be public or was carefully written. Right?
Now, if Obama wrote something like this, then I’d say he really meant the prayer to be private between himself and G-d and that he never meant for us to see it:

Please, G-d, forgive me for supporting Islamic terrorists throughout my career; for staffing my U.S. Senate offices with members of the hateful Nation of Islam; for my lifelong association with the hateful Rev. Jeremiah Wright, his church, and the Nation of Islam’s Louis Farrakhan; for surrounding myself with extremists, including those who blew up U.S. government buildings; for lying about my religious background and not acknowledging that early in my life I was born and raised a Muslim; for my association with Jew-haters like Edward Said and Ali Abunimah (in addition to Wright and Farrakhan); for my flip-flop-flips on Jerusalem as the undivided eternal capital of Israel.
For my dumping of Nation of Islam member Cynthia K. Miller as treasurer of my campaign when I decided to run for Prez and knew she’d be a liability and embarrassing to my campaign because of her membership in this cult that in reality I think is neither racist nor bigoted in its hatred of Jews, Whites, and every non-Black group; for my lying to the American public on so many things and past radical positions; for my fake birth certificate and still not providing a valid one to the American public; for my wife’s lifelong embarrassment of being from a country that gave her, myself, and our family so much. Please, G-d, for these and all the transgressions I’ve made against the American people.

Of course, he’d never write such a prayer and insert it into the cracks or the Western Wall. Because he’d be afraid people would read it. Because he knew all along his prayer would be leaked to the newspapers. Because he knew his campaign and the complicit, left-wing Israeli mainstream media would be complicit in helping them leak it. Because he knew that his campaign–and never he–would craft and carefully worded, magnanimous, humble and pious-sounding (ie., very UnObama) prayer for all of the world–particularly American voters–to read.
Obama’s “privacy” violated? His “private prayer” blasphemously disclosed to the public against his wishes and intentions?
If you believe that, I have some land, near the house that Tony Rezko and his wife bought for Obama, to sell you.
Oh, and that student who has now apologized for “stealing the prayer”(now that Obama soaked the story and the prayer for every last drop)? Just how much did the Obama campaign pay him to do it?
Not sure what the Shekel to Dollar exchange rate is these days.
But I know that we don’t know who the student is, only his first initial and that he claims it was a “prank.” Uh-huh. I wouldn’t be shocked if this “student” is also a U.S. citizen who votes and is voting for Obama, just like his fellow members of the Obama campaign team.

18 Responses

Ms. Schussel,
More reckless — in this case, highly improbable — speculation from you without one iota of evidence.
The letter, the planting in the Wall, the theft, the return, the apology from the Yeshiva student and the Channel 2 reporter handing the letter off to the Western Wall Heritage Foundation to return it to the wall were all orchestrated?
Ms. Schussel, on November 4th, you’ll get the President you deserve.

Audacious on July 28, 2008 at 12:12 pm

I am stunned you would claim to deserve Ronald Reagan. He is as much to blame for the rise in Islamic extremism as anyone. The coward’s withdrawal from Beirut with his tail between his legs helped to set the stage for the current situation.
As for the claim that Reagan won the cold war and brought down the Soviet Union, that is nonsense. A single event which started on August 19th 1991 and in which Reagan had no role was solely responsible for what happened (Although it it correct that Reagan stopped the gains the Communists were making and started reversing them.).

I_am_me on July 28, 2008 at 12:34 pm

Debbie, I posted the following article this morning. It might be of interest to you regarding what Haaretz and Israel Insider have said…
Did Obama pre-approve publication of his Ôø?privateÔø? prayer for Ôø?public consumptionÔø??
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Both Haaretz and Insrael Insider ran stories today that state that, according to the publisher of the note (Maariv), the Obama campaign pre-approved the leak.
Here is what Haaretz (http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1006186.html) had to sayÔø?
MaarivÔø?s response: Ôø?ObamaÔø?s note was published in Maariv and other international publications following his authorization to make the content of the note public. Obama submitted a copy of the note to media outlets when he left his hotel in Jerusalem.
And here is what Israel Insider (http://web.israelinsider.com/Articles/Politics/13021.htm) had to sayÔø?
What initially seemed to be a journalistic scoop of dubious moral propriety now seems to be a case of an Israeli paper being played by the Barack Obama campaign. Maariv, the second most popular newspaper in Israel, was roundly criticized for publishing the note Obama left in the Kotel. But now a Maariv spokesperson says that publication of the note was pre-approved for international publication by the Obama campaign, leading to the conclusion that the Ôø?privateÔø? prayer was intentionally leaked for public consumption.
We will follow-up on this matter as more information becomes available!

Dark Skies on July 28, 2008 at 12:38 pm

Here are the links that work…

Dark Skies on July 28, 2008 at 12:40 pm

Of course he knew it would be published, how naive are you? And if he knew it was going to be published he would definitely make sure there was nothing on the note which would be controversial.
Wouldn’t you be better off finding things of substance which you can find to blame him for? Nobody cares about this kind of nonsense.
If he did know that someone would take it then he is running a smart campaign by putting a good message on the note. If he didn’t know someone would take it then he wrote a very nice, authentic message meant for G-d. Either way he comes out ahead on this one.

dj on July 28, 2008 at 12:52 pm

Remember the Klinton years? Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING from the lies they constantly spewed, to the “private moment” photo ops such as Bill and Hill dancing on a beach during their “private” vacation on Martha’s Vineyard, to their hired investigators intimidating witnesses, to their sychophants in the media who leaked stories from files pilfered from the Pentagon by their operatives, to the phony tears at Ron Brown’s funeral, to the FBI files on Republicans that illegally wound up in the White House, to the Whitewater billing records that mysteriously appeared outside Hillary’s office in the White House two days after the statute of limitations expired, to the protestations of not having sex with interns, to the placement of rocks that “just happen to be there” on Normandy beach so Bill could put them in the shape of a cross (Normandy beach has no rocks, btw), to the lie about Hillary being named after Sir Edmund Hillary who climbed Mt. Everest six years AFTER she was born, etc.
The Gore campaign engaged in lies and deceptions as did Kerry’s. Don’t for one second believe Obama’s campaign isn’t going to do likewise, because like Gore and Kerry, the LIBERAL media is pulling for them, hence the LIBERAL media is not about to expose him.
As an example of what I’m talking about; Have you heard in the LIBERAL media about John Edwards who was recently caught with his mistress and love child? Of course not because the media is behind him and his plans to become a cabinet member in an Obama administration.
Grow up and admit that Democraps can get away with murder…speaking of which, how’s Ted Kennedy feeling, lately? BTW, the media really did a bang-up job covering Chappaquiddick, didn’t they?
BTW, Debbie, your post was excellent and right on.

Thee_Bruno on July 28, 2008 at 12:56 pm

From what I heard Maariv claimed they were given permission by Obama’s people to reprint. I wouldn’t give Obama’s people so much credit for orchestrating the positive public relation it has given him though… They just don’t seem very smart lately. One thing I’m sure they didn’t plan on was the amount of protest and negative attention at the western wall Obama got, as was visible in the AP video.
You must admit though – if the facts were as stated – it’s pretty disgusting to steal someone’s prayer off the Kotel and printing it on a newspaper…
Another point is that All notes in the wall are collected eventually by the authority that manages the wailing wall, it’s not much of a theft – but people aren’t aware of that and think their notes will remain in the wall forever. Just imagine what the wall would look like if it was stuffed with notes for 2000 years without any cleanup.
BTW – Maariv is paying harshly for their stupidity and are falling in circulation rapidly.

Shawarma Mayor on July 28, 2008 at 1:06 pm

I_am_an_idiot posted;
“I am stunned you would claim to deserve Ronald Reagan. He is as much to blame for the rise in Islamic extremism as anyone.”
Sorry pal, that dubious distinction goes to Jimmy Carter for deposing the Shah of Iran’s regime and facilitating the return of Ayatollah Khomeini who took American hostages for 444 days, and were finally released the day Reagan took office.
“The coward’s withdrawal from Beirut with his tail between his legs helped to set the stage for the current situation.”
Nope, re-read the facts, above.
“As for the claim that Reagan won the cold war and brought down the Soviet Union, that is nonsense.”
It’s not nonsense, it’s a fact. The Democraps, for decades, placated the Soviets until Reagan decided to confront them, and bankrupt them.
“A single event which started on August 19th 1991 and in which Reagan had no role…”
Another lie.
“(Although it it correct that Reagan stopped the gains the Communists were making and started reversing them.)”
Don’t look now, but you just contradicted yourself about Reagan inability to bring about the Soviet Union’s collapse.
On another note, are you really Jimmy Carter’s former National Security Advisor, Zbigniew Breszinski? Because not only is he just as ill-informed as you, but I’m also picking up a hint of sour grapes. BTW, Zbigniew Breszinski is advising Barack Hussein Obama, so look for more foreign policy failures and American military castration should he get elected.

Thee_Bruno on July 28, 2008 at 1:10 pm

I apologize if versions of this comment appear more than once. I had difficulty in posting it.
Regarding my original comments, I was not aware that you had criticized Reagan for the Beirut pullout. I was obviously wrong to come down on you for that and I apologize.
Do you deny that Reagan pulled out of Beirut like a coward and that event has been a boon to Al Queda (Al Queda even admits to this) as well as other Islamo facists?
As for the former Soviet Union, no one who does not know about an event that took place on August 19, 1991 knows what brought down Communism in the Soviet Union, and those who do know would never claim Reagan brought it down. Reagan had nothing to do with that event at all, and it was that event which solely brought down Communism in the former Soviet Union. Do you know what that event was?
As for Zbigniew Breszinski, apart for the fact that we are all in trouble in general if Obama wins, we are in even more grave danger if this nut gets appointed to anything.

I_am_me on July 28, 2008 at 1:39 pm

The student’s price was 30 pieces if silver perhaps?

dm60462 on July 28, 2008 at 1:54 pm

Hussein Banana planned for all this and I mean his current political circus, since many years ago.
Yes, everything is orchestrated. He is a fraud, an empty suit who is fooling idiots for only one personal purpose: being called “the first black president.”
That is all.
Now, liberals and other idiots, go to the polling places in November and fulfill his plot.
Thank you very much.

Independent Conservative on July 28, 2008 at 1:57 pm

Of course Reagan’t policies such as SDI, fighting against the Soviets re missiles in Europe in 1983, etc. etc. played a big role in overturning (at least for a while) Communism in the Soviet Union (sic). But he was not perfect, as has been noted. It is sad though that he was among the best in the 20th century; although he was a good president overall, I’d love to see a great statesman on the caliber of Churchill as president (yes I also realize Churchill wasn’t perfect). But Reagan’s policies paved the way for the dramatic impact of somewhat episodic events in the 1989-91 time period. Without the groundwork, those events wouldn’t have been successful.
Anybody who doesn’t recognize that the whole Obama soap opera was staged is a nitwit. It is sad that some conservatives are taken in, but some of these conservatives aren’t the brightest bulbs around. I’m reading a book now about the dumbing down of the US population, and with this level of non-intelligence, stunts like this will happen more and more often. These stunts also need willing accomplices in the media; if McCain tried them, the media would go after him.
Speaking about prayers being private, naturally the ones he wants to be private are the ones in Looney Wrights church, or his prayers with NOI.

c f on July 28, 2008 at 4:28 pm

It’s a conspiracy, I tell ya!
All speculation aside, I would have thought that a truly empathetic POTUS candidate would have recognized he was at one of the Jewish People’s holiest sites and petitioned for safety of Israel and the Jewih People.
Question: Wasn’t Pope John Paul II’s message made public?

There is NO Santa Claus on July 28, 2008 at 10:01 pm

“Do you deny that Reagan pulled out of Beirut like a coward and that event has been a boon to Al Queda (Al Queda even admits to this) as well as other Islamo facists?”
I don’t deny it. However, it wasn’t Reagan’s decision to pull out of Beruit that was the cause for the rise in terrorism. These muzlim murderers have been conducting their jihad since their religion was invented in the 7th century. (Remember the Olympics in Munich 1972?)
The KEY factor for the continuing threat of terrorism today was Jimmy Carter’s blunder of removing the Shah’s regime, thus allowing the violent, anti-Western, religious fanatic Ayatollah’s control of oil money to really get the funding going. Jimmy Carter’s impotence to get the hostages released for 444 days was yet another boon to the islamic Nazis.
If anything, Reagan only helped America’s image in the muzlum world by helping the Mujahadeen fight the Soviets after they invaded Afghanistan. Something that even an idiot like you acknowledged that he was responsible for in driving back the Soviet advance.
“As for the former Soviet Union, no one who does not know about an event that took place on August 19, 1991 knows what brought down Communism in the Soviet Union, and those who do know would never claim Reagan brought it down. Reagan had nothing to do with that event at all, and it was that event which solely brought down Communism in the former Soviet Union. Do you know what that event was?”
Misinformed idiot. Revisionist propaganda. You claim to know what happened?! You know shit about history. I lived through through those times and understood what was happening. You, on the other hand, were probably still in diapers and playing jacks during the 1980’s, and you got your history from the LIBERAL, Reagan-hating professors at city college.
Get lost with your revisonist bullshit.

Thee_Bruno on July 29, 2008 at 9:19 am

I am probably making a mistake by responding again, but here it goes:
Reagan’s decision to pull out of Beirut did not cause terrorism. However, it is certainly responsible for a significant increase in terrorism. This is true for (at least) three reasons:
1) We could have destroyed Hizbullah then and there. We failed to do so.
2) It helped to diminish (if not totally destroy) our deterrence, forcing us expend “blood and treasure” against those who were no longer afraid of us.
3) It served as a great propaganda victory which was used in recruiting.
While I agree that what Carter did in Iran is far more responsible, that does not let Reagan off the hook. By the way, over a year before the Shah fell the Israeli Mossad predicted he was going to fall no matter what anyone did.
As for your final paragraphs, what is revisionist about what happened on August 19, 1991? I bet you still don’t know what I am referring to.
It is absolutely correct that Reagan, unlike those who preceded him, fought against communism, reversed many of its gains and made us all more secure. However, that is not the same thing as causing the fall of Communism in the Soviet Union.
I could make other comments about your debating “style”, but I am much better off letting the facts speak for themselves.
One last thing. If you would like me to respond please either refute my arguments (unless you know what happened August 19th, 1991 you will be unable to do this) or bring up something new. Additionally, please stop calling me names (Not that I care, it just reflects poorly on you).

I_am_me on July 29, 2008 at 10:17 am

“I could make other comments about your debating “style”, but I am much better off letting the facts speak for themselves.”
The facts DO speak for themselves. Reagan was the chief architect for the fall of the Soviet Union. Google it and do the research, instead of relying on the brainwashing you got from the Marxist professors at city college.
“One last thing. If you would like me to respond please either refute my arguments (unless you know what happened August 19th, 1991 you will be unable to do this) or bring up something new. Additionally, please stop calling me names (Not that I care, it just reflects poorly on you).”
Listen to me closely, Fucktard: I already refuted your asinine, revisionist history propaganda. You were still in diapers in the 1980’s. You then got an revisionist education from a bunch of Marxists who hate Reagan because they know he defeated their version of Utopia (the Soviet Union).
You’re a little twerp. Every intelligent person knows that Reagan was the chief architect in the Soviet Union’s collapse.
Tell us, genius, who do YOU think was responsible? Gorbachev?!

Thee_Bruno on July 30, 2008 at 10:16 am

There is a video which supposedly has the Yeshiva boy acting with Obama’s Israeli handlers digging into the wall for the note
I have it posted here

Yidwithlid on July 31, 2008 at 10:53 am

YidwithLid: What on earth gives you the impression that the Yeshiva student is acting “with Obama’s Israeli handlers?”
The Obama campaign had nothing to do with it. It’s just more nonsense from the smear merchants.

Audacious on July 31, 2008 at 6:39 pm

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