July 23, 2008, - 11:34 am

Silicone Pot–Kettle–Black: Pamela Anderson Calls Meat Eater “Whore”

By Debbie Schlussel
Wow, I never thought I’d take the side of vapid airhead Jessica Simpson, but in this case it’s warranted. I like the T-shirt, too. From Us Magazine:


Low class, as usual, for this peroxided aging human flotation device.
Um, is it just me, or is walking sperm depository Pamela Anderson clearly the last person who should be calling anyone a “whore”? And because the person eats meat? Huh? By that definition, most women in the world are whores . . . but not Pamela Anderson?
So, to summarize:
* Making sex videos, sleeping around and getting Hepatitis C from it, posing nude in Playboy a million times, getting a gazillion tattoos and size Double Z breast implants–Not a Whore.
* Eating meat–Definitely a Whore.
Hello . . . ?
What a hypocrite and a sleazebag Pamela Anderson is–as if we didn’t already know. Very typical of the animal rights movement attitude.
Oh, and in case you’re wondering, you can purchase the “Real Girls Eat Meet” t-shirts here and here. It’s surely an improvement over Simpson’s past confusion over “Chicken of the Sea.”
Please, Pam, go back to making great TV masterpieces like “Baywatch” and “Stripperella.”
**** UPDATE: Reader David from Alaska writes:

Does Pamela Anderson understand that animals eat meat too? Or is this something that while representing PETA missed her grasp?
I am willing to send Pamela a bumper sticker from Alaska if she would like, “Eat Moose-One Million Wolves Can’t Be Wrong”.
Pamela is just jealous of Jessica since Jessica does not have a C.D.C. rating of “bio-hazard”.

Exactly. And don’t forget, her breast implants ain’t exactly biodegradable. That’s in addition to her being the most used piece of equipment in the gym and a walking disease incubator.

13 Responses

I think that one problem with Pamela Anderson’s silly outbursts is that she gives rational people who follow plant-based diets a bad name. Not everyone who follows plant-based (or on up to vegan) diets is a nut or a PETA supporter. Some people follow these diets because they perceive health benefits from them.
Of course her comment is ridiculous and offensive.
I realize your post just addresses silly animal rights people such as Anderson, and does not discuss other people who follow plant-based diets, but I thought it was worth adding this perspective.

c f on July 23, 2008 at 12:16 pm

I’ve always laughed at PETA, and their incredible stupidity. Makes a person wonder how life would have ever evolved with them. Like if cavemen didn’t eat meat, or keep warm, how we’d all even be here now!
I have nothing against vegetarians, as long as they keep it to themselves, and don’t force it on to me.

Jackson Pearson on July 23, 2008 at 12:17 pm

Speaking of PETA has anyoneone seen this *REAL* PETA ad?

I_am_me on July 23, 2008 at 12:29 pm

Pamela Anderson is definitely not a role model for any decent woman to follow, let alone to lecture other women on their eating habits. I never could understand her in, and out silicon implants, and ruining a nice body with dumb tattoos.
She brings to mind a new internet coined word of “Ignoranus:” A person who’s both stupid, and an asshole.

Jackson Pearson on July 23, 2008 at 12:38 pm

The following posted for sentimental reasons:
A Book of Food
by Morton P. Shand
(NY : Knopf, 1928)
Sentimental Vegetarianism (page 160)
The Sentimental Vegetarians are the most numerous and illogical of the different sects of dietetic vegetarians, quasi-vegetarians, frutarians, nutarians and the raw vegetable nourishment stalwarts. If the pretensions of the sentimental vegetarians are to be taken seriously, not only must humanity forgo all animal foods, including milk and eggs, from ethical motives, but true to the essentially democratic principal of “sois mon frere, ou je te tu,” every single race of mankind should be constrained — by force of arms failing peaceful persuasion, since the offence is greater in the eating than in the killing — to abstain
from meat nourishment for all eternity.
After making the world safe for vegetarianism, the next step would be the organization of armed, vegetarianized, humanity (or vegetarianized
armed humanity – it does not matter which, but propagandists would declare there was a world of difference) to prevent non-carnivorous animals
being devoured by carnivorous, and to put a stop to the outrage of carnivorous animals preying on each other.

Secret_Ingredient on July 23, 2008 at 1:05 pm

There us an additional irony. Simpson has marketed herself, and behaves, as a very nice person. Pam, not so much.

Pat on July 23, 2008 at 1:13 pm

Pamela Anderson is:
1. A walking petri dish
2. A spasm chasm
3. A cum drum
4. A jiz jar
Any questions?

softwaregurus on July 23, 2008 at 2:32 pm

Great article–I hope it gets forwarded to Pamela Anderson and someone reads it to her.
This “peroxided human floatation device” –yikes–really needs to realize that she fits the definition of “whore” more than most anyone else out there she could ever name–even if they eat their meat raw. Pamela Anderson did her own share of meat eating on her video with Tommy Lee as I recall. So what’s her problem?

BB on July 23, 2008 at 2:42 pm

pam does eat meat asked tommy lee about his 10 inch pepperoni stick and kid rock waffle house treat of the week and that guy that filmed the one nite in paris video

PNAMARBLE on July 23, 2008 at 6:11 pm

Pamela Anderson is not nor ever has been a rocket scientist. She’s never been anything but a gullible, easily led air-head. It’s a wonder Scientology hasn’t put their hooks into her and reeled her in to their brain washing.

Carl on July 23, 2008 at 7:20 pm

Maybe all the banging(off headboards, and walls) her head has been through is starting to take its toll.

samurai on July 23, 2008 at 10:56 pm

The problem most, if not all liberals have is that they are “CUM DRUNK”. That little problem rots their brains out.

Ron Taylor on July 24, 2008 at 3:37 am

It isn’t just the “holier than thou” attitude spilling out of Hollywood that’s infuriating. It’s their self-righteous hypocracy that pi**es me off. The LAST community in the world that’s gonna give me advice on how to live a moral life is Hollywood.

Rich B on July 24, 2008 at 10:26 am

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