July 23, 2008, - 10:54 am

Under HomObama Suspicion: Great Video of Media’s Non-Stop Obama Man Crush

By Debbie Schlussel
The John McCain campaign has two videos–which are essentially the same but set to different music–of Chris Matthews, Tucker Carlson, and many other media figures sucking up to Barack Obama. It’s really sickening. And many of the comments–sad to say–border on gay, some cross over the boundary. Matthews talking about the thrill going up his leg, Carlson talking about the love a ninth grade boy feels. Barf:

Good video, but would have been better if they set it to this song:

Or the Charo version of it:

5 Responses

Leave poor Charo alone. At one time (she trained under Segovia) she was one of the greatest masters of Spanish classical guitar in the world. Who knew. And when Andre the Giant (wrestler) was a teenager in the suburbs of Paris, he was so huge he wouldn’t fit in his parents mini-car. Samuel Beckett used to drive him to school in his convertible. Which just goes to show you that Obama ain’t so special.

poetcomic1 on July 23, 2008 at 11:47 am

I agree it’s truely sickening but more than that, its deeply frightening. It’s like the news media is suffering from severe Mandinga fantasies. Not to mention shameless and embarrasing.

currambrooklyn on July 23, 2008 at 11:48 am

And the flowers, too, sing hymns to Comrade Stalin (CPSU 1938).

c f on July 23, 2008 at 12:36 pm

It was before my time (my hubby remembers it well though – but this sounds like a revisit to the “Summer of Love” forty years later.. I think the theme song for that ad should be “Groovy kinda love” !
As much as I generally dislike Sean Hannity for his arrogance, verbosity etc, I do have to agree with him that 2008 is the year that journalism seems to have died…

Mistress_Dee on July 24, 2008 at 2:06 am

Excellent videos. I had put Chris Matthews under homosuspicion when he felt the rush up his leg but he just keeps affirming his deep love and devotion. I don’t usually watch cnn but those “news” sissies, Carlson and the other guy have NOOOOO shame. Good Lord what happened to these retards?

samurai on July 24, 2008 at 10:23 am

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