July 21, 2008, - 1:02 pm
Movie About Arab Daughter in U.S. Paints Americans as Cold, Abusive, Pedophile Soldiers
By Debbie Schlussel
As I’ve repeatedly noted, August is well known as the cemetery for bad movies. If a movie debuts then, it means that studios and theater owners expect it to die a quick death.
And August is when “Towelhead” debuts. I haven’t yet seen this creepy movie about Jasira, the 13-year-old daughter of an Arab and a cold, slutty American chick. But it features such “delightful” scenes as the father taking his daughter to buy tampons and discussing “flow.” GUH-ROSS.
Then, there is the way the Americans treat this Arabic girl. A neighbor, an American military reservist, is a pedophile who essentially rapes (and sodomizes) her. Her mother is a mean, uncaring person, whose second husband also abused Jasira. It seems the only thing accurate in this movie is that her father is upset she’s dating a Black guy. We’ll see how accurate it gets, as in, does he honor-kill her, like Sarah and Aminah Said? Here’s the trailer and a clip (“Sharmuta” means whore, but the word in Arabic is far more offensive than “whore”):
Just so you know, actress Summer Bishil, who plays the wronged Arab daughter in this movie also plays the wronged Muslim daughter in another anti-American movie slated for the August cinema cemetery, “ICE The Movie,” a/k/a “Crossing Over.”
It’ll be all the rage at the indie film festivals.
dm60462 on July 21, 2008 at 4:58 pm