July 17, 2008, - 11:08 am

Good News for Christmas ’08!: Now You Can Buy Your Daughter an S&M Ho Barbie

By Debbie Schlussel
Remember when Hasbro had plans to make and market “Pussycat Doll” stripper dolls to six-year-old girls? After protests from you, my readers, and other Americans, Hasbro dumped that dumb idea.
But who needs Hasbro when you have Mattel. The company is now selling this S&M ho-looking Barbie, “Black Canary Barbie,” based on a D.C. comics superhero.


Black Canary Barbie & Comic Book Character

Yes, I know, it’s based on a comic book superheroine. But so what? Just because a comic book illustrator is irresponsible or draws a suggestive figure in something aimed at adults, doesn’t mean that a girls doll company needs to follow suit. Do you really want your daughter or granddaughter playing with a doll that doesn’t cover half of her body and dresses like she’s ready to walk the streets? Yes, I know, Wonder Woman also doesn’t cover half of her body, but come on. She isn’t wearing leather and fishnets and looks a whole lot more wholesome.
Would you buy this for your daughter or granddaughter?
Some people say it’s just for collectors, but come on. BTW, here’s a cool “collector” Barbie which, according to InventerSpot, is coming out in the fall (but is already available for purchase all over the net), taken from Hitchcock’s classic, “The Birds”:

I bet your daughter would love it. I know I would.

3 Responses

My daughters have never liked dolls; they never had any interest in Barbie, or Bratz, or any other lame girly dolls. My daughters have always liked puzzles, books, and the cult of webkinz.

Yiddish Steel on July 17, 2008 at 3:52 pm

A Hitchcock line? Cool, I can’t wait for the Norman’s Mom doll.

Blayne on July 17, 2008 at 3:59 pm

Good Lord.. don’t get me started on Barbie! Not to be self serving or anything, you all might find one of my old personal blog entries from the past worth a laugh or three on the subject. All I can say is that I’m equally glad that my daughter reviles barbie as much as I do.
and part II – http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j278/mistress_Dee/MDRANTS-02.jpg

Mistress_Dee on July 17, 2008 at 5:58 pm

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