July 17, 2008, - 10:38 am

OUTRAGE: Obama Calls ICE Agents “Terrorists” @ La Raza Confab; Clearly Didn’t Get the ICE Lactation Memo

By Debbie Schlussel
Check out this video and transcript from Barack Obama’s speech at the La Raza (The Race) convention yesterday in San Diego (thanks to Hot Air for the tip and the transcript). In it, he calls Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents “terrorists.”
This is an outrage. We can’t have a President who calls American law enforcement agents “terrorists.” Not only is it bunk, it’s just unacceptable behavior and should be an absolute bar to occupying 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. It’s sickening. And clueless-as-usual Obama doesn’t know what he’s talking about because it’s explicit ICE policy–per the ICE lactation memo–not to seize nursing mothers and per other ICE policy, not to separate parents from their children.
Where are ICE Chieftess Julie L. Myers a/k/a “The ICE Princess” and her chief protector, DHS Secretary Michael “Serpenthead”/”Mr. Burns” Chertoff, on this? Why aren’t they denouncing this outrageous attack on THEIR agents?

When communities are terrorized by ICE immigration raids, when nursing mothers are torn from their babies, when children come home from school to find their parents missing, when people are detained without access to legal counsel, when all that is happening, the system just isn’t working, and we need to change it.

Um, they all get access to legal counsel. Why the heck does he think immmigration court is tied up for years, and everyone is always filing a million appeals to their cases and few are deported? Through black magic (oops, is it racist now to use that term when I’m writing about Obama)?
Absolutely, none of this is accurate. And this is yet another bad omen for a Barack Obama Presidency–that the man doesn’t operate on facts, isn’t interested in accuracy or truth, and doesn’t know what the heck he’s talkin’ about.
G-d Help This Troubled (Obama)Nation.

12 Responses

He’s right, the system ain’t working. Of course he is the result of this dysfunctional system we find ourselves faced with today. If the system was working effectively then trash talking assholes like “the Obama” would not be the nominee of what once was a great Democratic party.

TheOmegaMan on July 17, 2008 at 11:51 am

As always,we get the gov’t we deserve.
Far to many of my countrymen are just to stupid & should not be allowed to vote.Sadly,that’s not the case.
Therefore,this empty-suit,dumbass moron will most likely be elected by his fellow idiots.The patients will be running the asylum in late Jan.’09.

billybob on July 17, 2008 at 12:34 pm

My how times have changed. While I could not stand the first President Bush, at least he defended his law enforcement people. When a top (the top?) NRA official called ATF agents “Jack Booted Thugs” President Bush resigned his membership in the NRA.

I_am_me on July 17, 2008 at 1:37 pm

B.O. is just one long idiotic quote machine. Unreal.

samurai on July 17, 2008 at 1:49 pm

I guess Hussein is not someone to let facts get in the way. Although, franky, nursing mothers who are illegal aliens are breaking the law the same as the other illegal aliens. If an illegal alien is keeping their child at school at the taxpayers’ expense, the fact that the child may come home & find their mother missing is a risk the illegal alien takes. No one told them to break the law, and the irresponsibility is with the illegal alien. The phrase ‘nursing mothers’ is a little misleading. I doubt their nursing activities are interrupted, although I can’t see why they shouldn’t be by capable female agents. And these communities that are ‘terrorized’ are communities of lawbreakers. Who gives a ***?

c f on July 17, 2008 at 2:19 pm

Obama never calls ICE agents terrorists. He says when communities are terrorized by ICE immigration raids. Big difference.
Billybob, Therefore,this empty-suit,dumbass moron will most likely be elected by his fellow idiots.The patients will be running the asylum in late Jan.’09.
How do you describe the last eight years?

ontherocks on July 17, 2008 at 4:50 pm

The republicans lost their balls is why they don’t attack things like this from a democrat nominee. Heck, some rinos even agree with him.

diaphanous on July 17, 2008 at 4:57 pm

He’s got his nerve calling them terrorists, when 2 billion of his muslim brothers and sisters target anything and everyone that is not Islamic.
Furthermore I dont think the New Yorker was satiring Obama and his wife. I think it was an accurate description.

savage supporter on July 17, 2008 at 6:29 pm

In Corpus Christi, TX Obama said of the border between America and Mexico, “a wall isn’t the solution to illegal immigration.” Hispanics took it as advocacy of equalization between US and Mexican wealth. Obama’s hidden agenda is: reparations. He sees every person of color in the world as damaged goods from American foreign policy. His solution is: compensation.

supercargo on July 17, 2008 at 11:24 pm

I’m an immigration attorney so let’s clear up some “facts” about the US immigration system.
1) ICE regularly separates new and expectant mothers from their children. It is not against their policy
2) Immigrants are often detained without access to counsel. The government does not provide public defenders to immigrants. If they do not have family who can obtain an attorney for them, then they may never be able to obtain one over a period of YEARS.

revolter1932 on July 18, 2008 at 12:54 am

Since you seem to want to clear up the Ôø?facts,Ôø? letÔø?s do it.
Your point: ICE regularly separates new and expectant mothers from their children. It is not against their policy.
The truth: ICE does separate mothers from children, for about 4 hours. By the way, this is shorter that the 16 hours they would have been away from their children while they were at work. If a woman or a man is the sole care giver for minor children they are usually served a Notice to Appear (Desk Appearance Ticket) and released on their own recognizance. If they lie and say they donÔø?t have children, they are detained pending a detention hearing. If ICE finds out that they lied and have children, they are immediately released. If it goes to a detention hearing, this happens in about a week, and the alien (with or without children) is almost always released on their own recognizance for the duration of the removal proceedings. I hope you are not shocked to see that aliens can be less than truthful. IÔø?m not aware of ICE separating expectant mothers from their children, donÔø?t you think it would be a little messy? and expensive for the surgery?
Your point: 2) Immigrants are often detained without access to counsel. The government does not provide public defenders to immigrants. If they do not have family who can obtain an attorney for them, then they may never be able to obtain one over a period of YEARS.
The truth: Illegal Aliens that are being detained are allowed to make phone calls as soon as possible. After that, they are usually detained in jails run by County SheriffÔø?s where there are pay phones in every cell block and can have family, friends, and legal counsel visit them on a regular basis. When the alien is served a Notice to Appear they are mandated to receive a list of free legal service providers. These providers are usually very liberal open border types working for a nonprofit. However, the attorneys from these organizations with whom I have had contact are very competent in immigration matters. They usually have more experience with immigration than attorneys that the aliens pay for. The government does not provide public defenders because deportation is a civil proceeding, not criminal. No aliens are detained by ICE for years. If for some reason they cannot be removed, they are released to the street under an Order of Supervision. If under this supervision they repeatedly victimize the public, they can be detained and released over and over again. By the way, they are free to return to there native land at any time.
Revolting, since you are acting as an advocate for these poor victims, who are felons by their mere presence in the US, how much do you charge them per hour for your services? How much do you charge for filling out a simple I-485 or I-130. Are you living in an expensive condo and driving a luxury automobile at the expense of these poor souls? Why donÔø?t you take a hard look at yourself? My experience is that other than the attorneys working for the nonprofits, Immigration Attorneys as a group are bottom feeders. There are exceptions. Revolting, how many times have you accepted money from aliens and their families to represent them in proceeding that you know you canÔø?t win? For example, an individual with multiple aggravated felony convictions who is in removal proceedings. You know that legally they are ineligible for any kind of relief, yet you keep telling them there is hope. LetÔø?s get another continuance. Oh yeah, by the way that will be another $500. How do you sleep at night?

IwithaCandE on July 18, 2008 at 9:49 pm

ICE terrorizes its own employees not illegal aliens. ICE employees are “DAAPed” daily for offenses that don’t even exist in the ICE Table of Discipline. An alien who is illegally present in the United States has a better chance of being struck by lightning, than being detained by ICE. A blind man can find an illegal alien in any state in this country (except West Virgina) is less than 30 minutes. It takes ICE a over year just to write an Operations Plan to take action at single business. ICE spent $10 MILLION dollars to arrest less than 400 meat packers in Iowa. ICE needs to go, but not for reason Obama stated. ICE is all show and no go.

ParaLyzer on July 20, 2008 at 1:26 am

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