February 14, 2007, - 12:46 pm

New Phrase. . .

. . . “Intergalactic Garment.” That’s the latest euphemism for astronaut diapers (another euphemism: “astro-wear”), in the wake of the Astronut/Lust in Space Lisa Nowack story from last week, as reported in the February 19 print edition of Newsweek.
(It reminds me of the disgusting “” euphemism used in the equally disgusting “.”)
Newsweek also reports that NASA calls them DACTs–Disposable Absorption Containment Trunks–and has a very interesting story about them. They are superabsorbant, absorbing 1,000 times their weight in water, and can last 8-10 hours. Sodium polyacrylate powder is woven into the fabric which soaks up the fluid and pulls it away from the skin.
They need to develop these for babies.

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3 Responses

“…NASA calls them DACTs–Disposable Absorption Containment Trunks…”
It probably cost the taxpayers $1.5 billion for NASA to come up with another fancy term for diapers.

Thee_Bruno on February 14, 2007 at 1:05 pm

Seems to me the cut and runners need these.

Mark on February 14, 2007 at 7:46 pm

Thanks for the cool post, Debbie. I like reading about technology for stuff like this that most people don’t think about.

Dan on February 14, 2007 at 11:30 pm

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