July 7, 2008, - 10:16 am
Is It Just Me, Or . . . ?: Photos From the Holiday Weekend
By Debbie Schlussel
A couple of photos from the Independence Day holiday weekend in my local papers struck me. The first is this AP photo of a naturalization ceremony on July 4th in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Is it just me, or do all of these people–including Mohammed, in the front in the suit and Ahmed in the striped shirt, lower left–look miserable? Is it just me or does not a single one of them look happy to become a citizen of the United States, one of the most precious things available on earth? Yes, I know it’s hot in Virginia, but so what? If it were me becoming a U.S. citizen, I’d be grinning from ear to ear for the entire oath. (Even Hamida there, in the back, in her green hijab get-up, isn’t smiling, that’s her mouth saying the oath.) These people look like they think it’s no big whoop, like they’re entitled. Naturally.
Sure, Joey Chestnut, who just won yet another Nathan’s Mustard Belt, isn’t smiling either in this 4th of July photo, but he just scarfed down a gazillion hot dogs. What’s their (the miserable new citizens’) excuse?
Then, there’s this photo of Obama supporter Arthur McCant taken at Detroit’s CityFest. Is it just me, or is there something ironic about a guy wearing a “Yes, We Can” T-shirt, whose name is McCant? Well, I guess none of us can choose his/her last name, says Schlussel.
No, We McCant.
They all look miserable, and most of them look Muslim. And they are all going to be voting for their Muslim savior, Barack Hussein Obama this November.
There should be a rule: If Muslim countries do not allow Christians and Jews to freely practice and convert, then NO Muslims should be allowed into our country. This priest totally gets it: http://www.christendom.edu/news/archives/archives06/nnorom.shtml Muslims “pretend to be American citizens.” And that is why they look so miserable in the picture.
By the way, are there any Arab Christians immigrating to the U.S.? I would have no problem with that and would encourage them to escape their persecutors. But it doesn’t seem there are.
Gabe on July 7, 2008 at 12:57 pm