July 3, 2008, - 2:20 pm

How McCain & Obama Define Patriotism Tells Us Everything

By Debbie Schlussel
As we get ready to celebrate America’s Independence Day, tomorrow, Parade Magazine asked both John McCain and Barack Obama how they define “patriotism.”
Their answers are telling. Although both wrote essays in response, I think the headlines tell you everything:
* John McCain defines patriotism as “Putting the Country First.”
* Barack Obama claims “patriotism” means “Faith In One Another as Americans.”


HUH?! Sorry, Barack, but while that makes a great Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream slogan, a lofty feeling at the ashram, or even a description of a sex orgy, that’s not what patriotism means. It means exactly what John McCain says it does–putting America first, sacrificing for it.
But, now we know that if Obama is elected, he will think the nebulous, hippie feeling of “faith in one another” is America’s priority, when it should actually be what John McCain thinks it is–putting our country first.

23 Responses

So Barack Hussein Obama now wants to redefine American Patriotism? How about just sticking to the facts, of “Treason, Being the New Democrats Patriotism.” Or “Democrats = Surrender Monkeys.”
Get it straight BHO, no matter how much lipstick you try to put on that treasonous Democrat Pig, it’s still a PIG!

Jackson Pearson on July 3, 2008 at 3:49 pm

Notice Barack Hussein Obama does not mention ONCE our Founding Fathers and the great country that they created, based on freedom and liberty and faith in God.
To him “patriotism” is tearing down their ideals, using freedoms AGAINST their ideals.
Again, there is NO way that a Muslim or a Marxist can be a patriotic American. . .and Barack Hussein Obama is culturally both: He is certainly not culturally American, as his BS answer to “What is patriotism?” shows.
“Faith in one another as Americans?” Huh?! That’s as Marxist a platitude as any others Barack Hussein has uttered. No, we Americans have faith in God, and believe that our liberties come from God. We don’t have “faith” in each other.
Barack Hussein Obama is scary.

Gabe on July 3, 2008 at 4:03 pm

I had an overwhelming urge to “point and laugh” today, so I went over to Moonbats Matter for Anerica to see what was what. The sheer amount of dualistic thinking, the wearing of horse blinders and abject hypocrisy rampant there is amazing as a rule, but since monday they have exceeded their own quotient of fertlizer production regarding the comments Gen Clark leveled on Sunday regarding McCain’s service record. When one semi-rational soul there pointed out that Gen. Clark was a major (no pun intended) screw up in the Balkans, misapplied air power (the subject at hand in “riding in an airplane (sic)” in the context of his qualifications for having run for the presidencey in 2004, the replies were more than worth the price of admission in the laff-dept.
It’s become more and more obvious that the extreme left (soon to probably include nearly all the Democratic party) especially in terms of the portrayal of Patriotism. Patriotism is a mark of CHARACTER (sorry for the caps- I’d have bolded that for emphasis usually) and I’m sorry. John McCain, no matter what you may think of him otherwise, is bulletproof in that realm.
All I can say that, as a people, we seem to be diminishing and diluting the expression that it’s better to die on one’s feet, than live on one’s knees for what’s right in defense of our country…

Mistress_Dee on July 3, 2008 at 4:11 pm

C’mon guys, cut Obama some slack. If I were to ask you guys to come up with an essay on patriotism, would you all come up with the same title, “Putting the Country First”? Btw, here’s the first line from “Faith In One Another as Americans”:
“As with most Americans, patriotism starts for me as a gut instinct, a loyalty and love for my country that’s rooted in my earliest memories.”
Pretty Marxist and pretty scary stuff, eh?
Obama ’08

Norman Blitzer on July 3, 2008 at 4:13 pm

The liberals try to redefine patriotism to fit whatever PC plan of the moment they are following. Hillary always said she was patriotic, that she had a vision of what she wanted America to be & she was patriotic to that vision. A liberal can always be anti-patriotic in substance, but be patriotic in form, because they will say they are patriotic to their vision of a better America, whatever liberal/socialist/commie vision that might be. I guess a Muslim fanatic could also say they are patriotic because they have visions of America under Sharia, i.e. something that to them is a better place, and they, too, are patriotic to their vision of the future.

c f on July 3, 2008 at 4:16 pm

Gabe: “Notice Barack Hussein Obama does not mention ONCE our Founding Fathers and the great country that they created, based on freedom and liberty and faith in God. To him “patriotism” is tearing down their ideals, using freedoms AGAINST their ideals.”
I must’ve missed that sentence in Obama’s essay, Gabe. What gives you that idea?
More great Gabe: “He is certainly not culturally American, as his BS answer to “What is patriotism?” shows.”
Obama was born in Hawaii, to an American mother. That makes him an American, Gabe, no matter what nonsense you want to believe.
Gabe again: “We don’t have “faith” in each other.”
You’re an American, just like me. I have faith in you, Gabe.
You actually read that essay and came to the conclusion that Obama is scary? Why do you hate America so much?

Audacious on July 3, 2008 at 4:26 pm

c f,
Great a brain and get a life. Your hatred is not going to inspire others to be patrotic Americans.

Norman Blitzer on July 3, 2008 at 4:28 pm


Norman Blitzer on July 3, 2008 at 4:29 pm

Maybe compared to Mobarak Hussein Obama, John McCain is a Patric Henry or Abe Lincoln, but an American patriot would not hold “closed door” meetings with La Raza or hire Juan Hernandez to pander to hispanic votes.
Needless to say, Juan McCain, in all his service to the nation and patriotism, is NOT getting my vote. Neither is “God D**n America” Obama. Both can take their “patriotic” treason to hell.
Happy 4th July!

Alert on July 3, 2008 at 4:43 pm

Hey NB:
How is supporting somone who for 20 years made Reverend “G-d Damn America” a deep and personal part of his life for twenty years “going to inspire others to be patrotic Americans.”

I_am_me on July 3, 2008 at 4:50 pm

Last I heard, Socialism, economic levelling, and appeasing tyrants weren’part of the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution. It looks liike all the Hussein supporters are going off the deep end, hruling invective, insults, instead of debate. I would suspect, Audacious, that the members of terrorist cells have faith in one another. What comes next, self-esteem? The fact that these kind of loonies are all attracted to Hussein tells us something.

c f on July 3, 2008 at 5:10 pm

Audacious and Norman Blitzer don’t get it.
Faith is defined as “confidence and trust in a person or thing.” The religious Catholic definition is a theological virtue that comes directly from God and owed to Him.
As Americans we place faith in the ideals and freedoms of America, as given by God. They are worth dying for.
Barack Hussein Obama, being a Marxist, has a classic Marxist definition for patriotism that could easily have come from Fidel Castro, Pol Pot, or Hugo Chavez’s mouths: “Faith in each other.”
No where does Hussein mention God or the ideals of the Founding Fathers worth standing up for, which is TRUE patriotism.
To him, the “people” (proletariat) giving each other allegiance (faith) and not to God or ideals of freedom and liberty is true “patriotism.”
Barack Hussein Obama again shows his true colors. Of course, he is not a true American: He was raised by a mother that stated that Americans were “not her people” and his ideals were instilled in him in his Muslim classes in Indonesia.

Gabe on July 3, 2008 at 5:32 pm

You wrote “Obama was born in Hawaii, to an American mother. That makes him an American, Gabe, no matter what nonsense you want to believe.”
Are you aware that right now there are some serious doubts about that? There is very good reason to believe (but this is nowhere near definite proof _yet_) that the birth certificate produced by the Obama campaign is a forgery and that he was not born in the US. Given the law regarding how one is considered a naturalized citizen that existed when Obama was born this would mean he is not a citizen and cannot be President.

I_am_me on July 3, 2008 at 6:35 pm

Sorry Obama, you don’t define patriotism. Our veterans did and do.

poetcomic1 on July 3, 2008 at 11:57 pm

McCain joins military service, spends 5 years being tortured as a P.O.W.
B.O. spends his life going to school, bad mouthing his country, going to a black separatist church, making the aquaintance of terrorists and islamic extremists as well as dirty money people. Oh yeah and he won’t respect to flag or the national anthem.
Tough choice on whose version of patriotism is more genuine.

samurai on July 4, 2008 at 12:00 am

Properly, we should have Faith in Our Creator. We have Trust in each other.

Linda F on July 4, 2008 at 8:18 am

“There is very good reason to believe (but this is nowhere near definite proof _yet_) that the birth certificate produced by the Obama campaign is a forgery.”
No there is no reason to believe that unless you are a desperate far-right moonbat.
Such as yourself.
And the reason that there is “nowhere near definite proof yet” is because it doesn’t exist.

No Pasaran! on July 5, 2008 at 9:34 am

If you are so certain that bHo’s birth certificate (The only one provided by the campaign) is legit, how do you answer all the doubts about it (Like the absence of an official seal)? Why doesn’t his campaign simply give permission to the State of Hawaii to make an official birth certificate public?

I_am_me on July 6, 2008 at 1:25 am

It’s been proven NOW that the “Certificate of Live Birth” on Obama’s Fight-The-Smears site is a forgery! The forger even admitted as much. Obama has YET to address this issue and release his REAL birth certificate. See the story here:

nodog on July 6, 2008 at 8:22 pm

“It’s been proven NOW that the “Certificate of Live Birth” on Obama’s Fight-The-Smears site is a forgery!”
No it has not.
” The forger even admitted as much.”
No, he did not.
Nobody is saying this is the orignal borth certificate, it’s a scan of a certified copy.
You argumnet also ignores the fact that Obama was registered for the Hawaiian school system at that time. Why would they do that if he didn’t live there?

No Pasaran! on July 7, 2008 at 2:15 am

The bHo campaign can end this whole debate by doing one of the following 2 things (or something similar of equal value):
1) Give permission to the state of Hawaii to publicly release a copy of his birth certificate.
2) They can give (either from one bHo has now or one they obtain from the state of Hawaii) a certified copy of his birth certificate (or the original) to a press organization.
The above having been said, I have seen on other blogs the suggestion that bHo can instantly prove he was born in Hawaii but chooses not to. He would be doing this not only because this takes publicity away from other issues that reflect negatively upon him, but also because if he plans it right he can get a significant “bounce” in the polls once he does disprove this.

I_am_me on July 7, 2008 at 1:43 pm

The idea of putting the nation before the individual is the basic premise of fascism. That was not what the founding fathers intended. Barack Obama’s definition of patriotism is probably one of the bests things he has ever said. Perhaps one of the only good things he has ever said. The misfortune is that those are not his actual beliefs. Mutual respect for the lives and ability of our fellow country men is more than just patriotic it is to be proud of the human race and the many amazing individuals it contains. I will never “sacrifice” myself to the nation…that is fascism. I will never sacrifice myself to society…that is communism. “Ayn Rand I swear, by my life and my love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.” ~Ayn Rand. Greatest words ever spoken. Live by it and become the best you can be!

Matt on April 17, 2011 at 5:50 pm

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