July 3, 2008, - 12:39 pm

Mystery: Suspended Muslim FOX Reporter/Anchor’s & Boyfriend’s Strange Campaign Contributions

By Debbie Schlussel
**** UPDATE #5, 07/15/08: FOX News/NewsCorp’s Fanchon Stinger used Morning News Show as 20-minute Farrakhan Infomercial; did Pandering interview with Farrakhan at behest of Nation of Islam boyfriend, a key Farrakhan associate ****
**** UPDATE #4, 07/11/08: FOX 2 News Dumps Fanchon Stinger, But Refuses to Clean House or Change Cancerous Newsroom Policies ****
**** UPDATE #3, 07/10/08: FOX News/NewsCorp Does CYA-story on Muslim Anchor Fanchon Stinger; Covers Up Important Info ****
**** UPDATE #2, 07/08/08: Fanchon Stinger Removed from FOX’s “Problem Solver” Investigative Reporting Unit ****
**** UPDATE, 07/07/08: Fanchon Stinger’s Boyfriend Rayford Jackson is Top Nation of Islam Lieutenant, FOX 2 Slanted Farrakhan Coverage; Fanchon Stinger Gushed Over Monica Conyers on Air, While Boyfriend May Have Been Bribing Her ****
Yesterday, I told you about Fanchon Stinger, the suspended FOX Muslim reporter and anchor who works for its Detroit FOX/NewsCorp owned-and-operated station. I told you about her Muslim boyfriend, Rayford Jackson a/k/a Rayford Jackson Muhammad, who is at the center of an FBI investigation into bribery of the Detroit City Council. I also told you how Stinger’s new religion and her relationship tainted her coverage of stories involving Islam and the Islamic community.
As I noted, FOX 2 station officials, General Manager Jeff Murri and News Director Dana Hahn, knew about Stinger’s and the married Jackson’s relationship for several years, but did nothing about it, even though their own news operation–for which girlfriend Stinger works–did exposes of and reports about Jackson.
Now, I have discovered that Stinger and Jackson apparently coordinated campaign contributions of several thousand dollars to the Bush-Cheney 2004 re-election effort.

Fanchon Stinger: Her, Boyfriend Rayford Jackson’s Campaign Contributions Raise Serious Questions

In January 2004, Rayford Jackson–who gave few campaign contributions in his lifetime–gave $2,000 to Bush-Cheney ’04. Within days, Stinger also gave Bush-Cheney ’04 $2,000. It appears they coordinated their campaign contributions to the Bush campaign.
Sources say Jackson only gives money to those from whom he expects something in return. In his brief history of campaign contributions, he’s given only $250 to his close friend, indicted Detroit Mayor Kwame “The Kingpin” Kilpatrick. His Bush donation is, by far, his largest, on record. Stinger’s $2,000 donation is her only donation on record. Just what did Rayford Jackson get for the thousands he (and Stinger) gave the Bush campaign and the money he contributed to Congressman Joe Knollenberg a/k/a “Hezbollah Joe,” just days later? If I were Knollenberg’s opponent, Gary Peters (one of the few Democrats whom I am endorsing), I’d demand that Knollenberg return the money.
Questions are being raised about whether Stinger’s contribution to the Bush Cheney campaign was her way of laundering money to the Bush campaign for Rayford Jackson, above and beyond federal donation limits. The close timing of their two donations–just days apart, at a time when sources say they were already “dating” (euphemism)–certainly lends that appearance.
For most mainstream media outlets, campaign contributions are strictly prohibited, as they reveal biases by reporters and anchors. FOX 2 and NewsCorp officials did not return calls requesting comment on their policy regarding campaign contributions.
Fanchon Stinger regularly discussed the 2004 Presidential Race as host of the station’s morning show, but she never once disclosed that she was a major donor–and perhaps, money launderer for a third party–to the Bush campaign.
**** UPDATE: In December 2005, Rayford Jackson also donated $1,000 to Democrat Harold Ford, Jr. of Tennessee. But, on the same day, Harold Ford returned the contribution. Maybe he already knew of Rayford Jackson’s shenanigans.

One Response

For more information on the cesspool in Detroit:

Instant Rebates on July 6, 2008 at 11:59 am

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