June 30, 2008, - 11:08 am

Dumbest Idea Ever: Obamaniacs Adopt “Hussein” Middle Name

By Debbie Schlussel
Hmmm . . . more evidence for future anthropologists that America is getting dumber by the minute and that if Obama is elected, morons populate America in far too large numbers.
The New Obama slogan: “We Are All Hussein.” Why not go a step further and do, “We Are All Bin Ladens”? Or, “We Are All Mohammed”? This reminds me of the stupid AIDS campaign, starring Gwyneth Paltrow, Sarah Jess-Equine Parker, and other celebs, wearing face paints and saying, “I Am African“:

Emily Nordling has never met a Muslim, at least not to her knowledge. But this spring, Ms. Nordling, a 19-year-old student from Fort Thomas, Ky., gave herself a new middle name on Facebook.com, mimicking her boyfriend and shocking her father.
“Emily Hussein Nordling,” her entry now reads.

They’re All “Hussein” . . .


“We Are All ‘Hussein'”: They Are All Idiots.

They’re “African” . . .

And You And I Are American . . .


(Artwork by David Lunde)

With her decision, she joined a growing band of supporters of Senator Barack Obama, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, who are expressing solidarity with him by informally adopting his middle name.
The result is a group of unlikely-sounding Husseins: Jewish and Catholic, Hispanic and Asian and Italian-American, from Jaime Hussein Alvarez of Washington, D.C., to Kelly Hussein Crowley of Norman, Okla., to Sarah Beth Hussein Frumkin of Chicago.
Jeff Strabone of Brooklyn now signs credit card receipts with his newly assumed middle name [DS: Which could be criminal fraud, unless he legally changes his name], while Dan O’Maley of Washington, D.C., jiggered his e-mail account so his name would appear as “D. Hussein O’Maley.” Alex Enderle made the switch online along with several other Obama volunteers from Columbus, Ohio, and now friends greet him that way in person, too. . . .
“I am sick of Republicans pronouncing Barack Obama’s name like it was some sort of cuss word,” Mr. Strabone wrote in a manifesto titled “We Are All Hussein” that he posted on his own blog and on dailykos.com. . . .
“My name is such a vanilla, white-girl American name,” said Ashley Holmes of Indianapolis, who changed her name online “to show how little meaning ‘Hussein’ really has.”


Some said they were inspired by movies, including “Spartacus,” the 1960 epic about a Roman slave whose peers protect him by calling out “I am Spartacus!” to Roman soldiers, and “In and Out,” a 1997 comedy about a gay high school teacher whose students protest his firing by proclaiming that they are all gay as well.

Oh, and Barack Obama is embracing this stupidity.

“The theory was, we’re all Hussein,” Mr. Obama said. . . .
Mark Elrod, a political science professor at Harding University in Searcy, Ark., is organizing students and friends to declare their Husseinhood on Facebook on Aug. 4, Mr. Obama’s birthday.
Ms. Nordling changed her name after volunteering for Mr. Obama before the Kentucky primary.

Do they not know that Hussein was a martyr in Islam, at the very beginning of the bloody Shia versus Sunni Islam feud? Of course, not. They’re idiots. Completely clueless. But, hey, they’re going to get Barack “We Are All Hussein” Obama elected.
I can feel America’s IQ dropping rapidly.
They need to change their slogan, though. It’s not, “We Are All Hussein.” More like, “We Are All Insane.”

38 Responses

“The New Obama slogan: “We Are All Hussein.” Why not go a step further and do, “We Are All Bin Ladens”?”
Wow. Just wow. These are tough times for bigots.

Audacious on June 30, 2008 at 11:31 am

The stupids. Why don’t they just admit to accepting Dhimmitude. Then, to make sense, instead of a pic of the messiah and worthless slogans, post an extra large jar of Vaseline!!!

Jackson Pearson on June 30, 2008 at 12:42 pm

Wow, like wow. If “Hussein” has so little meaning, Audacious, then “Bin Laden” is just as like meaningless… it’s just another Arabic family name.
If “we are all hussein,” then we are all who’s inane. Another meaningless gesture.

Kalifornia Kafir on June 30, 2008 at 12:48 pm

Hussein was and still is a very common name, and doesn’t always mean that they are named after this particular martyr. If you name your child David, are you naming him after the Biblical king? Or is it more likely you’re naming him after your father or because you simply like the name? Let’s not forget that David himself mercilessly slew hundreds of Philistines (1 Samuel).
But furthermore, you aren’t getting the point, and it doesn’t seem that you are *capable* of understanding the point. The point is that a simple name is enough to strike fear into the hearts of Americans, when in reality, it is harmless. Many voters (whom we saw during primary season on TV) believe that, because he shares a name with a dead Iraqi dictator, he is a Manchurian candidate, a secret terrorist ready to topple the country once he gets elected. Some don’t even think that much: recall the one lady saying “I’m tired of Hussein.” It’s about as stupid as disliking a candidate because they have 13 letters in their name.
Furthermore, you can’t even show that Saddam Hussein is the only prominent member of the Middle East with that name — the leader of Jordan, a United States ally, is named Hussein. The name Hussein is fiercely common in the Middle East, and if we are truly out to bring peace and democracy to the Middle East, we can’t let a stupid name like “Hussein” stop us.
Therefore, the only reason you would object to kids supporting Obama by this display of solidarity is blind bigotry, pure and simple.

illuminatedwax on June 30, 2008 at 12:57 pm

*With her decision, she joined a growing band of supporters of Senator Barack Obama, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, who are expressing solidarity with him by informally adopting his middle name.*
God help our country, with people this trashy and stupid. There is a good test for whether you are a hick: If you supporting Obama by adopting his middle name, you definitely are a bumpkin and a hick : 1) You know NOTHING about Islam and the world (showing your ignorance and lack of education) 2) You evidently have no international experience (showing your lack of travel) 3) You evidently learned nothing in American history 4) You knowing nothing about economics 5) You evidently have no class or morals.
Just what I and others have long known: Those with no morals or understanding of their own culture and religion will be the first to convert to Islam.
Barack Hussein is culturally Muslim and has ingrained the Muslim values of his parents. Now these dorks who are adopting his middle name are showing their solidarity with his Muslim values.
If Barack Hussein Obama is supporting this move and thinks this is going to help him in the election, he evidently isn’t too bright.

Gabe on June 30, 2008 at 1:15 pm

Hussein is not just a name, it represents a symbol of martyrdom in Islam specially for the Shi’a sect. It is to kill every infidel in the name of Islam and Hussein.
Why they have Ashoura every year where you see the Shi’a hitting themselves until blood comes out and all in the name of Hussein?
Wake up America and stop your end, stop believing people like Osama Siblani when he said:
“Candidates should understand that visiting a mosque is not something to be ashamed of, to have a muhajaba behind you at a rally is not a liability to your campaign, and having a middle name like ‘Hussein’ is something to be proud of.”
Nooooo, not when it is coming out of the mouth of a Muslim Shi’a person who is a Hezbullah agent.

Daniel on June 30, 2008 at 1:26 pm

Obama’s support of this shows just a bit more of his childishness and naivete.

Candy Slice on June 30, 2008 at 1:36 pm

Gabe: “Barack Hussein is culturally Muslim and has ingrained the Muslim values of his parents. Now these dorks who are adopting his middle name are showing their solidarity with his Muslim values.”
This is nonsense. He’s “culturally Muslim” now? That’s a new one. His parents had Muslim values? You don’t have a clue about what you’re talking about.
Favorite line of Debbie’s on this one: “Do they not know that Hussein was a martyr in Islam, at the very beginning of the bloody Shia versus Sunni Islam feud?”
Do you not realize that Hussein will be the middle name of the 44th President of the United States?

Audacious on June 30, 2008 at 2:03 pm

Very well done Debbie! Not very often you hear people say I am American. American soldiers did not die so that Americans can proclaim “We are all Hussein.”

EnigmaticEntropy7 on June 30, 2008 at 2:21 pm

You look great in your “American” outfit !!!
What’s missing is an American Colt .45 in your hand (SAA or 1911…either one…take your pick) !!!

Shootist on June 30, 2008 at 2:35 pm

Next stop OBAMA TOWN… one mile south of JONES TOWN.
By the way, the writer of SPARTACUS…
DALTON TRUMBO — Hollywood’s pet commie and anti-American.

Jack Bauer on June 30, 2008 at 2:37 pm

Audacious, illuminatedwax, you just don’t get it. It’s so far beyond the name. A word. Obama is such an empty suit, with no substance or understanding of the operation of this country and its place in the world operation, his presidency, if by some cruel act of fate it should occur, will be in keeping with the incompetency of his predecessors, Carter and Clinton. Indeed, God help us, if that should occur. You have no clue of the consequences. None whatsoever. You, as part of the 50% of the country that is of the liberal left, would elect someone so incompetent, would hasten the dismantling of this great country. Again, you have no clue. You, who so dis the current president, with whom we conservatives have many bones of contention, would elect someone so incompetent, with no record of significant accomplishments of leadership, who will bring about more of the conditions you so quickly blame the current administration for, totally disregarding the role of the DEMOCRAT Congress. Barf, indeed. Those in the “left 50%” need to take a good long drink of “wake the hell up”. You have no clue what you are asking for. John McCain, with all the bones we pick with him, is so far ahead of Barak Obama in integrity, honor and character.

Floyd R. Turbo on June 30, 2008 at 2:59 pm

Audacious states:
*This is nonsense. He’s “culturally Muslim” now? That’s a new one. His parents had Muslim values? You don’t have a clue about what you’re talking about.*
Hello?! How naive can you get? Almost everyone gets his values from his parents. They are the single biggest influence on one’s values. Barack Hussein’s mother? She hated America and stated that Americans are not “her people.” She married two Muslims. Barack grew up in Muslim Indonesia and attended school there registered as a Muslim. All his relatives are Muslim. He married a Marxist who has never been proud of America in her life. He chose a “Christian” Marxist church that has no Christian values about it whatsoever and that many Muslims attend: http://web.israelinsider.com/Articles/Politics/12745.htm
Hussein Obama is culturally Muslim. There is no getting around it. His political values are Marxist and his cultural values are Muslim. And just like all Muslims: You can’t trust anything he utters from his mouth.

Gabe on June 30, 2008 at 3:19 pm

Obama grew up in an atheistic household, both in Indonesia and later, in Hawaii. Simple fact.

Audacious on June 30, 2008 at 3:49 pm

It is indeed fascinating that seven years after 9/11, BHO is such a cult figure that people are adopting his middle name.
It is almost as if the Republican candidate of 1944 was named something like Wilhelm Amilcare Willkie; he’d spent a few years in the government schools of Rome around 1925; and people were naming themselves after him. While he was promising to pull all US troops out of Europe within 16 months.

DocLiberty on June 30, 2008 at 3:55 pm

Oh, and Gabe gets one point wrong: the kind of person who is doing this is not “a bumpkin and a hick.” Look at the addresses cited: Brooklyn, DC, Chicago, Indianapolis, Columbus. All major Northern or Midwestern cities.
There are only two apparent exceptions. The first, Fort Thomas, KY, is a satellite city of Cincinnati. The second, Norman, OK, is the site of the University of Oklahoma.
These aren’t “hicks,” these are naive, government-school-indoctrinated, city/suburban kids who think BHO is “cool.” Unfortunately, they can vote.

DocLiberty on June 30, 2008 at 4:07 pm

Yes, We Can’t!

TheOmegaMan on June 30, 2008 at 4:08 pm

I am going to start an “I am Horse Face” campaign after seeing Sarah Big Brown Parker’s poster.

Jeff_W on June 30, 2008 at 4:09 pm

Another thought..didn’t Obama say words mean things?
As an anthropologist aren’t you suppose to study indigenous peoples… not marry each one you meet? Did anyone ever ask Obama why his mama did so?

TheOmegaMan on June 30, 2008 at 4:12 pm

Wow! This one really stirred Audacious up; I was wondering where he’s been the last few days. I guess Audacious and Illuminatedwax are competing with the new Husseins’ to see who has the lowest IQ. Pretty close contest! Anyone with an IQ even in the high double digits should be able to see that switching your name to Hussein in the middle of a campaign where that name is an issue * Muslim terrorism is an issue shows several problems; a lack of understanding of what core loyalty to this country means, a sense of self-identity, childish rebellion — if this were the 60s these nitwits would probably be burning buildings & disrupting classrooms. This is the outgrowth of three generations of PC both in politics and educational concepts. Nitwits who can’t think, but who react emotionally and reflexively on a PC basis.

c f on June 30, 2008 at 4:27 pm

This is why I’m getting a t shirt made saying that I don’t support “O-Bummer”. Yeah…made it up myself right on the spot.
You’ll see a picture of the shirt when I get it made. But yeah, you see why I hate people now?

Squirrel3D on June 30, 2008 at 4:29 pm

DocLiberty states:
*These aren’t “hicks,” these are naive, government-school-indoctrinated, city/suburban kids who think BHO is “cool.” Unfortunately, they can vote.*
Nah, they are hicks. They have 1) no morals or pride in their American heritage and 2) no education (“multiculturalism” with no learning of our heritage = uneducated). It doesn’t matter if they have a college degree or not, they are still hicks, even if they live in the North or Midwest. When you look at someone like the Sex and the City sluts, they are just slutty, immoral hicks, pretending to be sophisticated.
Actually, in the South, the conservatives are the true Americans and not hicks: classy because of their religious values and educated because of their pride and knowledge that America is a special place.
Audacious states:
*Obama grew up in an atheistic household, both in Indonesia and later, in Hawaii. Simple fact.*
Really? Where is your backup for that false statement? In fact, Obama grew up a devout Muslim.

Gabe on June 30, 2008 at 4:50 pm

Gabe, You’re going to believer whatever your bigoted heart wants to believe.
Did you know, according to Islamic scholars, reciting the Shahada, the Muslim declaration of faith, makes one a Muslim? Did you know that, Gabe? So whatever you do, don’t ever recite the Shahada! Or you’ll be a Muslim! Yikes, Gabe!

Audacious on June 30, 2008 at 5:19 pm

I call it “contrarianism”. I think it’s due to overpopulation, which stresses animals, including people. It’s contrarianism that motivates a Michael Newdow to not only get worked up over kids saying “under G_d” in a pledge, but to actually take it to the Supreme Court. It’s contrarianism that makes lefties call the US a fascist dictatorship and ignore the outrageous crimes of communists, socialists, and marxists. And it’s contrarianism that motivates young Westerners to reject anything to do with their own glorious culture, and embrace the empty platitudes and ramblings of someone like Maya Angelou or Barack Obama.
People today are emotionally disturbed, caused by the stress of overpopulation.

John Harper on June 30, 2008 at 6:35 pm

I think it’s perfect that opponents of freedom and justice in Iraq are naming themselves HUSSEIN.
They are traitors who admire Saddam Hussein because he modeled himself after Stalin and Hitler. For the b. Hussein Obama supporters, Saddam Hussein is the embodiment of those two dynamic socialisms, International and National Socialism.
It was a freudian slip by the supporters of the Islamo bolshevik, b. Hussein Obama, to name themselves Hussein. I always said that Saddam Hussein was a hero to the antiwar groups and now they’ve proven me correct.
“There’s no need to fear. Underzog is here!”

Underzog on June 30, 2008 at 7:21 pm

Gabe: Thank you for the link. Previously, I had regarded as utterly false the claim by many of Obama’s enemies that he remains a Muslim. The article makes me far less sure. Especially troubling is the assertion that Obama’s church has many Muslim congregants. While it sounds improbable to say the least, I now see that it’s entirely plausible. I urge everyone to read this article.

commonsense on June 30, 2008 at 7:27 pm

Now this is CHANGE!
I’m Hussein. I’m Hussein. I’m Hussein.
Like in ‘Spartacus’ only it’s ‘Ridiculous’.
This is 50% dumb 50% funny and 100% silly.
What a bunch of boobs these kids are. Blonde haired blue eyed, freckled faced buffoons. Maybe their dopey, proud parents can get’em some starter kits, new non-western getups. Send ’em to Saudi Arabia on a whitey-guilt-fueled-humanitarian-mission as a graduation gift. and, one day, just maybe one day; they’ll be the John Walker Lindhs of the tomorrow. They can get treated like garbage, then come home crying, “But my name’s not Hussein”! Taking on a life of crap for B.O.,

PCro on June 30, 2008 at 9:46 pm

I think it’s a great idea. I wish all stupid people, criminals and traitors would do things like this to identify themselves. Just like on the Foxworthy show: “Here’s your sign”!

Ron Taylor on June 30, 2008 at 10:04 pm

These damn kids with their “Hussein” hijinks. They’re traitors. They’ll be the first to convert to Islam. Turns out, it’s all due to contrarianism, caused by the stress of overpopulation.
I can’t wait to see Squirrel3D’s “O-Bummer” t-shirt. He made it up himself!
If Obama wasn’t “culturally Muslim,” maybe he’d get a little support around here!

Audacious on June 30, 2008 at 11:30 pm

Kind of reminds me of when I first saw a white kid with his baseball cap on side ways, wearing a XXXL t-shirt and giant pants. Willingly identifying yourself as a jerk off is helpful to the rest of society when we deal with these morons. Like the bad guys in a Batman movie, it takes the guess work out of judging idiots. Like a screen name of audacious the racist calling everyone else bigots. Comical.

samurai on July 1, 2008 at 12:10 am

Oh, and I love how the goof ball in the pink shirt tries to wear his best “I’m bad”, look.

samurai on July 1, 2008 at 12:12 am

If the Left really just wants kids for political reasons (and pedophilia, but that’s another subject), then they can just give my wife and I their kids, and we’ll raise them right! Never, ever use children for political purposes. It’s only effective with those who are afraid of the psychotic Left.
Now they’re reusing the same old trap used by cult leaders, cliques, and all Leftist organizations to coerce others to join them or face dire consequences. The parents of these kids are to be avoided at all costs. They’re the one’s behind this crap.
If the Left just wants children used for this purpose, then they can just sign the custody release and I’ll adopt them all. I don’t care what race or any other imaginary class appointments they have. If they’re human – I’ll take ’em!
This way the parents can be selfish, prideful, and murderous all they want without much long-term damage to society and civilization. THey’re kids would be loved, educated, skilled, and will have the moral and spiritual upbringing every child deserves!!!

bhparkman on July 1, 2008 at 12:39 am

That is an example of Hussein for you.
Read and connect the dots.

Daniel on July 1, 2008 at 12:54 am

Ok, now that I’ve had a chance to settle down… ok. This situation reminds me of the song “Der Fuehrer’s Face.”
“When der Fuehrer says, ‘We is da master race!’ Sieg Hail! (PBBhhhhhhhb!) Sieg Hail! (PBBhhhhhhhb!) – right in der Fuehrer’s face!”
Really funny anti-Nazi song! The full version is here:
Instead of “We Hail!”, it’s now “We’re Hussain!”

bhparkman on July 1, 2008 at 1:00 am

Ok, now that I’ve had a chance to settle down… ok. This situation reminds me of the song “Der Fuehrer’s Face.”
Really funny anti-Nazi song! The full version is here:
Instead of “We Hail!”, it’s now “We’re Hussain!”

bhparkman on July 1, 2008 at 1:01 am

Trotsky’s “mindless automatons.”
Philistines? Palestinian anscestors?
Tweedle Dees and Tweedle Dumbs.

Nuggler on July 1, 2008 at 9:30 am


OldSchoolW on July 1, 2008 at 10:48 am

If the US was muslim and it was considered mainstream, and Christians were portrayed as a misunderstood minority, these fools would be falling all over themselves to be seen as Christians, so they could be sanctimonious about that.

John Harper on July 1, 2008 at 9:13 pm

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