February 14, 2007, - 9:42 am

Long-Distance Valentine From an American Soldier in Iraq

The photo shows U.S. Navy Corpsman Ray Shirkey near Fallujah, Iraq, making a giant Valentine to his wife, Diana. It was on the front page of today’s Detroit Free Press. He e-mailed the Free Press, asking if the paper would do this, saying:

Being so far from home makes it very difficult to be spontaneous and romantic. There is not a day that has gone by that I do not dream of the day we are reunited.

Shirkey is with the 1st Battalion of the 24th Marine Regiment.

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One Response

Now that’s style! But I’ll bet the postage for that is a killer…
Wanna bet some enviro-moonbat is whining about the deforestation required for this Valentine?

Infidel Castrol on February 14, 2007 at 11:14 am

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