June 20, 2008, - 8:37 pm
BrownShirt Sean Vannity Congratulates a Fellow Comrade, Praises Anti-WWII Book
By Debbie Schlussel
A few months ago, I told you about Sean the Plagiarist Hannity’s tight friendship with Neo-Nazi Hal Turner. The friendship was so tight that they spoke together from home, Turner had Vannity’s cell number, and he visited Sean at the FOX News “Hannity and Colmes” set with his son. Now, Sean Vannity is simultaneously denying ever knowing Turner and claiming he wasn’t his close friend. Both are lies.
But, last night, on “Vannity & Colmes,” Hannity welcomed yet another fellow brownshirt–anti-Semite Pat Buchanan, and congratulated Buchanan on the success of his new book, “Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War,” which essentially argues that we should have let more Jews cook and be transformed into lampshades, that we made a mistake fighting the Nazis in World War II. I guess he forgot that we won.
As reader Joel writes:
I tuned in and the opening segment was Sean Hannity fawning over the jowly neo-fascist anti-Semite Pat Buchanan. I immediately turned it off. He made congratulatory reference to Buchanan’s revisionist book being on the Times bestseller list. When Hannity refers to Buchanan as “my friend” – I want to retch.
That Vannity would let Buchanan on his show with such a warm welcome is bad enough. But to congratulate Buchanan on his book’s success–a book that urinates on all the heroic American soldiers who gave their lives in what was ultimately a valiant triumph over Nazi evil–is sickening.
It’s doubly sickening when you consider that Pat Buchanan got out of serving in Vietnam because of an allegedly bad knee . . . so bad that after that, he regularly ran on the treadmill at very high speeds. He’s really not one to comment on WWII or anything related to war, since he’s basically a draft dodger.
I like some of Pat Buchanan’s views on domestic policy, but they are stained with the anti-Israel, anti-Semitic dye in which he has chosen to cast the world. Sorta like a delicious lollipop unfortunately forever coated in dung.
Sorry, Pat, but there’s a reason you failed three times to become President. And it’s not just that the only people who’d vote for you were old Jews in West Palm Beach who couldn’t figure out a butterfly ballot. Winston Churchill will always be one of history’s great Western statesmen for fighting the Nazis. And you will be forgotten.
In full disclosure, when Pat Buchanan had an MSNBC cable show, “Buchanan and Press,” I was booked frequently until the show was ultimately canceled. His liberal co-host, Bill Press, is a gem of a man, even though we disagree on most things.
When I was first scheduled to go on “B&P,” I told my father that I was going to make a comment about Buchanan’s anti-Semitism. We were scheduled to discuss Martha Burk’s obnoxious insistence that Augusta National, a private club, admit female members. I was going to say that I believe private clubs should admit whomever they choose and that I have no prob, for example, when golf clubs admit anti-Semites like Pat Buchanan. But my dad told me not to, that it wouldn’t be classy, and I obliged.
Sadly, that didn’t stop Pat Buchanan from showing his Jew-hatred right off the bat. He introduced me as “Debbie Schlussel, a conservative . . . I mean, NEO-CON . . . NEO-Conservative.” In case you don’t know, that’s code for “She’s a JOOOOOOOOO.” I was pissed. But I could hear my Dad’s admonishments in the back of my mind and didn’t respond to that, to my continued regret.
I’d had my previous experiences with Pat Buchanan. In college, when I interned for Fred Barnes and Mort Kondracke, then both on “The McLaughlin Group,” Buchanan was also on (as he still is). He would constantly attack Israel whenever I was in the Green Room, trying to start up with me. When my late father and my then-little brother (he was nine years old at the time) came to the set on a tourist visit to Washington, Pat Buchanan asked them how their “money is doing in the Bank . . . the WEST Bank.” Haha, funny. Did you see that?–Pat Buchanan simultaneously did a double entendre and an anti-Semitic reference about Jews’ alleged obsession with money. Whatta talent. A regular fascist Don Rickles (just kidding, Don).
It was an interesting juxtaposition: My dad and brother making an innocent introduction to Buchanan and getting chided about Jews, Israel, and money, especially since Buchanan–in one of his many rants against American Jews and Israel–made the argument that “guys named Leroy Brown” fought and died in Vietnam and not Jews. Here was my Dad who, when he was drafted during the Vietnam War, not only served in the Army, but was very proud of it. And Pat Buchanan–well, you know, it’s that bad knee. Guys named Leroy Brown, but not Pat Buchanan.
This is Sean Hannity’s good friend. This is the man who thinks America should have let another 6 million Jews disintegrate up through the smokestacks and another 5 million gentiles, too–which is basically the heavily implied if unsaid thesis of Buchanan’s book. Even Neville Chamberlain wasn’t this outrageous. He tried to appease the Nazis. Buchanan writes a revisionist “The Way We Were” tome against our defeat of them.
And all of this got gushing global TV exposure on FOX News, last night, thanks to fellow Brownshirt Sean Hannity. Even Eva Braun is laughing in hell. Or drooling. And Hitler is now wishing the half-German Buchanan was born much earlier.
Vannity, You’re a “Great American.” [High on the sarcasm meter, folks.] Heil Hitler. And Herr Buchanan, too.
I’m no fan of anti-Israel scumbag Christopher Hitchens, but like the broken clock that he is, one of his two times right per day is this Newsweek article he wrote against Buchanan’s new book.
**** UPDATE, 06/22/08: Reader Joel has some great criticisms of the Buchanan book and demonstrates Buchanan’s absolute ignorance and naivete about history. And this is just based on a glance of the book, not a complete reading:
The man is totally ignorant of History. The Holocaust began on Kristallnacht (you can make a case that it began on April 1, 1933 with the German boycott of Jewish stores). By the time of the Wannsee conference in Jan. 1942, there were already around a million dead Jews thanks to the Einsatzgruppen and the ghettoization in Poland. Buchanan wrote that had Britain not gone to war that only the Jews of Poland and the USSR would have been killed and that the rest of the Jews of Western Europe would have been spared. That is an absurd statement.
He also claims that the Holocaust could be dated to Jan. 20, 1942 (the Wansee conference) neglecting the fact that the extermination of the Jews began with the invasion of Poland in September 1939 with the mobile killing squads and that by the time of the Wansee conference Jews had already been gassed by mobile killing vans at Chelmno in December 1941 and that the Einsatzgruppen had murdered hundreds of thousands of Jews in the USSR.
He sees the Holocaust as being a result of the declaration of war by Britain and France not as a Nazi goal in and of itself. The commitment the Nazis had to exterminate the Jews of Europe, no matter what the military cost, would be evident in the Spring of 1944 during the deportation of the Jews of Hungary to Auschitz-Birkenau – the Germans used rolling stock and transportation systems that were desperately needed to supply their armies on the Eastern Front – but genocide came first.
Buchanan is not a historian – he is dangerous because he has a little bit of knowledge and is talented (but wicked) polemicist. I suppose that he concedes that the Holocaust took place is a sign of some advancement for him because he once wrote of “Holocaust fantasies of group martyrdom” and that “the diesel fuel at Treblinka could not have killed anyone.” (His fellow paleocon [DS: and Jew-hater], Joseph Sobran has spoken at the revisionist Institute for Historical Review as well as former Congressman Pete McCloskey.)
Buchanan views–in his book and in his writings–Adolf Hitler essentially the same way that Obamaites such as Brzezinski, Scowcroft, James Baker, Condi Rice, Samantha Power, McPeak view Hamas and Hezbollah – as a hard headed realist. In his book he makes great play of the fact that Hitler did not demand the return of the territories Germany lost to the West in 1918 to France and Denmark.
In Buchanan’s world, Hitler is a rational Anglophile whom Churchill foolishly scorned.
“No Pasaran!: Don’t confuse American Jews with Israeli Jews. Many of the former have had their thinking twisted backwards by their liberal friends to the point of taking positions that are deadly to the survival of Israel.”
Sorry Arius, but why is this directed at me?
No Pasaran! on June 23, 2008 at 6:01 am